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168 results found

  1. Illustrator 26.5.2 The new Lock object tool is terrible

    Go back to previous old version of the object lock. I do not like the gray border of a locked object. I cannot click through the object on other objects around or near the locked object. The OLD way of locking objects was better. It just sat there visually and did not affect neighboring objects.

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  2. Eyedropper doesn't include the arrow heads on a line

    If I have a line selected and I use the eyedropper on a different line with a stroke and arrow heads, it only copies the stroke not the arrow heads.

    Please make it include the arrow heads.

    Also, the most useful arrow head is number 27, it should be number 1 not number 27.

    In fact, if there was a checkbox you could click in the stroke properties window that automatically changed a line to a measurement label so it put an arrowhead 27 on each end, changed the stroke to like 4pt yellow, and a text box half way…

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  3. Do not include objects outside artboard when exporting to jpg or png

    When I export Illustrator files to jpg or png, it includes all shapes and objects sitting outside my artboard area. This is impractical, especially when working on a range of concepts and you just want to send the work to the client that is on the artboards and not all the working files sitting outside the artboard area.

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  4. too hard to change text size

    it's too hard to change text size in the small boxes in the character window. Hard to select all the content. Hard to select the number part only. And both of these are the only way to make it work. Please just change behavior so that clicking in the box selects all the content.

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  5. Disable Text Auto-Formatting

    In Illustrator 2023 came the addition of auto-formatting being applied to text.

    Specifically bullets, hyphen bullets, etc.

    This should have an option to permanently disable, as it is a nuisance and an efficiency problem to have to turn off every single new text block.

    Seriously, Adobe looked at one of Word's most broken features and decided to ram it into Illustrator? The least you could do is look at a good implementation of it like on Google Docs!

    But nope, we get terribly formatted, non-customizable, defaulted bullet auto-formatting.

    At least give me a preference setting to turn it off permanently.

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    There is a way to disable this feature: Preferences > Type > Automatic Bulleted and Numbered lists while typing.

    However, the fact it’s that obscured and is not given to a user when a conversion happens is a bad UX indeed. In some other apps this choice is given, even when it’s not the first one.

    If you want to change this, please keep adding votes and comments.

  6. Add more gradient varieties, including rainbow, purple gradients, blend of different color gradients

    Add more gradient varieties, including rainbow, purple gradients, blend of different color gradients

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  7. Colour Book/Pantone Swatches to remain in Custom Workspaces

    Hi - is there a way to have custom colour books/Pantone swatches to save in a custom Workspace? I have to keep adding them again each time I restart Illustrator, and it's a bit of a pain! Thanks!

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  8. 1 vote

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  9. ダイレクト選択ツールについて


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  10. Option to Reset Character & Paragraph Panel

    Provide an option or a button to reset all the values of the character and paragraph panel.

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  11. unlimited artboards for storyboarding to scale

    Storyboarding at 1920x1080 and I can only get 48 artboards. My computer can easily handle more. Why the limit - more please.

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    If you need to have a larger canvas, you can force Illustrator to enable the 'large canvas mode' by entering the size larger than 227 in (or 16383 px). Ai will warn you the scaling mode gets enabled. Commit and change the size of your artboard to 1920×1080. Done, you now have a larger canvas (actually it means it’s scaled internally and you loose one fractional space, but for storyboarding it’s just fine).

    Read more about this here:

  12. Masked object within a masked object?

    Is it possible to put a masked object (with clip) inside another mask? When I do this - the masked object within gets its clipped path released.

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    One can apply a new opacity mask to an object that already has it, if you group this object first — then apply a mask to this container. However, if your object is a single group already, Illustrator won’t allow you to create another group (for obvious reason, to prevent an accidental 'group wrapping'). You can workaround it if you group it with a dummy object and delete it after, or use a free Group Anyway script:
  13. Movie Clip symbol?

    When a Symbol is created, it defaults to 'Movie Clip'.
    Is that a legacy from the Flash era?

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  14. ペンツールのカーソルについて


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  15. Vector Importing for Library Assets

    I would like the option to be able to import vector CC Library Assets as live vectors (rather than as a link) in Illustrator.

    This is a vector editing software.....and the asset I'm grabbing from the library to bring in as a vector asset (and probably originally built in Illustrator).....why can't I have an alternate means (ex. Shift+Drag for import = import as live vector art) to be able to bring the asset in as an editable piece of art?

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  16. Dynamic Swatch

    It would be awesome to link colors used in multiple places to a parent color swatch. When wanting to change every instance of a specific hex value you could make the change once and have them all update (similar feature in InDesign, I believe?)

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. Select all the value at once

    Is it possible when clicking on a value such the shape, dimensions or text height etc. to select all the value so it can be replaced faster. Right now I have to delete the values number by number or select all with Ctrl-A then delete.
    It would be appreciated if you have the option to select all when clicking on it.
    It will save a lot of time.
    Thank you

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  19. Offset path feature won't become a sharp

    Why if I have a curve that has several very small (sharp) angles, when I enter it in the offset path feature (+ offset), then the offset result can't be sharp anyway. but if (-) is offset, then can it turn sharp?

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  20. Triangles

    Add the use of triangles into shapes as this will help with projects. as there is the only use of lines, square and circles.

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