Clear / Delete recent from Recent files and File > New
As you know, Illustrator keeps exported images in the File > Open Recent Files list.
So if I export 20 TIFs from a single document — they will all will be listed there.
This is dumb, and there are multiple requests to stop this:
There are also requests to be able to clear that list (guess why there is a need for this).
But we should also be able to remove positions from the list one by one.
Use cases:
1. I renamed a file and now I can’t open it via this menu
2. I moved the file and now I can’t open it via this menu
3. I have files with long names that Ai truncates and I know I will need only the third, for example, and want to delete others so they do not eat up space and confuse me in the future
This also should apply to File > New modern dialog.

Ezequias Viana commented
Deixo aqui o pedido para que a Adobe lance uma atualização com um botão simples para apagar esse histórico de arquivos caso o usuário deseje. Minha sugestão para a Adobe é um botão que possamos escolher deletar os itens individualmente, igual na aba "Salvos" e um botão limpar tudo. Clicando numa lixeira.
helloharbor commented
On the starting screen, I wanna be able to edit out only some of the recent files. Right-click on a file thumb > Hide from Recent > Done. As simple as how the web browser's blank page displays and organizes frequently visit sites. Often there're only a few files I'd rather not to show there than to show.
For example, imagine some of your work occasionally happens to be x-rated client work at home with kids. No brainer. Why this function hasn't been part of premium-priced app yet?
Anonymous commented
It's a shame that such an essential and common feature has still not been implemented.
Jan Vork commented
Please add a contextual menu to hide specific items from the recent files in the home screen. When working for multiple clients, it is not nice to have a preview of other clients' projects.
Anonymous commented
Dear Team Illustrator, Please add a "clear recent" option at the bottom of the recent file menu (like photoshop). It would be a great help for users. Thanks!
Rajendra Narayan Kundu commented
Add an option for each file to remove from the recent tab (recent tab in home screen).
JBH commented
I agree. If the program is designed to show thumbnails of recent files when it's opened, the user should have a simple option to clear those thumbnails. Photoshop has it, and probably some other Adobe apps as well, so why not Illustrator? More broadly speaking, it'd be nice to have this as a standard feature across Adobe apps.
Radha Fitch commented
Yes, that is a no-brainer necessity!
María Fe commented
An option to clear away the 'Recent Items' tab that opens when you're going to create a new document, some dimensions / templates I won't ever need to use again and they just clog space on the interface
Imran commented
Please add "Clear Recent Files" feature in the files menu of Illustrator!!
Ryan commented
It's pretty astounding that this doesn't already exist. I shouldn't have to scour the internet to find out how to do something in Illustrator that can already be accomplished so easily in Photoshop.
Pascal Garin commented
Can you please add in the File menu, as in Photoshop, the possibility to purge the recent opened artworks?
It can be indeed annoying that visitors see your recent work when you start the program.
Thank you for considering this proposal.