Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
Andy Arkley commented
2270in x 2270in would greatly help me.
I am oftentimes printing banners on 60" wide rolls of paper. Many times these banners are larger than 227 inches... It would also be really helpful to measure shapes in the composition without doing math.
Thank you for considering this.
I don't need pixel preview.
Oliver Morgan commented
To be honest - while I agree that an unlimited canvas size with no restrictions would be preferable - I could live with this solution. On advertising artwork of this scale a 6400% zoom would be OK - and 55m+ artboard would solve a lot of issues.
Would raster artwork be able to be placed as well?
TG commented
First, let me say that I do support this idea, and I would certainly take advantage of it. However, while an infinite work area would be great, and very convenient, scaling work is pretty standard practice (depending on your industry, I suppose). Know your resolution requirements and scales if working with images. I work in the sign industry, and use architectural and engineering scales all the time. I also do prepress work and handle a lot of huge prints. With Press Quality PDFs being our primary print output file, we understand the size limit for any PDF is 200", and we design accordingly. As long as your resolution is sufficient in the original file, everything can be scaled at the RIP, anyway.
CADtools is a very helpful plugin when it comes to scaling, but I really don't understand what the big deal is about working in half or quarter scale if working on a large piece.
As far as multiple artboards, our drawing layouts are usually 11x17. (That's a max of 247 artboards at that size in the canvas.) I'm not understanding what the difficulty would be in simply starting another document if I needed to continue beyond that.
I would much rather Adobe work on incorporating their own basic CAD functions and dimension tools, to be honest.
trackhorse commented
@ Rob Hutchings. Well said. My sentiments exactly.
Rob Hutchings commented
That looks like a limit to me? The request is to remove it. ... a.k.a infinite canvas.
I don't want a 10x increase in canvas size at the detriment of limited zoom functionality.
My biggest issue with the canvas limit is not being able to bring in massive CAD files used for masterplanning/road improvement schemes and the like without some poor attempt at re-scaling.
This also means that while looking at this, you also need to be improving how Illustrator can be better suited to handling multi-million points/paths.
This feels like you're trying to find a way to fit this functionality into the current setup with an additional bit of code instead of overhauling what is a fairly archaic limitation.
Federico Platón commented
Yesterday I got into a real world situation where the current limit severely compromise a project. I received some aerial photos for a nationwide GIS project, i have merged just a couple of those (.tif) pictures in PS, but their size is higher than 5 mts side. I wish I could trace 2 or 3 combined pictures for tracing and get e.g the detailed borderline of lakes, swamps, that require a flat representation without reflections of light or waves.
Anonymous commented
Until they resolve this just use 1/10 scale, very simple. Move the decimal point over one digit and there you go.
I'm terrible at math but I have found this very simple and useful. There are also scale conversion calculators out there if you want to do something other than 1/10. -
Becca Schoenborn commented
I agree, it's 2019, how is this not a feature yet? Designing large scale signage would be much easier if we could design it the actual size needed rather than needing to scale down.
trackhorse commented
I've designed banners at least that size. You just have to vector-ize everything, design at 1/2, 1/4, 1/8th, or whatever works size, and provide **very clear** instructions to the fabricator. For instance, I put the final size right on the file.
To help, I use a very old-fashioned proportion wheel. An image of the one I use is attached, so I guess they still make them.
sam commented
Why should there be any limit on physical scale at all?
This is vector modeling software, so therefore should be able to handle precise sizing in every unit and scale from nanometers to parsecs. Rhino is a good example of this – in that case, an ellipse is an ellipse, regardless of whether it's 2" wide or 2 miles.
Jennifer Bryant commented
I currently have a request to make 25' wide banner. That's 300 inches...It would definitely help if I could actually work to scale.
Anonymous commented
Join the prerelease if you want updates on this..
Anonymous commented
Yes I would be considering using other software too (after more than 30 years with Illustrator) - but still noone has answered my simple question.
Adobe: can we please have an update on whether this will become a new (actually old) feature in a future release and timings.
Why can't one huge artboard be an option when you define a new document - I seem to remember this was how Illustrator used to work before multiple artboards was introduced.
Lan Nguyen commented
I am currently running into problems where the PDF files I receive for production are larger than 300 inches. When I open the PDF in Illustrator to make changes, the art file is resized. Therefore I am unable to re-save as a PDF for production. We are now having to look into CorelDraw since their max canvas size is not limited to 226 x 226 inches. Please let us know if this fix is coming out soon. This info will help us greatly.
Anonymous commented
Trackhorse.. so you are a developer and you understand how to do this?... glad you know how to do their job..
To do it is not just a click of a button. The code for page is probably in almost every aspect of the application.. Im sure its a huge task. so stop whining.. its coming just be patient. -
trackhorse commented
It gets me that they can add useless bells+whistles and annoying pop-up screens showing past files, etc. before opening the file you've selected, no problem. But simply increasing the canvas…sorry pal, TOO HARD
Anonymous commented
if you need more info, join the prerelease and help test new features. Its not a place to rant but a place to know what the future holds.
Anonymous commented
Adobe: can we please have an update on whether this will become a new (actually old) feature in a future release and timings.
ekc commented
having to work on art, mockups, schematics, anything at any kind of scale = time suck, unnecessary extra steps, and greatly increases potential for errors/confusion/etc (especially when you have to send stuff out for production). i mean really? it's just common sense. 1:1 ratio/scale is the fastest and most accurate route in any situation. (and what kind of size limit is 227.541" anyway? makes zero sense.) free the artboard from the canvas constraints of the past!!!
Anonymous commented
Please fix this asap. Adobe last commented on this 2 years ago with 640+ votes with no solution. We should only be limited on the size of the canvas from our computer hardware, not a software limitation. Please fix ASAP