New Customizable Toolbar need a way to Lock
Customizable toolbar absolutely needs to have a way of locking it!
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Brad Laurie commented
I do not like the new toolbar and the way that items move around rather than stay in the same place. I find that I have to keep re-orienting myself and keep looking for my tools, rather than focus on my work.
I do like the fact that I can customize so that the tools that I never use, can be omitted from the toolbar, but I find that the tools need to be locked in place.
Anonymous commented
Please can you put a fix on the tool bar that means it can be locked, I am getting very annoyed with it randomly moving on its own every 30 seconds.
I end up either keep resetting it or search for the icons, after accidentally selecting the wrong option.
It is is very frustrating. Another great idea messed up by bad execution.
Kostas Stankus commented
I can't believe still no word from Ashutosh. Ashutosh!!!
Kevin commented
Yeah, same here. Complete insanity from one moment to the next and NO, I am not moving them around inadvertently! Type tool also is all over the place. Cannot find any logic to whats happening yet, seems completely random and not at all related to user action or activity! Worst is the select/direct select/shape tools. Hard to tell quickly which icon is which tool so I have to keep remembering to use the keyboard selectors. What a ridiculous workflow disruption and impediment, please fix ASAP.
SBE commented
I am SO happy I'm not the only one. I've been struggling with this for two weeks! So much so that I've been considering making numerous tool bars with just one tool on them.
John commented
I have been using Illustrator for 20 years and I have the same problem. I am constantly looking for my tools in the tool bar and wonder why they shift all the time. The slightest slip of the mouse-click and all **** breaks loose. THIS IS SO ANNOYING!!!! These tool placements in the tool bar need to be locked or lockable!
Anonymous commented
Adobe please fix this issue ASAP. It disrupts workflow and is very annoying. Why was there a need to change it in the first place?
Heather commented
Same thing is happening to me. Several tools move around and change groups randomly. I spend most of my time rearranging and trying to figure things out. Any estimate on when there will be an answer or a fix to this???
Sue commented
I have the same problem with tools moving from one 'stack' to another and having to then search for them.
I also find that the order of tools within a stack changes, with the most recent tool selected moving to the top. I then have to search the stack to find the one I want to select, and it's position in the stack will have changed, so instead of being able to quickly go to the tool which is normally second in the stack for instance, it could be anywhere within it making it awkward to find quickly.
These things completely disrupt the flow of working and are VERY frustrating.
Anonymous commented
Mine randomly appears, but don't always react in the way you would expect - for example just moving one end of a path.
[Deleted User] commented
A adjustable toolpanel seems a legit update. But why not 'hide' this option someweher in the menu or behond a command. This all the time randomised toolpanel makes the program close to unworkable. Horrific update. What were you thinking.
Ryan Etty commented
SAME!!!! DRIVING ME INSANE! Having to reset the toolbar every 5 minutes is not the one! MAKE IT LOCKABLE PLEASE!!
Dave commented
I thought it was just me going crazy. Yes my top 3 tools in the tool bar keep rearranging themselves randomly. As everybody below already stated it's frustrating and I hope a patch or fix is coming sooner than later. Cheers
Jason Reimer commented
This is killing me also. Can't be productive like this. With the tools moving all
by themselves. Hiding in different places spontaneously. -
JF commented
Same problem... FRUSTRATION !
Mary commented
Tools keep bouncing around while I'm trying to select a different one, mousing over, or opening a stack of tools to grab another. I eset the toolbar at least 20 times a day while working, or more. It's killing my workflow.
I just want to be able to lock everything in place.
Laura commented
This is a TERRIBLE problem and is hurting my productivity. Please remedy as soon as possible.
Sue commented
I totally agree...
Please either introduce the ability to lock it, or alternatively the necessity to 'option-click' or similar in order to move them so that they only move when you want them to.
Charlie commented
I'm dealing with the same issue. Doesn't seem to matter what you're doing. I can work in strictly shortcuts and it still happens.
Chris commented
Same problem here, hugely annoying.
Haven't yet sussed out what I'm doing that makes the tools move position