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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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16 results found

  1. Bring Radial, Mirror, Grid Repeats to Desktop Illustrator

    We saw the radial pattern repeat function for the iPad version of Illustrator at MAX 2019, please bring this to the desktop version.

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    Radial, Mirror, Grid Repeat objects are available in the latest desktop versions, 25.1 and higher.
    There are some improvements still to be made, and the team is aware of some of them.
    Please search for the related requests here on UserVoice forums or add new ones if you can’t find a suitable one.

  2. Radial Repeat rotation angle value in Control and Properties panels

    It would be nice to be able to directly enter the exact angle of rotation in the radial repeat options panel. Why is it missing? You can control the number of objects and the size of the circle, but not the angle.

    34 votes
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  3. Make Recolor work with Repeats

    Recolor does not do anything if you apply it the an piece of artwork inside of a Repeat object, and is completely unavailable when a whole Repeat is selected.
    Stop abandoning features half-way and finish the integration.

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  4. Allow Repeat to work on linked and embedded images

    Raster images are immune for Repeat functionality.
    Please make your new tools consistent and fully integrated to all existing ones.

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  5. Oval Radial Repeat

    It would be very useful to be able to adjust the radial repeat to an oval radial repeat. Just like how you can change a radial gradient from a circular shape to an oval shape. Opens for lots of more possibilities and will be a huge time saver. Doing this manually is hard.

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  6. Add more Definitions to repeat

    Allow more definitions to repeat feature.
    The spacing is awesome and long overdue. and the brick and flip features are amazing.
    But would like to be able to define the total repeats in a unit, not just in size of the repeat area. if we use it for production we want to be able to repeat 10 wide and 5 repeats high. not having to count them separately and having some cut in half. If we repeat 35 in a horizontal row it can take time to count the amount of total pieces. Also maybe add a small total of…

    7 votes
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  7. Convert a Grid Repeat object to a pattern filled rectangle

    As mentioned by Von Glitschka at it would be great to have an automatic conversion of a grid repeat object into an exactly same looking artwork, but made with a rectangle filled with a newly generated pattern swatch a user can continue to work with.

    Yes, we can expand it, release the clipping mask, find the module, clean the unnecessary duplicates, create a swatch, fill the former clipping mask with it, match the positioning exactly... all manually, or with a help of a script maybe.... but who does not like easy solutions? We do.

    6 votes
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  8. Object > Repeat > Mirror needs Snapping

    When using the handles in the viewport, snapping is not available. Snapping would make all of the "Object > Repeat" functions much more useful.

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  9. Object repeat: whole objects only

    When I use object repeat, I want the option for the boundary box to hold only full objects.

    The attached image is a repeat of the two top left most circles. I want to create a pattern of these, but only have full circles.

    To create the image with full circles only, I needed to create two entire rows of circles and to repeat them.

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  10. Allow repeat patterns to be added to swatches

    In the desktop version of AI you were able to create patterns and then add them to the swatches panel to access in any other file. This would be a good feature for the app.

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  11. Don’t hide Repeat controls for small or zoomed out objects

    Illustrator only displays controls for repeat objects when it’s enough screen space, it seems. But when we are zoomed out or the object is just small, and there is still enough space to put these in, we get nothing.

    Even when there’s almost no space to fit controls at the box, some other apps draw them next to it, with connectors.

    Meanwhile Ai still chokes us with corner widgets on zoomed out objects, and there is now way to hide them. Here is a request:

    Please make a way for us to control these and other similar controls and…

    4 votes
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  12. Object > Repeat > Mirror needs options for Flipping

    Currently the only assignable option for "Repeat > Mirror," is the angle of symmetry. The option to flip the mirrored object (similar to the "Reflect," tool) would be useful for Mirror. Example: Illustrating the letter "S," or "Z," for asymmetrical designs. Similar options are already implemented in the "Repeat > Grid," function, but aren't present for "Repeat > Mirror".

    3 votes
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  13. Repeat Grid ignores Use Preview Bounds option

    When we try to use Repeat function, the measurements are off when the object has stroke. When we align multiple objects in a grid like manner without using Repeat, Illustrator uses the bounds of the object without taking its stroke into consideration. But when using the grid tool, if the object has stroke, it adds the distance of the stroke to the measure and affects the final result.

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  14. Pattern preview

    Please add a feature for illustrator that is a pattern preview, such as in photoshop or affinity designer. Since illustrator is literally for patterns and illustrations, this feature should be in AI

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  15. Advanced 360° circular duplication - side by side distribution

    Circular duplication already exists, but not the advanced function that distributes duplications so that they touch each other side by side and the ability to adjust their magnification.

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  16. Gradient mesh symmetry capability

    I enjoy using gradient mesh and I think it would be great to be able to create a symmetry of gradient mesh paths when creating an object that requires symmetry in other words an object such as a computer screen design that I would like the left and the right colorations to be exactly the same. By doing this, there would be a half way symmetry point such as a rectangle or square where the halfway line would be the one of symmetry. So by creating a mesh line on the left it would automatically be created on the right.

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