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241 results found

  1. Find approximate/closest Pantone from a process color

    If you choose a color from the color picker in Photoshop, it will show you the nearest equivalent in the Pantone library.

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  2. Include Photoshop's Gamut Warning feature

    Photoshop has a great feature that, in the color picker, greys out any colors unavailable in CMYK. This makes choosing appropriate colors for a project much faster and easier. It would be nice if Illustrator had this same functionality.

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  3. Make Black Swatch really Black in RGB mode

    An old annoyance: in many occasions, in RGB Document mode the Default Black Swatch is not black, but 15,15,15 gray.
    This problem shows up in every new version.
    Please make sure that when a document is in RGB mode, the Black and White swatches are 0,0,0 and 255,255,255 - just as we may expect.

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  4. Make New Swatch more intuitive and flexible

    When 'None' is selected as current color (or no selection is active), the New Swatch menu item is grayed out, since New Swatch wants to copy the color of the selection.

    When having a complex selection (lots of effort sometimes), it is rather dissapointing to not have the possibillity to give it a new color on the fly.

    Why not make 'New Swatch' always available?

    1. Intuitively, when no color is active, it should bring up a color selector panel, just like when an existing Swatch is double clicked.
      (If you think this is confusing - add a menu item for…

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  5. Select All Unused Key Command


    It would be very useful if custom key commands could be applied to palette commands. Specifically, I would love to create a key command for "Select All Unused" in the swatches palette drop-down menu. It currently requires a click in the palette, scroll down to select the command, clicking the garbage can in the palette then clicking (or enter/return) to confirm that you want to delete unused swatches. Some days I convert hundreds of files swatches from Pantone to CMYK then to RGB. A key command would speed this up dramatically!

    Thank you!
    User since Illustrator 88!

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  6. Eyedropper invert ticks with key

    It would be really useful to hold a key with eyedropper to either sample everything, invert ticks, or invert true/false of including "Appearance" .

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  7. Option to turn off swatches automatic naming by color

    Swatches get named by the color code automatically. This ends up conflicts with swatches with same color definition. Even in preview mode in global swatch I get message that same name exists. Really annoying and I have to name swatch 'asdfasfdasdf' mostly.

    Suggestion: Option turn off naming by color, but name like swatch 1, swatch 2.

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  8. Larger Stroke/Fill selector in Swatch panel

    It is extremely difficult to choose the between the Fill and Stroke selector in the Swatch panel., especially on Retina displays. Please give us the option to make it larger, as seen in my attachment.

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  9. the ability to zoom in on the gradient panel for complex gradients

    the ability to zoom in on the gradient panel for complex gradients. If I am creating a gradient some time I feel like I need to zoom into the panel so I can ensure I get the color pointers as accurate as possible

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  10. A sane way to assign a stroke to have a color not in the default palette

    If I want to assign a color from a Library to a Stroke, my only option is to make the object's background color the Library color, and then use the Swap Fill and Stroke button.

    The Stroke color menu has lots of weird buttons to import colors that I don't care about. Why not replace those buttons with like a Library Colors button, or a Recent Colors button, or heaven forbid a color dropper?

    My first impression of Illustrator was that assigning colors to things is harder than in any other program I have used in my entire life. This…

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  11. Retain original, unexpanded art for pattern swatches.

    "This pattern contains active content (symbols, effects, etc, it's a long list) that must be expanded to create a swatch. If you edit the pattern again, the expanded content will no longer be active."

    There's a lot of clever, well-paid people at Adobe. I bet someone there can figure out how to store the original pattern art along with the expanded pattern art, and edit the former rather than the latter when I double-click on the pattern swatch. I have workarounds for this but they are tedious and annoying ones.

    Also I would like to thank whoever wrote the dialogue…

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  12. A way to make a pattern's location match where it was originally created instead of aligning with the ruler origin

    I like to use large patterns to create effects like "rays centered on a focal point of the image" in my artwork. Or to work around the fact that clipping masks can't have complex appearance stacks. These sort of patterns work best when they are precisely aligned to the artwork.

    Currently the workflow to do this is as follows:

    1. Create some art to be a pattern that aligns with some important part of my drawing. Select it and do Object > Pattern > Create.
    2. Give it a name and close the pattern creation window.
    3. Make a large rectangle with this…
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  13. Add more modifier keys for Control bar to show alternate color UI

    Currently the behavior of the Color UI in Properties is broken:

    Clicking the swatch drop down opens the different swatch color options.
    Please update with these shortcut key options:
    Shift + clicking the swatch drop down opens the Color Mixer options.
    Option + clicking the swatch drop down opens the gradient options.
    Command + clicking the swatch drop down opens the pattern options.

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  14. Make it easy to colour pie charts using colour libraries.

    Unable to use the libraries colour menu to colour a pie chart. This is ridiculous. I had to make a separate box on the page and use the eyedropper to transfer the colour to the pie chart. Even the Eyedropper wouldn't work directly with the colour in the colour library and that is where all our brand colours are stored.

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  15. Allow merging global and non-global colors

    Please make it possible to merge non-global swatches with global and vice versa. It would greatly help tidy up submissions for printing.

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  16. Easily resize pattern

    Would love to be able to easily resize the patterns within forms.

    Right now I have to resize the object using the option "adapt the pattern" while doing the modifcation, and resize it back without the option.
    Or make a new, big pattern within the pattern swatch.

    What would be useful is not having to leave your illustration or change the shape you would like to change the pattern that is applied to.
    Maybe having a preview of your illustration with the changes you make on the pattern tab/window.

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  17. A way to lock colors to prevent them from changing in Recolor dialog

    When recoloring art, it would be AWESOME to have a lock function next to the swatches. There is already a way to lock a swatch that you don't want to recolor, but it'd be nice if, as you cycle through the swatch/recolor options, you could lock or "freeze" ones you like and continue to recolor the unlocked swatches.

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  18. Swatches panel easier cleanup/delete and Recolor Artwork tool

    • Have delete options for swatch library in drop down or drag/drop to trash.

    • Enable delete option in user defined menu to clean up old/saved swatches no longer needed and organize alphabetically or enable us to drag/drop folder within panels for easier regrouping.

    • Also allow swatches folders to drag/drop to other open windows/working open files.

    • Allow us to customize our main Swatch panel without having to delete the AI standard swatches every time (but not delete them either just customize or minimize/hide the preset colors).

    • Recolor tool: enable a way to select a recolor option (or tag multiple options during scrolling)…

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  19. Make an option to allow to transform (move / rotate / resize) a pattern within object without holding ` (backtick / grave / tilde) key

    Newly redundant options in Transform menu
    With the AI ver 27.5 update the "Transform Pattern Only" option does not work anymore in the Transform palette options menu.
    It used to be that the pattern would move interactively within its container if it was dragged or rotated. Now the whole object moves. My small business works exclusively on pattern design and this happens on both our machines. (Win 10 and Win 11. Both i7 with 32gb) RAM).

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  20. Select Artwork by Swatch

    This is how it should work:

    Select a Swatch in the Swatches palette, choose from the menu: 'Select all object that use this swatch' (as Fill / Stroke).

    Comes in very handy to select items via the Swatches palette in complex cartoon style drawings. It is also a way to - kind of - create long awaited multi layer groups.

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