Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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60 results found
Align Stroke to one side of open path
The feature which allows you to align stroke to inside or outside of a path for closed shapes is fantastic and gives a great deal of dynamic help. Currently, the only way to align a stroked path and another shape is inaccurately with only visual cues or expand the stroked path and lose editability.
I don't know if it has been suggested but a feature which allowed you to preserve a non destructive workflow and interact with shapes more easily is very much within reach. Simply create an equivalent for the align stroke to inside or outside of path for…
101 votesThe team has encountered several issues with this feature. It requires them to change the basic algorithms and it is going to take them more time than anticipated.
While it still works in Beta, the next Beta build will have Inside/Outside aligned strokes for open paths disabled. The Beta is scheduled to be live on 7th of August.
Once this is ready to be enabled back, the team will update the status.
Apply any Cap Style to a Stroke End Point
Allow user to be able to select an end anchor point on a stroke and apply any cap they choose. So one path could have a butt cap on one end and round cap on the other end. This would make building certain styles with strokes far easier and avoid problems that the current workflow creates when expanded at times.
58 votes -
Convert expanded strokes back to live strokes (unexpand / unoutline strokes) / Find centerlines
So far there is no way to de-expand strokes back to live strokes.
The suggested practice is to cut the shape in pieces and blend pairs with 1-step blends, expand and join manually — a tedious solution. We have to keep strokes alive as long as possible if we plan to edit them after. The effects we can use to make an art non-destructive are quite limited.
We now have cool Reform plugin by AstuteGraphics that allows to edit expanded strokes in a different way, but is does not solve the original problem and only helps to workaround and offers…
57 votes -
42 votes -
Split paths by currently applied dash settings
Hi - I was directed here via adobe and illustrator support teams on twitter.
I'm submitting a suggestion for a function or feature for adobe illustrator in which the user may subdivide a dashed path into individual smaller paths, by the measurement and placement of said dash style. I have seen many different suggestions and workarounds for this over the past few years but none actually execute this specific action. (Setting to .0001 stroke, expanding, then deleting excess points isn't ideal!)
In my current role, and in our office, we design and create physical package design comps. we frequently use…
36 votes -
An option to ignore strokes when using Fit to Artwork Bounds or Fit to Selected Art commands
Illustrator now always fits the current artboard respecting strokes and raster effects, as if the 'Use Preview Bounds' option is on.
However, disabling this option does not change the behaviour 'Fit to Artwork Bounds' or 'Fit to Selected Art' commands — strokes and shadows are still considered to be the bounds to fit.
This is not what a user wants in many cases, and geometric bounds are preferred instead.
We need Illustrator to either respect 'Use Preview Bounds' option — as Symbols do — or have another set of option for fitting command, to separately control strokes and effects.18 votes -
Hairline Stroke
Be more Builder/industry user friendly!
Please, set a preset "hairline" or 0.001 stroke size... so that CO2 laser users can focus more on creating content that dealing with this type of easy to implement features....17 votes -
When outlining dotted lines with "aligns dashes", unnecessary anchor points are generated
When dotted lines with “Aligns dashes to corners and path ends, adjusting lengths to fit” are outlined , unnecessary anchor points are generated in the circles at both ends.
When performing detailed processing to create artwork, I sometimes outline dashed lines. So, unnecessary anchor points are an obstacle in such processing.
Although there are workarounds, I hope that users will get clean outline results without any ingenuity.Workaround:
1.Double-click anywhere in the stroke with Width tool to add a new width point.
2.Execute “Expand Appearance” , “Outline Strokes” or “Flatten Transparency”.(B)
1.Drawing strokes in accurately calculated length with…14 votes -
Allow to make sharp transitions using Width Tool
Width Tool allows us to set width markers on a path, to make its stroke’s outline blend between set cross-sections. We have some limited controls over these markers, we can make each side have its own width, we can snap them to points, but that’s it.
What we also need is way to make this transitions sharp, rather than smooth.
Look at the image attached.The path on the top is a stroke with a variable stroke profile.
The path on the bottom is a demonstration of what we want (an art brush actually).Sure, we can fake this behavior…
11 votes -
Allow to quickly define new custom arrowheads
I use custom arrow heads for a lot of projects and would like an easier interface for creating and managing custom arrow heads. I want to be able to rearrange the order of the arrow heads available as well as have fine grained control over how the arrow head will scale with stroke size. Non-symmetrical arrow head support is important to my work as well.
Also, I really want to be able to place an arrow head at one end of a path at the tip and have the arrow head at the other end extend beyond the end of…
11 votes -
A Dashed Line tool
I have seen a few plugins (Nudge, WidthScribe) do things with dashes that suggest there is room for a lot more dashes on a stroke than the three repeating dash/gap entries the Stroke panel lets me create.
I would like an interactive, on-canvas tool that lets me drag dashes, gaps, and their endpoints around on a selected path. Being able to create and delete dashes/gaps would be nice, too.
8 votes -
To have an option in stroke panel to keep end points vertical/horizontal on angled strokes
Would love an option to easily have the endpoint of a stroke remain vertical/horizontal when using angled strokes. To 'shear' a stroke isn't easy, so could this be an option in the Stroke panel?
7 votes -
External arrowheads for small dimensions
The current Beta version is showing the new Dimensions tool, but as you can see in my screen shot, where I am working actual size, for the small dimensions it would help if there was an option to have the arrows outside the lines going toward the inside of the dimension rather than the outside. Thus leaving the small gap empty and making it visually clearer.
6 votes -
PLEASE!!!! Return to the previous version of expand stroke. Where it KEEPS the stroke over lapping and doesn't turn it into a compound shape. SO frustrating that that is no longer available or an option. I might expand the stroke, but still want to make adjustments after(like make wider/narrower in parts), which was SO EASY previously. Now I just want to smash the computer. Eh. There are a lot of other changes I hate. But probably this is the biggest. Don't know why you would change things that have been pretty much the same for 20+ years.
6 votes -
Allow users to change default setting for miter limit.
I frequently use the Object - Path - Offset path tool, and I always have to change the miter limit. I would like to be able to define my own default value so I would not have to change it every time I use the function.
6 votes -
Allow to apply different join corners for a live stroke per point
There is an existing request to allow to have different caps for start/end of a stroked path, made by Von Glitschka:
I think an ability to choose corners per point can be very helpful as well.
Original idea by Stuart McCoy.
5 votes -
Enhanced Miter Join with Obelisk/Chisel options for shortening spikes スパイクを短縮するためのオベリスク/チゼルオプションによるマイター結合の強化
Instead of Miter Joins just defaulting to Bevel Joints when the Miter Limit is too low, Obelisk/Chisel options can give a whole range of symmetric/asymmetric shortening of spikes, for the whole path through the Stroke palette and/or as a more flexible feature like live Corners applicable to one/more/all joins.
Described and shown in the thread below where just a few possible shapes and uses are included.
マイターリミットが低すぎるときにマイターコーナーをデフォルトでベベルコーナーにする代わりに、オベリスク/チゼルオプションは、スパイクの対称/非対称短縮の全範囲を提供できます。ストロークパレットを通るパス全体に対して、および/またはより柔軟な機能として 1つ/複数/すべての結合に適用可能 ライブコーナーのように、
5 votes -
Change a group of vector's stroke size relative to each other, thicker or thinner, at the same time. Like Word's font up & font down button
Change a group of vectors' stroke size relative to each other, thicker or thinner, at the same time. Like Word's font up & font down button.
Right now it's frustrating when you transform size down a drawing with multiple stroke sizes. The strokes are then too thick. But if you have multiple stroke widths, there is no way to reduce them in size relative to each other so the drawing keeps the same look.
5 votes -
Add commonly used stroke weights in a document to a dropdown
Sense the stroke weights being used in the document so they can be selected in the drop down menu in Stroke Weights.
So if 0.15 was a common stroke weight it would appear in the drop down menu that now starts at 0.25. It could be cursive or grey to give standout.
E5 votes -
Have stroke type selection like in InDesign
InDesign has a great feature in the Stroke Panel where you can select different types of strokes - like dashed, dotted, wavy, etc.
It would be great if Illustrator had the same feature.
5 votes
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