Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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61 results found
Increase levels of smoothing for paintbrush or pencil
To have control on stabilization of small form or
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Allow the option to have dashed strokes be able to start with gaps
Allow the option to have dashed strokes be able to start with gaps
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Allow to save changes into the locked file
So you are a smart one and figured out how to make your own arrowheads...
The help article tells how to do it ( and then the file itself has some instructions.But then you try to save the changes, and get an error message. You can't overwrite the file, because it’s locked by Ai, because it uses it to display arrowheads in their dropdown...
Currently you have to save the file someplace else, close Ai, wait a bit, replace the fil, launch Ai back. Very cool...
Then you realize you made a tiny mistake probably, and you…4 votes -
Allow to set the variable width of stroke to zero
The stroke width tool is great, however you can't reduce the stroke width to zero, you're always left with a hairline. This should be corrected urgently!
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Allow adding Arrowheads or similar to both ends of stroke at once.
Provide an option for adding arrowheads to a stroke with one selection rather than each end individually.
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Default stroke check box next to stroke weight
Please, please make a "Default" checkbox next to the stroke weight that can force all future strokes to the set weight when checked
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Min Stroke width when adding a profile
I have wanted this to be a feature for over a year now.
As many of us know, we can simply add a profile shape to strokes. We can also create our own profiles! The process of creating profiles is not very user friendly in my opinion.
I think it would be a great idea to be able to state which profile you want for your stroke, and then an addition option comes up that gives you 1 extra boxes:
Minimum stroke weight for the stroke profile
Obviously the "max" stroke weight is changed in the "Weight" section already.
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Scaling Arrowheads Maintains Original Stroke Width
Is it possible to add an option in the Stroke panel which allows scaling of the arrowheads and start and end shapes (like Circle, Square, SimpleWide, Simple, ettc.) without scaling their stroke width?
Now the stroke width of the arrow or shape is increased or decreased when scaling. Please see attached images. Often times I would like to use a bigger arrowhead or shape but I have to create hem manually as scaling up results the arrowhead becoming a wider stroke than the stroke itself.
For instance - a 2 point stroke with a SimpleWide arrowhead results in the arrowhead…
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Add a quick way to toggle the alignment of a stoke (Center, Inside, Outside): with Opt/Alt-click and/or a hotkey
There are many modes, states, values in Ai that require precise clicking in a tiny button or a field to toggle or change. We need faster ways to access these.
A keyboard shortcut to quickly toggle how the current stroke is aligned would be nice to have... for those who prefer clicking, Opt/Alt could be added to avoid precise aiming, just to loop through the modes.
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Uniform dashes at end of paths
It would be great to have uniform dashes at the end of paths when
"Aligns dashes to corners and path ends, adjusting lengths to fit" is on.Currently we seem to get half sized dashes with this option on
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Add Round Butt cap option for strokes
The original idea by Johan Perjus, from
There are quite a few cases where I use rounded strokes as a starting point for building shapes and where this option would be useful, as in order to know the correct outer dimensions of a stroke, one has to deduct the stroke with from the end caps.
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Variable Width point distribution advanced controls
The standard distribution of the width points and number of width points needs a toggle to advanced controls where the width points can be locked to (or between specified) anchor points on the path.
I hypothesize that this would fix the glitch where the movement, addition or subtraction of anchor points throws the width distribution out of wack.• Would also like to see more pronounced the location of all width points when the path is selected instead of fumbling along the path; perhaps secondary color to standard layer color.
• Within the "Width Point Edit" dialogue, buttons to advance…
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Width Tool Changes When Adding New Points or Mirroring and Joining Objects
This issue really affects me, especially when I create an entire path, but then gets destroyed due to more points. Could you consider getting rid of width profiles or make an option to disable it? I want the width point to stay at the exact same place all the time just like anchor points! Also the width tool points can be very inaccurate, as shown in the picture below.
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Scale arrowheads to stroke weight
So, my great idea request is to have the arrowheads scale but maintain their stroke width. It seems the arrow heads are not stroked paths, so maybe this is not possible? But it being 2023, I would like to think it is possible.
Without too much ranting, it's amazing that you would want to scale arrow heads to be a different width to the stroke. It's so uglehy.
Screenshots attached showing how I see this amazing update would work and saving me time of having to make my own hacked arrow heads to do the job of this expensive software.
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ライブペイントを崩さずに、線幅を変えられたらかなり強力なツールになると思います。3 votes -
Auto-calculate spacing of dashed strokes, given dash width and number of dashes
When I'm designing dials for equipment, I often need to place a dash at a given number of/angular intervals around a curve (eg, ten 1mm dashes around an arc of radius 15mm and theta 3pi/5 radians). Often the simplest, most time-effective way to do this is with dashed lines.
Currently, in order to work out accurate gap spacings without dashes getting cut off at the end stops, I end up having to calculate arc lengths and gap spacing by hand. I daresay the math is good for my brain, but it would be really handy to input "dash width: 1mm,…
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correct measurements
In the attached screen shot you can see that the height of each of these objects, when looking at the blue illustrator guidelines, is measured the same but in reality, as is clearly obvious from the stroke attached to one of them, they are not the same size. One of them is clearly bigger in size due to the stroke. This discrepancy is very and constantly confusing when trying to work in precision measurements. Please could you fix so the stoked object calculates the stroke outer edge as additional width, as that is what it is. Thanks James
3 votesThere's an option 'Used Preview Bounds' for that in Preferences, which toggles the behavior. When it’s on, Illustrator includes stroke weight into dimensions, and does not when it’s off.
"Use preview bounds" option in stroke panel
Please add the "use preview bounds" option not only available in the presets, but also in the stroke panel (e.g. with a checkmark) to make it easier to switch it on / off. That would make icon design much faster.
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Stroke [Round Cap - corner radius settings] for individual corner options per corner
Stroke Round Cap corner radius settings for individual corner options per corner.
Similar to the rounded rectangle corner radius options, each dash on a dashed stroke line looks like an obvious candidate for corner radius options.
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Editable stroke profiles
Add a robust window where you can non-destructively edit the stroke profile (maybe with Bezier handles). This would allow users to taper strokes beyond the good but limited presets in real time.
3 votes
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