Make 'Recent fonts' section in Character palette work alongside with selecting current font in font list
Recently AI made focus in font list in Character palette jump to the top of the list, in 'Recent fonts' part, thus making impossible to browse fonts in alphabetical order — you have to scroll font list manually to position.
This is stupid.
In 22.1.0 this request has been realized:
Now user can set '0' in Preferences to completely eliminate 'Recent' section in font list — and this magically 'fixes' selection of current font in context.
This is stupid.
I personally want to use BOTH 'Recent fonts' AND current font focusing.
I don't care about it won't be selected in Recent: just show me chosen number of recent font options above the line (without selection), make it fixed (or make it go away right after I start scrolling) and select current font in the main list.
Just like CorelDraw does (see image attached).
Don' t do as Microsoft Word does (it does it wrong too).

The current workaround for completely eliminating 'Recent' section in font list is to set '0' in Preferences > Type: Number of Recent Fonts.
But since it’s stupid, please add votes to make it work properly.
Amy commented
Yotam Guttman's response from 2 Nov 2022 is spot on. THIS is the issue - not "recent fonts".
Yotam Guttman commented
when I look for a typeface for a project, I typically go down the font list and pick all the options that grab my attention by placing each on the artboard next to all the others. once Ive gone through all my fonts I do the final filtration.
this process has been made **** lately. every time I pick a font, the list collapses (despite me not being done with it) and the option I selected jumps ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP OF THE FONT LIST.
my only option for browsing through my font catalogue is scrolling back all the way down to the approximate point where the list collapsed and looking for the point I stopped, so I could continue on browsing.
it's the worst experience to look for a typeface for a design project. previously, the selected typeface didnt go all the way up to the recently selected fonts, so I could just duplicate the text box and continue on from there. now it's impossible. perhaps you should consider an internal font library or something... but first thing, disabling that feature that causes the selected option to make you lose your place on the list is definitely a priority issue.
Similar, but not to be merged, with this: -
Vanessa commented
Yes! I agree with Jan. I wish the font list picked up from the one listed, rather than at the top. And I wish we could toggle on and off the "most used" part. Some projects that would be awesome but on new ones it's so annoying. Also I would like to be able to turn off any font I want. There are so many default fonts (especially in like arabic or Chinese) that I will never use and are just clutter I have to scroll past every time.
Samy Bakar commented
Totally agree!!! I have more than 2000 fonts and when I have to select some fonts to try into a logo I lose a lot of time because all the time the scroll restart from the top "A"... years ago was perfect!
Jerod Fahlman commented
Illustrator used to save your place when you were scrolling through fonts, so that the last one used was where the list defaulted to. Now it bounces back to the top of the list every time which is insanely frustrating when trying to choose a typeface. Please add the option to go back to that.
Anonymous commented
Yes its very annoying and eats a lot of time
Ina Tschemernjak commented
Gibt es in Zukunft wieder die möglichkeit, dass Schriften im Zeichenbedienfeld an der Stelle stehen bleiben, an der man Sie ausgewählt hat?
Tim Smith commented
for example if I'm working with text in Times New Roman from my font favorites and I go back to the drop down font menu it starts back at the top of the alphabetically ordered font list. This is not helpful if you are in the process of selecting the right font and you're going down the list trying them out. So in my example I would like to go back to the font menu and still be at the Times New Roman font ready to scroll down to the next font I want to view
David Whitmyre commented
Latest versions of ID AI and PS (2019) are now installed and although they made changes to the font drop-down — being able to see a larger preview of the font and showing your actual selected text — The list still does not focus on the selected font when you have recent fonts showing, but instead goes to the top of the list. Just dumb behavior. If Corel has done it for 20 years, you think Adobe could do the same. It is a very useful feature. Adobe must think so, because they implemented it, just in a very non-productive manner.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Violet C commented
I have a few thousand fonts installed, a lot of designers probably do. I would like my last font remembered. By this I mean, after for example, I try what "AB" looks like, I then expect to see "AC" the next time I open that drop-down list. If "AB" doesn't look good, I want to see font "AD" in the drop-down next, so I can try that. Actually, I'm hoping to eventually see a "window" with fonts displaying what my text looks like. It's hard to choose the best font from a List-style view.
Anonymous commented
This worked fine until the 2018 upgrade recently
Jan Hasse commented
i would love it too!
Its annoying when you try to find a nice font and always have to start at A.
I wish i could start at the name of my selected font, when i open the font dropdown menu.Greetings
cathy commented
I always get annoyed that my font drop down menu always starts at the top in the most recent section.
can i get it to stay at the location where I last opened it/font I last selected?
David Whitmyre commented
Just installed the latest updates to ID, AI and PS. Yes, you can now set the recent fonts to 0 (zero). However, if you do set it to 1-15 it still performs the SAME WAY! It will pop to the top of the font list. You have solved only ONE PART of the problem—giving AI users the ability to turn off recent fonts. (FYI - works the same in all three applications)
Unless you move to the selected font in the list WITH the recent fonts at the top, recent fonts is essentially USELESS! Nobody is going to use it.
Please get it right! Make the list go to the currently selected font WITH the recent fonts showing. Only then will it function correctly. CorelDraw has done this for 20 years. If you can't figure it out, buy Corel Corp., and implement their code into yours!!
David Whitmyre commented
I completely agree with this FIX! I have used CorelDraw for many, many years and this is the default behavior for the drop-down font list. Make it work this way in AI and ID!!
Anonymous commented
I totally agree with this! Once you select a font, you're back at square one instead of being left on the current font chosen on a list of 2000+ fonts where you left off. This creates more time spent on a project when it's not necessary. Half of the time, when I hover over a font in the scroll-down menu, the menu then quickly disappears. It's very aggravating. PLEASE BRING BACK THE OLD CHARACTER MENU!
Amy commented
Agreed! PLEASE please fix! This adds hours of extra work, and truly will change the way people use fonts for design. In this industry we do not have time to make it all the way down to 'Z's' or honestly even 'M's' in our font if we have to scroll from the top every single time.