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  1. Restrict Pan to work only Horizontally / Vertically with a Shift modifier

    I'd love if there was a key we could hold down to restrict the hand tool to only pan perfectly vertical or horizontal. Would make it easier to develop for web — you could quickly get a sense of how a site would work when the user scrolls.

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  2. Chained dimensions

    New Dimension tool is designed to be good-enough, but not be way too complex to setup and use.

    One of things we need to be a part of this 'good-enough' set of features it has should be a way to create consequential serialized dimensions, like the image attached demonstrates.

    To do that now, we’d have to drag each segment one-by-one, and snap the dimensions line to each other (which in the current build just doesn’t happen even!). This method is generates doubled lines instead of only one, and won’t allow us to move all the dimension lines at once if…

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  3. Rotate, scale, skew, transform selected objects separately

    If we make a selection of objects, and then rotate it with a corner marker of the bounding box (or with the Rotate tool), they get rotated all at once, as a single object.
    If we want to rotate all separate objects in the selection separately, the only way to do it is with the Transform Each dialog, with Preview option on, with arrow keys, changing the Angle value. Doable, but not fun.
    What if we get a mode, at least for the Rotate tool (since it’s a special tool for rotating), let’s say, with Ctrl/Cmd held, to rotate object…

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  4. More visual feedback for the Eyedropper

    The Eyedropper tool has several cursors (it’s almost impossible to find any explanations about at, displaying different states:
    - a filled pipette for when you click,
    - a pipette with square below to indicate a screen sampling,
    - an additional T to indicate a text below,
    - a reverse filled pipette to indicate apply mode.
    However, some modes are missing.

    When you have smart guides disabled (for any reason), you can’t tell which object the tool will pick from, what attribute or will you miss completely by a pixel. The Shift mode is not covered too. So we need…

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  5. Same functionalities as shown here in the subscribe tool
    Basically the 'Circle by Points Tool' in Subscribe should be a functionality added to the Ellipse Tool. And the 'Arch by Points Tool' in Subscribe should be a functionality added to the 'Line Segment Tool' in Ai as well. These are common functions in in cad programs and need to be added to Illustrator natively to improve vector building.

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  6. 3 points arc creation tool (as a live shape)

    Arcs and 'pie' shapes created from the center point and specifying the start and end angles that remain 'live' after creation.
    Same as in CorelDraw!... been using Illustrator for 15 years had to revert to Corel for this feature.

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  7. Chart tool: overriding value axis

    The chart tool breaks when trying to override the axis values when the data numbers are too large. I think it's for any numbers over 1,000,000 but it might be lower (I have not explored it that much.) Checking the override tick box will set the maximum number to 2147483 (maybe that is the number it breaks at) and will skew the chart badly.

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    Anish Kumar responded

    Hi Wes,

    Thanks for explanation. I got it. This is a feature request, so I am moving this thread to feature request section.


  8. Create folders for brushes

    Can we get the ability to create folders for brushes?

    I would like to be able to group my brushes by length, width, style, color, etc. As it is now, I have to wait for the tooltip to show up before I know whether my brush is a medium, short, long stroke...

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  9. Better join segments tool

    There are instances (mostly when cleaning up DXF files from 3D models) were there are a lot of broken line segments. It would be great if there were options for the join command to join multiple line segments that are within a certain distance and tangent angle to each other. It would then take multiple separate line segments and join them into one clean and continuous line.

    Maybe there would also be a preview ability that would recolor\highlight the lines that would be joined and then allow you to adjust the distance and angle until you get the desired result.

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  10. Select objects to then apply auto selection criteria

    Once objects are selected apply the auto select criteria such as "same fill color" or "same outline". If this is possible, I can't figure out how to do it. I can only choose to select all of the items of a single color, because I have items already selected. Also, it would be great for quotes to be able to get a quick total of the number of items selected. Is this information listed somewhere on screen that I've never noticed?

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  11. Press Alt while creating a radius / diameter dimension to toggle these two mode on the fly

    Currently Dimension tool requires you to orient your cursor when creating a radius or diameter: inside of the clicked shape to create a diameter or outside to make it a radius.

    This is very nifty, sure.

    1. The tool hardly tells you about it when you draw. The only hint Ai give us is a blue bar (that we all tired of seeing, because everything in Ai now pops and shouts and distracts — I’m speaking about use, Text To Vector!) — I attach the screenshot of it for those who blinked and missed it.

    2. If I work with a…

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  12. Hitting Escape while creating a shape, an artboard, while using Rotate, Scale, etc., doesn't cancel the process

    When we marquee a selection and hit Escape — it gets canceled.
    When we hit Escape while dragging out a guide — it gets canceled.
    Dragging out a brush on the canvas — works.
    Dragging out a swatch to drop it on a gradient or the canvas — works.
    Dragging the appearance form the Appearance panel — works.
    ...and many other cases

    Escape does NOT work for these cases:
    1. Creating a shape, an artboard, an area text
    2. Rotating, scaling, shearing, free transforming...
    3. Setting up the width with the Width tool
    4. Setting up the gradient with the…

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    Ho un box di testo con alcuni caratteri rossi ed alcuni caratteri neri.
    Voglio copiare tutte le specifiche di testo (font, ecc.) da un altro blocco di testo con lo strumento contagocce senza modificare i colori del box di destinazione.
    Vedo che dallo strumento contagocce ci sarebbe la possibilità di escludere/includere il rilevamento del colore, ma quando si applica al box di destinazione tutto il testo contenuto diventa di un unico colore....

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  14. Curvature tool continuation tolerance

    I work quite zoomed in, and when drawing close to an existing path with the curvature tool, it often picks up the end of the existing path and continues drawing from it. I'd love to be able to select the tolerance for this behaviour, so I can be more precise.

    Currently I have to draw my intended path somewhere else, and move it to its intended location, or switch to the pen tool, which it more accurate.

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  15. 2D Extrude

    I would like a 2D extrude feature. For example...

    1. Draw a box and add extra points to it.
    2. Select every other set of two points (i.e. segments) and pull them so they extrude out (instead of bend - or have the choice of bend OR extrude), perpendicular to the line they're on.

    Currently I have to duplicate and rotate and then merge... I'd rather like to be able to pull out extruded segments without having to do it manually.

    Boom! great idea, thanks for adding my name to the next release with this new tool. If you don't understand this…

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  16. XD style snapping and spacing

    Adobe Experience Design has a nice snapping and spacing function that would drastically increase the power of Illustrator. Being able to more easily repeat objects and adjust the spacing between them by clicking and dragging while being able to see a measure of the spacing.

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  17. Press Shift to constrain the angle of a radius / diameter dimension

    Shift is universally used to constrain a drawn art to 0-45-90° angles when using a tool. This applies to lines, rectangles, other shapes, anything that can be clearly oriented.

    The Dimension tool breaks the paradigm — we can’t hold shift to constraint the angle of the drawn dimension line when creating radii or dimeters.

    Some standards require us to have these lines too use integer steps, like 15° or 30°... this is very hard to comply now.

    Please either make the tool to respect angles set in Preferences > Smart Guides, or make it a separate setting in the tool’s…

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  18. More precision options for Dimension Tool

    Please add: 0"-0 1/8" & 0"-0 1/16" to Unit precision. I really need 3/8", 5/8", 7/8"...

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  19. Change the cursor for Artboard Tool when a click is going to create a new object-sized artboard

    When using Artboard Tool, you can do several things with a simple click.
    1. Select an artboard under the cursor
    2. Deselect an artboard if there is no artboards under the cursor
    3. Create an artboard which size is the same as the object you click — but ONLY if the object is inside of the already selected artboard OR if the place you click is not inside of any artboard.

    This #3 case prevents deselecting artboards efficiently in cases when you don’t have 'naked canvas' inside of the viewport. And clicking is the only way to deselect artboards, since…

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  20. Vector Networks Like Figma Has

    In illustrator vector shapes can only go in one continuous path. If you wanted to draw a cube, it would take 3 shapes, perfectly aligned and 12 points, 6 of which would overlap.
    In a vector network a point can have multiple branches meaning that a cube could be one shape, with only 7 points (see image).
    This feature would eliminate the need for complex shape overlays to create simple compositions, like a cube.

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