Grouping / linking objects from different layers
Hi Illustrator ! It would be great if there’s a feature to group objects and not have them in the same layer. Many instances I want to be able to resize/multiple select different objects (frim different layers) at the same time without having to select each of them individually everytime.

Dear users,
Can you please let us know what is that you cannot do with the existing 'save selection' functionality that you expect to do by grouping objects from different layers?
'Save selection' enables you to combine objects from different layers without having to bring them into one single layer.
To use 'save selection' just select your desired objects and save the selection from the select > save selection menu command or from the bottom of the layers panel.
Brian Matis commented
Yeah, this would be a huge help! We frequently work with Dielines, Foil, and Spot UV which need to be on separate layers, but have to move with the artwork. Having to group for positioning and then needing to separate back out into the correct layers is really annoying.
InDesign puts objects back on their original layers when you Ungroup, and even just that ability would be a big help!
Yvonne Creter commented
When designing on multiple artboards, there are often some objects that are supposed to be at the same position on every artboard.
Unfortunately grouping doesn't work for onesided links (as in you can't change the position of one object without affecting the object it was linked to). The feature does exist in Photoshop but since PS isn't vectorbased it's not an option for me.
Being able to tag or link multiple objects independent from it's group, and then either move the original layer it was linked to (like how an empty layer in After Effects is often used) or select all objects with a certain tag would be a huge timesaver, so I wouldreally appreciate it. -
yerg commented
Insane that this doesn't have more votes. Adobe please fix your **** this software is so unintuitive and built on ******* workarounds
Johnny R. Japa-Natera commented
YES PLEASE! Make it to where objects are chained to each other but the layers they are on do not change so that you can change the size, shape, color or opacity without needing to compromise the design!!
Basically what you need is 'linking objects', the same way it is done in Photoshop? When you can press a chain icon and two or more objects (as well as groups) and transform them all at once, without breaking their relative hierarchy.
Agree. Voted.
Anonymous commented
Hi Egor (OP here) I see what you're saying and I can see a limited benefit, but that just adds to the workflow (in my case). I work with files the may have hundreds of elements, and I need to be able to grab an element that may be intricately position around other elements that get in the way of the selection tools. It'd be nice just to click on the group and move/resize quickly and easily. As many great improvements that we've got in the last 10 years, I'm really surprised this wasn't one of them. But I will say I was not aware of save selection (more like never really thought to explore it) - I'm sure I'll be able to incorporate that in it's own way.
You kind of can do it already. Instead of groups you should make Saved Selections: Select > Save Selection.
Later you can call these via Select menu (displayed at the bottom) and manage through the Edit Selection command.Be ware — this is an old piece, it has some weird quirks to it and an awful UX.
One object can be contained in different saved selections (that is good actually, but maybe not for your task).
It also supports storing subselections (array-based).There was a request to boost this into a proper panel... or I never made it yet.
Anonymous commented
We need the ability to group items that are on multiple layers in a way they retain their original layer (ie, items don't merge to one layer when grouped). This would be invaluable when selecting pieces of art that are in intricate proximate to other items where it's not practical to use the selection or direct selection too. Also valuable for using Warp features with items on multiple layers.
Sam commented
This would be a great tool to have, similar to how you can link layers in Photoshop but keep them in separate groups.
For instance in Illustrator I create printable artwork. I could have a text box on my 'Text' layer which needs a clear zone (no-print) around the text box, but I wouldn't want this object to be on my 'Text' layer, instead I would want the clear zone area defined on a 'Guides' layer. So if I move the text box at any point, the clear zone object would move with it even though they are on separate layers.
Agrajag commented
Karlos60 has the right Idea with tags. I do a lot with sketchup. it treats layers and groups separately and the double hierarchy leads to some awesome. levels of control. Not to mention saved scenes. and visual styles.
Karlos60 commented
Perhaps you could support adding tags to objects, and add "By Tag" to the Select menu.
Oliver Malms commented
Freehand had this feature an it was very usefull. You could group objects from different layers and when you ungrouped them, they went back to their original layers.
Seth commented
Definitely needed
Daniel commented
I would like to manage to align a drawing that is composed of objects that are spread in several layers. The only way I can do this is by grouping these objects and aligning the composed drawing of several objects. The problem with this is that all object get merged into the same layer.
Using the selection is not an alternative because it will align all the object withing the composition, changing my drawing.
I end up creating guidelines and alining my drawing manually which takes me a lot of time.
Thanks -
Drew commented
Yes please!
Paula commented
Like maybe have "groups" that are only for aligning purposes? This way I can keep them in separate layers. Otherwise I have to group-> align-> ungroup -> manually select and move objects to each of their original layers.
ilovemodok commented
I wish there was a way to parent objects, link them like grouping, but independent of layer order.
This is done in 3D software and notably in After Effects with the pick whip.
Sometimes, especially in work like illustration or making assets for animation, things that are meant to be grouped together aren't necessarily all directly on top of each other.
A feature like this would greatly expend on Illustrator's abilities and keep it competitive in the future.
Anonymous commented
Grouping objects on different layers for moving etc, but keeping them in their original layers.
For example: I have a number of objects that are arranged nicely to each other, but I want to move them to the centre of the artboard. So I should be able to select all, group, and select the center button, then release them and not have their layers changed.
I mean, leave groups as the are, per layer only. But add another way of managing sets.
I would not call this 'Groups', but 'Named Selection Sets', like 3DSMax does it: would be amazing.