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Illustrator (Desktop) SDK/Scripting Issues

129 results found

  1. Executing the script throws the Error 1242: Illegal argument

    [Windows11 Pro 22H2] Adobe Illustrator27.9で次のJavaScriptを実行するとError 1242:Illegal argument -argument 1のエラーとなりましたのでバグとして報告いたします

    var textValue = null;
    var selectedFont = null;
    // アクティブなドキュメントを取得
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    // インストールされている書体のリストを取得する関数
    function getInstalledFonts() {
    var fontList = [];
    var fonts = app.textFonts;
    for (var i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) {
    return fontList;
    var fontAll = getInstalledFonts();
    // ダイアログボックスの作成
    var dialog = new Window("dialog", "縦組テキストを配置", undefined, {resizeable: true});
    dialog.orientation = "column";
    // ダイアログボックスに「テキスト入力エリア」を追加
    var textArea = dialog.add("edittext", undefined, "", {multiline:true, scrolling:true});
    textArea.preferredSize = [500, 200]; // 幅500、高さ200
    // ダイアログボックスに「書体の選択」の追加
    var fontDropdown = dialog.add("dropdownlist", undefined, fontAll, {scrolling:true}); // インストールされている書体のリストを取得
    fontDropdown.selection =…

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  2. Email newsletter for third-party developers

    Could Adobe please offer an email newsletter updating third-party plugin developers of changes that may affect or even break their plugins? It's helpful that there is a "known issues" web page, which may or may not identify problems known only to Adobe, but rather than every small developer checking this page every day, perhaps someone at Adobe could send one message to all subscribed developers. Too often, changes quietly happen and developers must scramble to help each other.

    One recent example is AI 28.1 corrupting some 28.0 preference files, and a major example would be when Mac AI 25.1 required…

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  3. Control the angle, length of gradients and other

    ExtendScript does not allow you to control the length, angle, or other parameters of gradients. These are all read-only attributes. Script authors can only work with color stops.

    For example, to rotate a gradient, we have to use the rotate() method, which has another problem. The angle of such a gradient is not copied to another object with the Eyedropper Tool:

    The fillColor assignment commands (selection[1].fillColor = selection[0].fillColor) carry over the base gradient, losing other properties. This reduces the ability to automate gradients via ExtendScript.

    Also ignores other Uservoices:

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  4. Install new tools in toolbox by default

    When a user adds a new third-party plugin, its tools should be added to the toolbox, where users expect to find it, rather than hidden in the drawer, which many users don't even know about. Hiding new tools creates frustration for users and extra support hassle for developers.

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  5. Vertically alignChildren in ScriptUI does not align properly

    In the ScriptUI documentation, there is an alignChildren attribute: "Tells the layout manager how to align children of this container that are not of the same size in a column or row". The issue of vertical alignment of UI objects in the scripts dialog box persists from version to version of Illustrator.

    As we can see in the image, only the top alignment seems to be correct. The center alignment is shifted up, and the bottom alignment does not reach the bottom. At the same time, native UI dialogs contain the correct alignment. Thus script interfaces always look less professional.

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  6. check a keyboard key state in SDK

    I often need a way to check if a specific keyboard key is currently pressed. For example, while a tool is being dragged, allow users to press the 'W' or 'E' key as they would a modifier like Shift or Alt/Option.

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  7. Change Adobe PDF settings without creating a PDF file

    Does anyone know if there is a way to change Adobe PDF settings without saving the current file into a PDF file? More specifically, is there a way to turn on/off the "Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities" option using C++ SDK?

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  8. weird unicode file names in CEP panel scripts

    Files with unicode names should report correctly in the documentAfterActivate and documentAfterSave events.
    I just noticed that there are not only strange sequences of escaped and unescaped characters, but they can even differt between these two events.
    A € sign produces 0x80 in the activate event and %e2 0x82 %ac in the save event

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  9. Accessing Opacity Mask is impossible with scripting

    There is no way to work with the transparency mask in the Script SDK. This is the least of the problems. But when creating scripts to modify objects with masks, developers expect masks to be modified along with the parent object. After all, we see the "Linked to Art" icon in the Transparency panel.

    But what we have all these years as script developers: resize(), position, translate() modify the object, and its mask remains as it was.

    I've counted about 10 of my own scripts that use similar commands. I also have a large collection of other developers' scripts, where…

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  10. [SDK Feature Request] Annotator option to draw selection annotation last.

    There is no option to draw the selection annotation last. Filled shapes and image annotations always block the selection annotation. See images for what i mean.

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  11. how can i call these functions in AI via script?

    -I would like to open a Multipage PDF with settings set to open "all pages" and "import pages as links".
    If the pdf has only one page import it also as a link (if possible do it)

    • Import an Illustrator *.ai file Multi-layouts by importing them as links across multiple layouts.

    • Set flattener presets:

    • preset name

    • various parameters...

    • Select all (Select / All)

    • Run the command: Object / convert transparency / Previously saved preset / OK

    • I saw among the commands that there is an openOptionsFreeHand could I create a script that opens the freehand files for me?

    How could…

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  12. settings raster effects value visible main screen

    I need to view somewhere in the Illustrator interface, the value set in the "raster effects settings" panel.

    Is there a scripted way to implement this?

    I've created actions that set this value to 72ppi / 300ppi so that I can change it when the document becomes heavy and unmanageable (thanks to using only 1 CPU CORE, thanks Adobe ❤).
    The problem is that if I save the file, I will probably save it at 72ppi, but for printing the effects are poor and you have to set them to 300ppi.
    So having the value always visible on the screen,…

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  13. exportFile doesn't work with NoUI document

    trying to create a "NoUI" document and export as SVG like this:

    opendoc = app.documents.addDocumentNoUI();
    opendoc.exportFile(file, ExportType.SVG);

    I get the attached error in AI

    I can't think of any other way to export an SVG via script. Obviously there are scripting things that don't work with NoUI documents, but it seems like this one should. Am I doing something wrong?

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  14. app.selectTool('Adobe Intertwine Zone Marker Tool') does not work

    When I run the following script, the Adobe Intertwine Zone Marker Tool starts up and I can select the area where I want to change the overlap like the lasso tool. However, nothing happens after the selection.

    app.selectTool('Adobe Intertwine Zone Marker Tool')

    Expected Result

    The overlap of the selected area is changed.

    Actual Result

    The line will remain as if it was drawn with the lasso tool. The overlap is not changed.


    • macOS 11.7
    • Illustrator 27.1.1
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    An intended way of picking up the hidden Zone Marker tool via a script is to enter the Intertwine mode using these commands:

    app.executeMenuCommand('Partial Rearrange Make') — when an intertwine object is not created yet, and

    app.executeMenuCommand('Partial Rearrange Edit') — when the object already exists, as per comments by the OP.

  15. [Typo] Document.rearrangeArtboards() of Illustrator JavaScript Reference.pdf

    There is a typo in rearrangeArtboards in Illustrator JavaScript Scripting Reference.pdf. It cannot execute as per the document. Please correct it.

    I have checked and it was wrong from CS5 to current version (2022 v2 - Feb 2022).

    Expected Name:


    Actual Name:

    rearrangeArboards ("t" is missing from Artboards)

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  16. Drag-and-drop bug running scripts containing app.doScript()

    Watch the "drag-and-drop-bug.mp4" video, which demonstrates a specific but with the Adobe Illustrator's JS engine handling scripts which are dragged to different areas of the screen in different ways.

    In most cases, a drag-and-dropped script will work as intended. But for 10 years in CS6-CC 2023 versions there is a limited bug handling the script if dragged to the “wrong” area of the program window.

    If the script contains an action and a user drags it onto the document window, it may not work correctly. If the script selects objects one by one and applies an action to them, it…

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  17. AppleScript can't get character properties (ver26.4.1, ver26.5)

    tell character 1

    ver26.3.1 get properties
    but, ver26.4.1, ver26.5 cant't get properties

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  18. Illustrator 2022 (26.5.0) listStyle scripting issues

    Starting with Illustrator 2022 (26.4.1), the ability to create bulleted and numbered lists has been implemented. Text to which lists are applied can be obtained in ExtendScript or AppleScript by using the listStyle property.

    However, normal text that is not bulleted and numbered lists (hereinafter called "normal text") has no listStyle assigned to it, and referencing it causes an error. The following problem occurs.

    Issue 1: ExtendScript and AppleScript cannot directly change lists to normal text

    Expected state

    For example, the following script (ExtendScript) can change a paragraph to normal text.

    var doc = app.documents[0] ;
    var targetParagraph = doc.selection[0].paragraphs[0]
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  19. variables.removeAll(); does not work

    When I execute variables.removeAll();. error occurred: 1346458189 ('PARM').
    On the other hand, dataSets.removeAll() works.

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  20. ExtendScript Debugger 2.0.3 for VSCode fails on "doScript" method

    When a script containing "doScript" method is run from VSCode to AI 2022 using any version of ExtendScript Debugger 2.x it locks up Ai 2022 requiring a force quit. VSCode must also be reloaded before any debugging can continue.

    Rolling ExtendScript Debugger back to v1.1.2 eliminates the failure at the expense of the more advanced features of v2.x.

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Illustrator (Desktop) SDK/Scripting Issues


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