The Color panel pops up when you click on stroke/fill selector
The Color panel pops up every time you click on the stroke or fill selectors. There is no way to disable this panel from popping up, even if you close it, it will open and come to the forefront. Many of us don't need or use the color panel; we use the swatches or other panel. Why is this panel being forced on those of us who don't use/want it?
bryce lightbown commented
I'm making a new post about this because it seems like it hasn't been addressed by Adobe......
The Color panel pops up every time you click on the stroke or fill selectors. There is no way to disable this panel from popping up, even if you close it, it will open and come to the forefront. Many of us don't need or use the color panel; we use the swatches or other panels. Why is this panel being forced on those of us who don't use/want it? -
Bagha Shams commented
Who wants to guess whether this annoying bug has been fixed in Illustrator 2024?
It hasn't!
Anonymous commented
Every time I double click either fill colour or stroke colour on the main toolbar it pops up the color window. I have literally NEVER needed this, its a waste of space on my limited display and it would be great to permanently disable it somehow.
It's already been marked as "solved" with ticking "Auto-show toolbars" but this doesn't work. It's also been suggesting using X to switch between fill and stroke, THEN altering the colour. From a UI flow, this makes no sense to habitualise an extra step as a workaround.
The Color Panel keeps popping out whenever I select Stroke. This issue has been around for several years now. Nobody uses this panel. It's a problem and very annoying. Can't you fix it? Are you guys following this feed?
Alicia, to be fair — this thing with the Color panel popping is with us since long ago. I just tested if it behaves the same in Illustrator 10, from 2001 — same exact behavior. So this definitely does not get worse :) it just stays unattended, which is not cool.
But at the same time — why don’t you vote?! You leave a comment, but you don’t add a vote to this one. Why? -
Alicia Hart commented
This sucks - Adobe products are just getting worse and worse!!! SOOOOO annoying this color menu - they simply don't care about customers - and for this we pay a monthly FEE?????
TT Kiker commented
Bagha Shams commented
Illustrator 2023 is out! And this annoying issue is still broken.
It's been over 4 and half years since this issue has been posted, and not a peep from Adobe about it. How much longer do we have to wait for Adobe to fix this ongoing bug in the software that we use daily?
Bo commented
Just going to echo the extreme frustrations of other people about this issue, it clutters my workspace and annoys me every time it happens.
It looks like there's an option to prevent pop-up panels when you right click on them and uncheck the appropriate box, but it doesn't actually prevent the color panel from popping up. I can right click again to pull up the menu and see that the "auto-show hidden panels" option IS unchecked, but when I close the panel with the X button and click my fill/stroke again, the color panel pulls up regardless. Closing illustrator completely, re-opening it, and then looking at the color panel's options reveals that the "auto-show hidden panels" option has a checkmark again.
I am updated to the current version of adobe CC, my windows 10 PC is also up to date.
Martin Ward commented
I can't believe this is still an issue! ha.
I've just moved the panel away from the swatch panel, somewhere at the bottom of the window out the way so now it's not so much of an issue, but still very annoying and this thread is 4 years old!
Bruno de Angelis commented
Just go to User Interface Preferences and check "Auto-Collapse Iconic Panels". By doing so, whenever any panel shows up (in this case the Color panel), it will automatically collapse after you click somewhere else on your screen or select another tool.
Joe commented
Adobe is AMAZING! However, there are a few nuances like this that need to be taken care of. The color panel popping open when clicking the fill or stroke swatches is SUPER ANNOYING! Please, please, please fix this issue Adobe!!!!
RSummers commented
Yeah, I've given up completely on Adobe. Their UX is garbage. There are better products now.
Bagha Shams commented
Years and years and years later, Adobe still hasn't fixed this stupid, annoying bug. Do Adobe employees even use Illustrator? If they did, this problem would annoy them as much as it does us.
What's the point of having a uservoice forum when Adobe is just going to ignore it?
Annie commented
Adobe please fix this. The solution provided does not fix the problem.
I use it. So 'nobody' is an exaggeration :)
An option to not pop it when you click a fill or a stroke in the toolbox (you do click these? I thought NOBODY click them). Jokes aside, how and when does it pop for you? -
Cody Achter commented
Color Panel (F6) should be disabled as automatic pop up function of the application as it disrupts your personal workflow. In fact you could take the function away completely because nobody ever uses it.
Anonymous commented
Dear Adobe, please do something about this problem. It gets in the way every time. I never use that window but it's in my face always.
Daan Verkerk commented
Deselecting auto show hidden panels doesn’t work for me. It keeps showing up
MSN commented
Very thankful user 🙏@Alex: ✅ Right-click the color panel and deselect "auto-show hidden panels."