Oliver Malms

My feedback

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  1. 81 votes
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    Dear users,

    Can you please let us know what is that you cannot do with the existing 'save selection' functionality that you expect to do by grouping objects from different layers?

    'Save selection' enables you to combine objects from different layers without having to bring them into one single layer.

    To use 'save selection' just select your desired objects and save the selection from the select > save selection menu command or from the bottom of the layers panel.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    As mentioned before (but as you ask for examples I will repeat it), here is a case where "save selection" does not help: Freehand had this functionality ages ago and it was great if you, for example, wanted to create a sheet of stickers, each sticker with a cut layer, a graphics layer, a text layer, etc., you could then group one sticker, duplicate it across the page, arrange, resize and align those duplicates if you want, and in the end ungroup and everything is on it's original layer again.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    What Mathijn said. That should be the perfect way. That was also the behaviour of Macromedia Freehand ages ago and it just worked fine. Grouping objects from different layers, then treat them as if they were one object for duplicating, arranging, etc. and when finished, ungroup again and everything switches back into place.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    this is not a solution for what was asked for in the O.P.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Saved Selections is not the same... For example: in Freehand I could group objects from different layers, duplicate, rearange, resize, align, etc. them and after that I could ungroup them and everything was in place (on the original layers) again. With saved selections I can not (for example) allign duplicates of those selections to each other as illustrator will handle them as single objects.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Freehand had this feature an it was very usefull. You could group objects from different layers and when you ungrouped them, they went back to their original layers.

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
  2. 24 votes
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    If tweaking the Preferences > User Interface > UI Scaling slider does not help to solve this problem, please make some screenshots or a short video of the problem, and post in a reply, along with your exact specs for the OS and the monitor used, for the team to try to reproduce it.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Cursor is just a thin hairline, no matter what the text size is. Under some circumstances it is very hard to see, especially, when not on a plain white background or on the edge of a text box. Scaling the UI is no solution as everything else should stay as it is, only the cursor needs to be more visible on high resolution displays. (iMac Retina 5K, 27")

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
  3. 670 votes
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    We have done further updates to Dimension tool with recently released version - 28.3

    You can create and use your custom scale for dimension, hide or show units on dimensions and dimensions are now sticky to the object - they transform as well when you transform the object.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    using dimension tools from 02creative for years now. very happy with it. a powerful little tool for those, who are missing some features in Adobe’s approach.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Right now we are using PowerScript Dimension from o2creative for this. It fits our needs very well, so an Adobe-Tool should at least have the functionality of this tool to make us think of using a native Illustrator-Tool instead of it.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    even Inkscape has it built in...

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 
    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
  4. 1 vote
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    iMac, 27", 2019
    3,7 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i5
    Radeon Pro 580X 8 GB
    24 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
    macOS 13.4.1 (c) (22F770820d)

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    switching to CPU and then back to GPU fixes it (temporary)... GPU-View has a bunch of bugs, since it has been introduced, but CPU-View is painfully slow - can’t really work with it...

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    I will try, when the bug appears next time...

    Oliver Malms shared this idea  · 
  5. 82 votes
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    It’s dangerous to call things Smart... When they behave dumb, the name sound like an insult. Sadly, this is the case.

    Please provide more specific cases, with video proofs, ask you colleagues to share and vote, to move this further. This is the way to force changes to things that are broken — be vocal and persistent. Thank you all and let’s hope we get heard.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Here is one more video. Just trying to clone some rectangles and let them snap to each other... When you zoom in, you can see there is a gap between them. Such an easy task and it just does not work properly. Most of the time, doing stuff like this, I have to zoom in, to get the snapping result that I want and to double check, if everything is in place...

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    The video shows the general problem very well, thanks for sharing it! Just want to add, that the problem is not limited to artboards neither to pixels as a measurement unit.
    ...and also snapping to (ruler)guides shows similar inaccuracies.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    @ anonym

    What you wrote sums it up well. What I can add to it: I often have to zoom in, to get something alligned properly. For example, when alligning an object to a guide it often does not show, that it snaps. After zooming in and trying again, it works. And as you already wrote: Illustrator often snaps to some random object and not to the nearest or logical one... I just can continue to advice Adobe developers, to get a copy of Freehand from the attic and have a look at it’s snapping beahaviour. It had great visual and acoustic feedback and you always could rely 100% that your object is in place. In Illustrator I double check (Zoom in) every time...

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    You are so right, nicky... I miss the precision of snapping in Macromedia Freehand everyday that I use Illustrator. Snapping in Illustrator behaves weird, inaccurate, illogical and having to use third party tools for a function that should be essential is just embarrising. I also miss the accoustic feedback from Freehand. I could always be absolutely sure, that everything is exactly in place. In Illustrator I often have to zoom in, to double check and have do pick up an object twice to get it snap where I want it to... And that are just 2 examples. Over the years , after acquiring Freehand, Adobe implemented quiet a few useful features from it (even if it took years...) So now, Adobe, please make snapping in Illustrator just as accurate and easy like it was in Freehand decades ago. Snapping in Illustrator sucked from the very first day and it still does...

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    It still does not work well. In Freehand, I always could be sure, that everything snapped as it should. I even had acoustic feedback. In Illustrator I always have to zoom in and check, if everything is in place - and most of the time it is not! You just can’t trust in snapping with Illustrator and that is really a shame after all the years...

  6. 100 votes
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Single Monitor (iMac) calibrated with Spyder and DisplayCal here.

    But the workaround on the top is suggested for working color profiles (using a german version, so I hope it is called that way) in Illustrator and not monitor calibration settings in System Preferences... If using a standard monitor profile helps (have not tried it yet) it is something completely different than the workaround Adobe provided.

    And Adobe: even if this "monitor settings trick" should help - It can’t be the solution not using custom monitor profiles in a professional workflow, just to get features working again that alredy worked a while ago. Maybe you should just compare the sourcecode from the versions that DID work with the versions, where it STOPPED working in order to find the problem...

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Well, with a company like Adobe, who claim supreme demands in terms of themselves as a market leader, in 2021 and in a software with such a long history like Illustrator, I should be able to use any desired color profile without any glitches. Apart from this, I don’t use this specific color profile "Generic-CMYK", so this can’t be the reason here. And I also don’t want to use "North America General Purpose 2". I am using color profiles from ECI as RGB and CMYK working color spaces and these are synchronized all over the Adobe CC on my Mac and I think it is not asking too much, using my desired color profiles AND having proper GPU-acceleration.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Bug still not fixed with v 26... Just opened a file that was created with v 25 and Illustrator switches to CPU-Preview. After that, "View using GPU" is greyed out and I need to restart Illustrator to be able to switch it back. I can reproduce this bug with several Files made with v 25. By the way, v 25.0 was the last Version for me, that did not have this bug. Every v25.x had this bug here and v 26 isn’t any better. I installed v 26 from scratch, not taking over the preferences from older versions, just in case... But this did not help either.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    for me, it has never been gone...

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    First Upload did not work...
    Here a video of the Problem. Only way to fix it is switching back to 25.0...
    But using an outdated Version while paying for the newest can’t be the solution.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Here a video of the Problem. Only way to fix it is switching back to 25.0...
    But using an outdated Version while paying for the newest can’t be the solution.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    While some of the glitches we had seem to be fixed (at least on my iMac here), there is still some strange behaviour that seems to occur on every version newer than 25.0:

    Everytime I open a document, the workspace turns black for a moment. That is not a big problem, but strange, as it never happened in 25.0 or older.

    Second, there a quite often problems in refreshing the display, when moving around in the illustration or copying/dragging objects around. The display gets crippled (blank spaces, where they should not be) and I have to force a refresh to see the propper illustration again.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Hey Adobe, what about one year of not implementing any "new great features" and just fixing all those bugs? Just dreaming...

    By the way... the "magic link" for commenting here, also does not work reliable... needs several tries most of the time to get the mail...

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    This GPU-Bug is really crazy as it comes in so many incarnations. It seems, that nearly everybody has a slightly different scenario with this bug. I switched back to 25.0 as it seems (at least for me) to be the last working version regarding this bug. But using an old version while paying for the newest features can’t be the solution... ADOBE: FIX THIS! (and all the other bugs, before even thinking of implementing any new "fantastic" features)

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Also tried 25.2.1 (Mac, Catalina) and discovered a new bug: Objects temporarily dissapear (kind of flicker) when dragging with GPU-View. Going back to 24.3. Again.

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    This might be one way to force the bug to happen. But I had this also without raster files beeing involved, so there seem to be some more ways to trigger it...

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    That’s the problem with subscriptions: You pay for the newest version, but you have to use the old version, until all bugs are fixed... It’s March 2021 and we are forced to use Illustrator 2020, because the actual version is not reliable.... Maybe, when Illustrator 2022 is released, we got a bug free version of Illustrator 2021...

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Since we have updated to Illustrator 2021, on one of our machines (Mac mini 2018) "View unsing GPU" (CMD+E) is greyed out and can’t be activated. GPU IS activated in the Illustrator Preferences! Using Illustrator 2020, this function works as usual.

    An other glitch, that we noticed on both of our machines (the 2018 mini and a 2019 iMac): When opening a document in Illustrator 2021, the window turns black for a moment until the document is shown. This does not really cause any problems, it is just strange and does not occure with Illustrator 2020.

    Having tested everything for some days It is getting even stranger. On the iMac, where the GPU preview seemed to work, I was editing a document with GPU preview active and when I place a tiff image in my artwork, Illustrator instantly switches to CPU preview and GPU preview gets greyed out.

    Adobe, before adding any new features, that nobody needs, PLEASE fix the basic functionality!!!

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
  7. 71 votes
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    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
  8. 3 votes
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    While some of the GPU-related glitches seem to be fixed wich the actual Version 25.4 (at least on my iMac here), there is still some strange behaviour that seems to occur on every version newer than 25.0:

    Everytime I open a document, the workspace turns black for a moment. That is not a big problem, but strange, as it never happened in 25.0 or older.

    Second, there are quite often problems in refreshing the display, when moving around in the illustration or copying/dragging objects around. The display gets crippled (blank spaces, where they should not be) and I have to force a refresh to see the propper illustration again.

    Oliver Malms shared this idea  · 
  9. 40 votes
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    @Yngve: ARTVIEW does NOT work with Big Sur and actually it does not seem, that this will be fixed. The website has not been updated for ages and I have been asking the Support, if/when Big Sur will be supported: Months ago they answered, that they are investigating, now they don’t even answer anymore. So ARTVIEW does not seem to be a solution anymore and waiting for a fix from Adobe is.... well... we all know.

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
  10. 143 votes
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Well if it worked before they broke it, "average hardware" seems a bad argument to me. For example my iMac 2019 should be powerful enough to handle this (but I have this bug, too - also on other computers). It is just one of many bugs in Illustrator and if it does not appear on your machine, you are lucky. But don’t tell people to buy new hardware, because Adobe broke their software....

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Unchecking Real-Time Drawing is just a poor workaround and not a fix! Adobe introduced even more GPU related Bugs with Illustrator 2021! Come on Adobe, don’t think of adding useless new features - FIX the existing ones, that we need to use every day!

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Same here... seems as if with every bug they fix, 3 new bugs will appear... Workaround (kind of): switch to wireframe mode for dragging guides. This bug ist really embarrassing.

  11. 752 votes
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    Adobe Illustrator's Multithreading Journey Begins!


    Dear Illustrator Community,

    I'm thrilled to announce that we've embarked on an exciting journey to bring multithreading capabilities to Adobe Illustrator. This significant undertaking will enhance performance and responsiveness across various aspects of the application.

    While this is a complex process that will take some time to fully implement, I wanted to share our progress so far.

    Our Approach

    We've strategically begun by focusing on the most computationally intensive operations—those that typically take more time and block the main thread, resulting in slower response times while you work. By moving these operations to separate threads, we aim to significantly improve your overall experience with Illustrator.

    It's important to note that you may see more noticeable impact in some areas than others initially. However, we want to assure you that this is just the beginning, and we will continue this journey to bring improvements across…

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Just ask the guys at Serif, how to make a fast, responsive, modern design-app... Come on Adobe - it’s 2021!

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
  12. 6 votes
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    It is getting even stranger. On the iMac, where the GPU preview seemed to work, I was editing a document with GPU preview active and when I place a tiff image in my artwork, Illustrator instantly switches to CPU preview and GPU preview gets greyed out.

    Adobe, before adding any new features, that nobody needs, PLEASE fix the basic functionality!!!

    And yes, I am using v 25.2...

    Oliver Malms shared this idea  · 
  13. 29 votes
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    and show an icon somewhere in the user interface, that is always visible and shows the state of this preference.

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
  14. 3 votes
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    same here!

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
  15. 53 votes
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Other programms (like Freehand) have been more reliable in snapping 20 years ago... But I don’t expect any improvements in the next 20 years, as the few implemented improvements that I have been waiting for took at least one decade...

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
  16. 2 votes
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    I have to specify: on Retina in Textframes the cursor is HARDLY VISIBLE, in palette fields (like colour names) it is NEARLY INVISIBLE... (you need very good eyes to see that there is even something, in fact, you can only guess a slight change of colour, where the cursor is blinking!)

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Cursor is extremely thin on Macs with Retina Displays. When working with text, sometimes it is hardly visible. Settings for changing the scaling of the UI will not change this

  17. 1 vote
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    Oliver Malms shared this idea  · 
  18. 281 votes
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    Hi Everyone,

    We have fixed this bug in our latest release – v 24.2.1 which is available worldwide now. Thanks for your patience on this.

    Please note that after upgrading you might still see that Align To sets itself to Align to Key Object. If you see this, please manually set the Align To to the required setting, and this reported bug will not happen again. You’ll need to this one time only.

    The reason Align To might get set to Key Object after update is because Ai remembers your last Align To on subsequent launches as well. So, if your last Align To was Key Object before quitting/upgrading, after first multi-selection, it will set itself to Key Object. After you manually change it one-time, it will work fine.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html

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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    Since updating to 24.2 (Mac, Mojave) there is always a key object (the one that I would normally select to align other objects to) automatically activated, when selecting more than one object. This does not affect workflow in any way but is visually annoying, if you don’t need the key object.

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
  19. 37 votes
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    Oliver Malms commented  · 

    long, long time ago, Freehand had a great function (indeed it hat a lot of great functions that I am still missing in Illustrator): When you grouped Objects from different Layers, it remembered the original layers of these objects. So you could group them, do with them whatever you wanted and after ungrouping all objects went back to their original layers what was a very useful function. I whish, Illustrator wound offer something like this, too...

    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
  20. 65 votes
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    Oliver Malms supported this idea  · 
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