Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
Jill commented
Yes Adobe, please remove artboard size limit.
We need 20 000mm x 20 000mm working area to setup all sizes.
We are obviously forced to use Corel Draw -
Steve commented
I regularly have to construct massive channel letters in pieces, to correctly break them into these pieces I need to start with the real 1:1 size. There are complicated reasons why I can't simply scale them and I don't wish to explain them. The reality is, I use CorelDraw every time I need to do this.
Anonymous commented
I am trying to create art for a billboard that is 125" x 273"
Melissa commented
Having limits on the artboard/canvas height is incredibly restrictive to some forms of design. As an infographic designer working on long, illustration-heavy pieces, these boundaries complicate my team's layouts. Could we have the option to increase/adjust the height of the overall canvas?
Also, these height limits for both Illustrator and Adobe Acrobat also complicate exports for clients that specifically require PDF proofs. Often I have to split a proof into two pages to save a PDF.
Jenna commented
Again I run into this problem. Super annoying!
trackhorse commented
@Jeron. Affinity Publisher/Designer. Yes, I'm exploring both to see which is most suitable for our work.
Jeron Kuxhausen commented
Affinity publisher is will be for publications so similar to what you would do in Indesign. The out of range error your getting is the PDF limit of 200” when saving a PDF from illustrator. If you do want to take a look at an adobe alternative there is Affinity Designer, which is not as feature rich but has potential given time. Or you could look at Corel Draw which now has both a Mac and Windows PC version now and a much larger canvas option.
trackhorse commented
Affinity Publisher is out 19 June. I purchased it. Stay tuned.
Anonymous commented
I am at my limits with illustrator. I have a banner 17' long and 3' high and I am being told that I am being told that the dimensions of this page are out-of-range. WHAT? First the dartboard fits on the canvas. And why do we even have a canvas? Illustrator needs to step out, I hate to learn new programs but I am about to do that very thing. If someone can help that would be great. Not getting it from Adobe.
Glenn Conrick commented
Please get rid of the maximum "canvas" or artboard size of 226". This is ridiculous as there are many applications where larger artboard sizes are required. I'm a 30 year Illustrator user and this is just crazy, everytime a new version of AI comes oput it seems to be going backwards instead of forward. Who wants to work at reduced scale when working at 100% scale is easier?
Please fix this issue.
SignPro of Ketchikan commented
It would really be nice if there was a way to change the units from just inches to feet. I do design and layout for signs and the fact that illustrator doesn't allow for something over 24 feet is extremely limiting especially since the whole point of vector graphics is so that they can be scaled to any size. I have a CADlink program from 1991 that has a virtually unlimited working area, so why can't Illustrator do the same in 2019?
Anonymous commented
have you given up? it has been 2 years since I had a meeting with the team.
Fe Almeida commented
I work with exhibitions = Large walls, Floors, Doors, scenography.
Why the limitation? Cinema 4d, Corel Draw... work with Meters, Kilometer
No limits please -
Querido commented
yes! dealing with this right now for awning layout, printer requires 100% scale and I literally need just 3 more inches.
Anonymous commented
I have been using Illustrator since 1998 and back then there was a huge pasteboard. This was way before they introduced multiple artboards. You could make one artboard but it could be huge dimensions. I think it was probably around Illustrator 6. I used to use Freehand a lot because it had multiple artboards and when Adobe bought Macromedia they included this feature into Illustrator. I think this was when the pasteboard was reduced. It's a pain and slows down workflow and increases risk of mistakes made on very expensive one off jobs to be rescaling artwork. You need to fix this Adobe. Listen to your customers. Make an option at new document window for one massive large artboard - like Illustrator USED TO DO.
Ivan Sablaev (Sahba) commented
I am confirming Anonymous' post with the following: Photoshop since version 3 could create a file that is 30,000 X 30,000 pixels AND can be saved in PSD or PDF format and some others.. You can make it 1500" X 1500" @ 20 ppi and save it as PDF and open it in Acrobat pro and edit and save. You can also make it 2500" square @ 12 ppi AND open in Acrobat. *
The problem in illustrator is that they have to really clean up the old codes and our friends in Adobe are NOT going to pay our friends in India to do it.
* Later Photoshop increased the size limit to 300,000 square but it can be saved in Large format file or TIFF or Photoshop RAW or a few others.
trackhorse commented
@Christopher. We haven't had any problems having PDF files reproduced at about 200" x 200", but may be a problem if there are images. I think if graphics are vectorized, the upper limit is very high. I've seen banners in NYC advertising (ironically enough) Apple products at what seemed to be 200 x 200 FEET. I assume the fabric is pieced together, still…
Ivan Sablaev (Sahba) commented
To Gabby: Use inches. 70' X 12=840". Illustrator is limited to 227" so you can work in scale of 1:4, hence, 840/4=220"
As far as the maths goes, illustrator can do that for you. Use the TRANSFORM panel. You can do maths there! e.g. you have an object/shape that is 4' 8" then you use the 4*12 in the W area and hit enter and you shall see 48 in so enter +8 after it and hit enter and it shows 56". then enter /4 after in so you get it in scale of 1:4
Anything you get in inches already, you have to divide by 4
You can also use division / and substraction. - multiplication * or addition +A foot is 12 "
Befriend a non-American second grader and they can teach you arithmetics the right way.
Anonymous commented
Christopher, that is incorrect.. I just made a 300" x 300" PDF in another program other than illustrator.. It opens fine in acrobat.. so its not a PDF limitation.. Its Illustrator.
Christopher commented
This may be a deeper issue than we realize.
PDF files seem to have a size limitation as well of around 200 x 200" as well.
Even if we could design at an increased size in Illustrator, it seems that PDF files (the common RIP format) are also hamstrung in dimensional size.
Sounds like the whole process needs an overhaul.