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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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124 results found

  1. Add Expand Image Trace button in Properties

    When you do an image trace of an image there is no button to expand it.

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  2. Zoom to selection disable button please

    A simple disable button for this new feature, i've been using illustrator for over 20 years and this is one of my most used key commands and i'm being driven close to madness. Thanks

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  3. Stop tool panel from changing

    I would like to be able to lock the tool panel. At the moment tools are always moving around. For example, a seleciton tool (black arrow) frequently disappears. It's a pain when I'm typing because I can't switch to a selection tool by using a shortcut "V" and I have to select a white arrow first and then press "V" to make the black arrow visible again. Horrible!

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  4. Hotkey to exit Type mode

    PLEASE MAKE A "HOTKEY" or keyboard command to EXIT "TYPE MODE."






    The answer could be as simple as "Simultaneous Spacebar + hotkey letter."

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  5. Need to select all artboards and resize them at once by entering desired size.

    Need to select and change all artboard size at once. Can we have this feature in Illustrator? Because after design we need to prepare artworks from same file so we need to increase artboard sizes to add crop marks and other details of instructions for printer, It will be easier if we can change this in artboard window or from document setup.

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  6. Paste svg content from clipboard, not underlying xml content

    There are several design tools that can put SVG text on the clipboard including Illustrator. Please support pasting that content from the clipboard as content, not xml text. XD does this correctly, so Illustrator should too.

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  7. Artboard delete tool

    This is really nitpicky but the little X at the top right of the artboard tool is too small and more often than not I end up creating a new artboard around the object at the top right of the artboard. Possibly make the cross larger or move it somewhere else to remove this problem?

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    We are pleased to inform you that your request is available in the latest release of Illustrator version 22.0.
    Visit your Adobe Creative Cloud Application and update. If you do not see an update on the application please check for update from the flyout options on the application after clicking on three vertical dots. For step by step process please visit:

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  8. Allow dimensions to be editable

    It would be nice if the dimensions and lines were editable.
    I generally build to scale because the dimensions of my projects to size are too big for the artboards and contain several larger elements. Having to enlarge each piece in order to get the proper measurements is time consuming and inconvenient. Being able to edit those would make things much easier. I have a script that can do it, but the tool would be better.

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    Latest builds of Illustrator allow to edit most of created dimensions using Properties and Control panels.

    The tool dialog sets options for new dimensions only and does not have a button to apply the set options to selected or all dimensions on canvas. If you wish to have a button like this in the dialog, please upvote this request.

    If you have other weak points to point out — please comment or make a new request / report.

  9. you should consider adding the "perspective" feature from the classic 3D options to the new realisrtic 3D! adds more depth especially if us

    you should consider adding the "perspective" feature from the classic 3D options to the new realisrtic 3D!

    adds more depth especially if used in typography.

    The perspective in classic 3D unfortunately is not working well if the possition is FRONT because the render of the sides is incomplete!

    Imagine if this feature was part of the new 3D!!!


    thanks guys


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  10. New improved search and Help (Discover) in Illustrator

    Announcing a completely new search and help experience in Illustrator. The new 'Discover' feature allows you to search for help, tools, hands-on tutorials, and articles within the Illustrator app. You can use the Discover panel search bar to access the full repository of tools, in-app tutorials, and articles, to help you build your skills. Search offers auto-complete suggestions including suggested content, tool shortcuts, and quick links. You can invoke help using the search icon on the top right corner or through the Help menu.
    We are also bringing New Rich Tool Tips into Illustrator which allow you to quickly learn…

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  11. Align to...BUTTON

    In a past version of AI, the "align to artboard or selection" was a button rather than a menu. Please bring back the button! I switch between these two options hundreds of times a week and the menu wastes time that adds up.

    Thanks so much always!

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  12. Respective Scale (transforming from the center of multiple selected items)

    Imagine being able to scale 50 icons up to 125% from their respective centers all at once.

    Need an example? Watch the attached clip :)

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  13. Ability to search functions

    For example, in rhino I can type all the functions without having to search through the menus with my mouse

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    In latest version of Illustrator you can access Discover panel by hitting F1 or via Help menu.

    This new window allows you to search within tools, commands, tutorials, etc. — but no commands form other panels’ menus, or scripts, or actions.

    If you need this functionality, or have any other comments regarding this panel — please do it here or in a separate request.

  14. To be able to make Illustrator a 3D drawing software as well.

    I want to be able to have a 3D view of the artwork, because illustrator is based on paths I thought rather that it would be cool to navigate it in 3D.

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  15. Scrolling in Type window

    In CC 2014, when you selected copy in your document, it would highlight that font in the type window in it's appropriate alphabetical location. You could then scroll up or down alphabetically to get to other fonts. Now, when you select copy in a CC 2018 document, it moves the font to the top of the list and you have to start from the top every time to look for other fonts. I like to scroll through the fonts as I'm designing logos and having to start at the top every time is a pain in the neck!

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    With AI CC 22.1.0 version there is an option in the “Type Preferences” dialog (MAC menu “Illustrator CC >> Preferences >> Type” and WIN menu “Edit >> Preferences >> Type”) to change the “Number of Recent Fonts” and if you set it to “0” then on selecting the font in the document the font drop down list will highlight the Font Family name at it’s location and not on the top of the list.

    Please let us know if you encounter any other issue regarding this.

    With Best Regards,
    Raghuveer Singh
    Illustrator Team

  16. auto arrange artboards on new

    First, the workspace is Too **** small at this point, especially when working in pixels. And someone out there assumes 72dpi still. Stop it!

    I'm creating 4K artboards to explore some ideas. I create 2 of them. And it won't let me create a 3rd without rearranging. Who's idea was That!?!?

    The first thing you should do is just move the stinkin' workspace. What's with all the room on the left? Look, if you only work left to right, why are you always trying to center the artboards in the workspace? You'll never use the space above or to the…

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    We are pleased to inform you that your request is available in the latest release of Illustrator version 22.0.
    Visit your Adobe Creative Cloud Application and update. If you do not see an update on the application please check for update from the flyout options on the application after clicking on three vertical dots. For step by step process please visit:

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  17. 1 vote

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    Illustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。

    Illustrator には、ドキュメントに設定される裁ち落とし設定とは別に、オブジェクトサイズでトンボ(トリムマーク)を作成する機能が搭載されております。



    Illustrator チーム

  18. Font style not applying correctly

    Using the character window.
    When trying to alter pre-typed text, changing using Font Family menu in character window works, but changing using Font Style menu does not (the window states that it has changed, but the preview does not show the change)

    Operating System: Mac OS 11.4
    Illustrator Version: Beta - 25.5 360

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.0.0 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  19. Smart guides to work with artboard

    I suggest enabling smart guides when you work with artboards as well, feels like it should help with workflow.

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  20. Feedback on New Snap to Glyph(s) Functionality (Released)

    New Glyph snapping feature is available in Beta now.

    Snap to glyph(s) allows quick and precise alignment around contours of live text without the need of creating outlines or reference guides. You will see smart snapping guides for words and a line by default. You can also enable a single glyph mode by right-clicking on the targeted glyph.

    We have tried to provide as many important smart guides as possible without cluttering the workspace. We would love to hear your candid feedback. Please provide your feedback on this thread. This will be actively monitored by the Illustrator team. If you…

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