Bulleted and Numbered lists (like InDesign)
This would be a quick easy way to format a paragraph where each paragraph return becomes a bullet or numbered/lettered list item.
Numbers in numbered lists would be updated automatically when you add or remove paragraphs in the list. Bullets would also flow accordingly when edited.
InDesign has both a "Bulleted List button" and "Numbered List button" in the Control Panel and if these features were added to Illustrator they would be very popular.
I am happy to share that we have shipped the Bullets and Numbering in 26.4 update for Illustrator. It’s a phased rollout so you may not see 26.4 update yet but it would rollout globally in a day or two.
You can read about this and other new features here ( https://helpx.adobe.com/in/illustrator/using/whats-new/2022-5.html ).
Anonymous commented
A long needed function that should be in place as soon as possible. Adobe needs to pay more attention to our feedback...as designers, we have the best overview on these apps and could be a massive driving force if they took more notice sometimes.
Anonymous commented
As Illustrator is a primary tool for a lot of designer working with type, it is quite ridiculous that there is not bullet or numbering feature. I work with a lot of clients who have their files set up in illustrator so something as simple as bulleted list capability is a no brainer.
Judith Przymusinski commented
The fastest way to explain why we need this in Illustrator specifically... Imagine you are creating any type of die-cut piece that also has a lot of text - that would be ridiculous to create in InDesign. We need this in Illustrator!
Julien Delenclos commented
Lists are so plainfull in Ai
Anonymous commented
This feature would be huge
Roz commented
Yes please!
Slavek Zajac commented
Please add this feature
Brian commented
Heksel commented
yes please! any professional design app should actually have the bullet and numbering feature
TT Kiker commented
When I mention this on other forums, I get the reply of "that should be done in InDesign". It's not always an option with some projects.
Phil commented
Yep, I could have used this today too.
Chana Messer commented
YES!!!! very important should also be part of the Paragraph styles.
TT Kiker commented
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I create graphics for proposals, and this is something designers in the proposal world would LOVE to see!
Anonymous commented