Export for Screen Quality of export
Not sure if it has been asked or discussed (spent way to much time searching for it and not finding it) but the "export for screens" exports terrible quality - mostly for jpg.
The quality is jagged and blurry when exporting a large graphic with text that has been outlined. Yet, when I use the legacy export for the same width and size I want, the quality is far superior whilst still having a small footprint in size.
Why is the legacy export, in any format, so much better than the "export for screens" that you have made default?
Often times I have to make the image the size I want taking a 2000 x 1000 artboard image and shrinking it to 500 x 250 and then use Export As to keep the image quality at max.
I am using 22.1 version of illustrator.

Please provide comparison screenshots for the designs you can see a clear difference between these two export methods.
There is a related bug report, and perhaps the quality discussed here is actually a bug: http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/601447/suggestions/38987995
Even if it’s somethings else, it’s not OK the request about image quality does not have a single image as an example. Please share!
Carlos Morales Quirós commented
heres more info:
One artwork, SAME jpg placed at different rotation angles. (placement method doesn't matter, you can link or embed, the result is the same), also color mode doesn't affect the results either, you can try this on RGB or CMYK.
see two attachments, one was made with export for screens, the other with the legacy save for web. Notice the horribly jagged edges in the rotates images.
please fix this.
Someone75 commented
The bad quality may be caused by CMYK color mode. You have to change it to RGB if that's the cause.
It's sucha misleading UI! Illustrator developers really do not follow ANY consitency in the program at all.
You have to create a new preference insted of adjusting the settings! Maybe that help's ...
Someone75 commented
Export quality might be o.k. (so it is mcuh worse then legacy export) but the generated file size is absolutely a horror... and there is no real option to change the setting!
Anonymous commented
Same issue! Embedded PSD images exports with terrible quality as JPG when using Export for screens.
Export As method works much better, however, I can't specify the image exact dimensions in pixels.
Please fix Export for screens option!
Anonymous commented
You need to select "Art Optimized" in the Asset Export/Format Settings. But I believe the export options interface should be enhanced and streamlined due to the fact that Illustrator is a superior tool to photoshop for creating web ready ads.
RMM commented
I had this happen to me. I had a ton of documents, and was happy to use Export For Screens to create mh final files (I usually just use Save For Web). I created the web files, sent them off, and only later happened to notice that the small text was all messed up - pixelated and weird letter spacing. My workaround was to outline all the text before outlining (I hadn't realized the issue was limited to the newer export feature), but this seems like the opposite of the original post, which seemed to say only outlined text had these issues. Only later did I find that the legacy export feature worked fine with these files, it was just the newer export feature that caused the issues.
Gregory Beckemeier commented
Yep. The quality of the "export for screens" makes this function useless to me. This is a real bummer as it would save me tons of time.
Gerald commented
The quality of the exported image from: Export for Screens, Export, and Legacy are so very different.
The best quality png is export! However, export does not crop the image to the artboard, it exports the size that all hidden items are located, but not exporting them, it is transparent. I am not sure why it does that. what was the point of this?
Why are there different qualities of export? Why do you limit the quality we can export, or why do you degrade the image when it is exported?
Gerald commented
I guess I missed the point of this Feature Request.
Can you make the quality of the "export for screens" the same, if not better, than the legacy export or Export As? Thank you - gerald