Save as pdf (range) without ALL canvases being saved in the background
When I save a range from a multiple-canvas Illustrator document, the pdf in Acrobat shows only the range requested, but when opening the pdf back into Illustrator, ALL canvases from the original document are in the document.
Example (see also screenshots):
I have a simple Illustrator document with 72 canvases. When I save ONE canvas from that document (Save as PDF, range X, Press quality), the pdf it creates shows to have only one page, but the file size of the pdf is 20+Mb, which for this simple work is exorbitantly high. Upon opening the pdf back into Illustrator, it shows all 72 canvases again.
I want to preserve Illustrator editing options, so I can't/don't want to uncheck that.

Lance commented
This isn't a bug, but is arguably something that could be changed. At least an option provided to save the illustrator data within the PDF as the entire illustrator document or only the art on the selected art board(s).
This feature request is for the same thing: -
Erik commented
Expected result.
I want the content on the specified artboard to be saved to the .pdf and also when viewed in AI.Actual Result.
saving .pdf with specific artboards or range selected glitches and gives you all content across all the artboards when viewed in AI.MACos 12.0.1
AI 2022 26.0.2 -
Arno Enzo commented
Fair point :cD
Lance commented
It wouldn't be the first time Adobe engineered something in a way that seemingly makes no sense.
Arno Enzo commented
Lance, this is exactly what I would expect to happen when I select a specific range to be saved as pdf. If I want all canvases, I wouldn't save a range, but the entire document.
I can find no logic in having the option to save a range and then having the entire document saved outside the visible area of the range.
Lance commented
Unfortunately, this is how retaining illustrator editing in PDF's works.
The way it's implemented, the PDF is a container for two sets of data: the PDF data which is not read by illustrator nor used by illustrator for anything, and the illustrator file which is embedded alongside the PDF data. Acrobat/other PDF readers will see the PDF data and ignore the illustrator data. Illustrator will ignore the PDF data and read in the native illustrator data.
If you want to reduce filesize of the PDF, you need to treat it as an un-editable output document by unchecking preserve illustrator editing.
I'm sorry that's not a great answer. I feel fairly certain sub-options could be added to the "preserve..." checkbox to ask "preserve only this artboard" or "preserve all artboards". Checking the first would discard all other artboards and their art and keep only the one you've selected in the range, while the 2nd checkbox would use the current behavior.