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394 results found

  1. Auto Optical size

    Please add auto optical size for variable fonts with opsz axes similar to Adobe InDesign automapping:

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  2. Filtering font selection by source / vendor

    (This is a feature request for Ai, Ps, Id etc. as well)

    Filtering from source such as Fontbook, Monotype, Adobe Fonts, Google Fonts etc.

    I've noticed its common to only be allowed to use fonts from specific sources with some clients. It's been a headache to have to go into another app and cross reference which fonts are from what source. For example, a client I'm contracted full time under I can only use Monotype due to their commercial subscription status.

    Or even to be able to create our own folders / font collections to view those only.

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  3. Make the type on a path tool smarter

    I would like an option to make a text follow a path in a more smooth way. For example, look at the PSG logo where you see how the A and R follow the circular shape, without distorting the shape of the letter.

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  4. Opacity mask detection and text inside

    Sometimes we need to convert all text in the document to shapes (Create Outline) to be in the save side in print process.

    When we have opacity masks that have text inside the mask layer, we can't edit it until we find the mask. Sometime, we receive documents that we didn't make ourselves and it will be not be easy to find all masks.

    The suggestion is to:
    - Have a command to find out all opacity masks.
    - Have a command to select text in the whole document even inside the masks.

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  5. We need Umlaute! (Variable Text doesn't like äüö)

    Specifically when working with variables in text form. They are not being imported correctly, despite everything else working. See picture.

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  6. widows, orphans and hyphenations

    It would be useful to have options to not allow any of these with option to always keep x amount of words together on last line of para.

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  7. Choose Which Paragraph Style is Based on Another Paragraph Style

    When creating a new paragraph style, it would be very helpful to choose which other style it's based on. Currently, the only option is the default paragraph style. This is very nice when you have one base style, and you can build on it with other styles.

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  8. Please make TABS easier to use.

    Please make TABS easier to use. It's so fiddly trying to get the bottom arrow to pull across for indented bullet list alignment.

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  9. 日本語での作業時にフォントの選択が困難を極めます。

    日本語版を使用しているとフォントの数が極端に多くなります。モリサワ、フォントワークスなどがサブスクリプションで多数の書体が使えるようになっており、そのうえフォントの名前が頭にA-OTFなどのベンダーのつけた記号によって、記憶しているフォント名順にならず、さらに欧文フォントが多数インストールされており、とどめにAdobeTypeが加わり、フォントの並び順がめちゃくちゃでかつスクロールも以上に長く、使いたいフォントにすぐたどり着けません。最近使用したフォントをフォントメニューの頭に並ぶ設定にすると、こんどは実際に書類のフォントを変えながら探すときに、毎回フォントメニューの頭に戻ってしまい、たとえば欧文でAの名前から順に探すために毎回ながいスクロールをするハメになります。また、ラップトップの小さい画面で選べるようにポップアップしたフォントメニューの天地幅が狭く、大型モニタで作業する多くのユーザーは少しの範囲しかないポップアップで延々スクロールしなければなりません。提案は3点。 1|フォントのポップアップの天地幅を大きなモニタで長くして欲しい。 2|フォントメニューのフォント名の並び順を任意に変えられるようにして欲しい。 3|微妙に違うフォントが増えたので、フォント名の右側だけではなく、固定ウインドウにもっと大きなサンプルを表示して欲しい。以上です。英語版以外の特に日本語版のフォント選択の不便さは誰もが困っているはずです。非能率このうえない状態をユーザにいつまで強いるのでしょうか。改善を強く望みます。

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  10. Please make default character styles accessible by all new illustrator documents and easy to manage and edit.

    Please make it much, much easier to cause Illustrator to default to a common set of character and paragraph styles. Having to go into a hidden user folder to modify is an insult. In the styles menu, please include a "save to common styles". I have thousands of lines of code that automate adobe illustrator, and every time the software is updated everything comes crashing down. Having a shared, common repository of character styles that are available in every document should be simple and easy to manage.

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  11. Find and Replace text across open files

    Find and replace text across all open files, a timesaving function that's been part of InDesign for a long time.

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  12. "EmojiOne Color" font in AI CC 2019

    "EmojiOne Color" is a "color-only" font in AI CC 2019. Although it has "fallback" B&W characters that work fine in earlier versions of Illustrator the font CANNOT be change to B&W in AI CC 2019. This is a HUGE flaw in the font and should be made to work in either color or black and white mode.

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  13. Best feature proper text completed circle rounded as Macromedia Freehand MX

    Text completed circle rounded as Macromedia Freehand MX
    Type toolbar insert fonts small, medium, large, huge

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  14. Changing color of selected letters

    It is very difficult to change the color of a selected letters in a text if you can not see the color as it is because it is inverted when they are selected. So you are changing the color but you don't know the real appearence, , for that you have to deselect the text each time. Can this be fixed for a future version? thank you

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  15. Fix Find & Replace to keep formating of font being changed

    Find & Replace has never worked correctly and still doesnt. If I do a find and replace Illustrator will change the formatting of the text being replaced to the formatting nearest to it, it doesnt keep the formatting of the characters being changed if they are different than the characters either side of it within the same text block.

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  16. Spell Check Ignore Icon Fonts

    Spell check should recognize icon fonts and stop recommending corrections to them. In a document with many icons, I don't want to have to add every icon into the dictionary or have to know that if I capitalize that word it would actually break the icon it creates.

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  17. Remap ⌥← and ⌥→ (Option + Left / Right) to jump back/ahead one word

    Make ⌥← and ⌥→ default for jumping one word back and forth or respectively mark text when pressing "shift" as used to in Premiere Pro and by default on Mac. Same issue exists in Photoshop where these shortcuts are annoyingly used to adjust kerning.
    System: Mac OS X 10.11.6, Adobe Illustrator 22.1, Adobe Photoshop 19.1

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  18. Cannot group Text objects with right-click

    Illustrator CC2018 (22.1)
    Windows 10 and Mac OSX High Sierra 10.13.3

    When I select two or more Text objects (point, area, etc.), I cannot group them using right-click (it works

    It works with other objects, or with Text and other objects, but not when all my selections are only Text objects.

    Once grouped (with CMD-G for example), it is possible to ungroup them with right-click, though.

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  19. Recent updates have made working with type more difficult

    Using type in illustrator used to be a breeze. Now it seems you need near pixel-perfect accuracy to highlight or to select the type box. Often now you will just end up creating a new type box when trying to highlight type already present. Honestly, it worked great before whatever update changed this and now it's somewhat irritating to use. It's not a major issue really, but sometimes the old 'if it isn't broken, don't fix it' advice should be heeded.

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  20. Allow Library text assets to save style and insert it with or without formatting

    v22.1, Windows, 64bit

    When I try to add text with a modified appearance to the library I get;

    "Only basic appearances are supported for Text in Libraries. Advanced appearances have been dropped to add text to the current Library."

    Or; "Couldn't save text asset having style. Remove the styles and try again”.

    Seriously – no text styles in the library now? face palm

    Ok, so 'Text library asset' is a thing now… whatever it’s supposed to be for, it’s braking basic library functionality.

    If I want to add text with an advanced appearance to a library (ie. the ONLY sort…

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