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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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50 results found

  1. Gradient across open stroke should 'run around' round caps

    I think the gradient across a stroke with a round cap should "run around" the cap at the end of the open stroke (see a screenshot).

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  2. Put gradients in swatch groups, option to make them global, work between Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop

    It's a three-in-one suggestion around the entire universe of gradient issues in Adobe software.

    A. Why can't we put gradients in swatch group folders? This seems like a very basic feature for swatch organization.

    B. Why can't the gradient be global so editing a swatch position or color in the gradient panel moves/changes it across all uses of the gradient relative to the current scale of that gradient? and

    C. Why can't we save gradient swatches in a way that is shareable between other Adobe software? Available gradient styles are also inconsistent in the Adobe-verse.

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  3. Revisit the interactions of gradients, brushes, and patterns.

    You can't make pattern swatches with gradients in them. This limitation probably made a lot of sense back in 1996 when gradients were new and complicated. Does it still make sense in 2024, with thirty years of CPU manufacturers fighting to keep Moore's Law valid?

    You can't apply a gradient stroke to an art/pattern/scatter brush. Again, this limitation probably made sense back in 2012 when gradient strokes were added to Illustrator. Does it still make sense in 2024?

    I'm pretty tired of working around both of these limitations.

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  4. Make fractal noise gradient

    One of my favorite gradient types from the time of Xara was 'Fractal Nosie' and 'Fractal Plasma'. No fine-tuning, but pretty handy for adding quick perturbance, especially when used as a transparency mask.

    It’s still there.
    Today, VectorStyler app offers a similar gradient type:

    We can do something similar using freeform gradient in Ai... but try to scale or rotate control points all at once, I dare you.

    Also please take a look at this related request:
    Make conical gradient

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  5. Gradient Tool Needs Custom Angle Increment Option

    There should be an option to define the angle increment that you want Shift to lock to when creating or modifying a gradient. Such as 15 degree increments (0º, 15º, 30º...). Come on Adobe!

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  6. Pick gradients from images using Eyedropper tool

    An Eyedropper enhancement to automatically recognise and sample color gradients from images.

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  7. Can we have nicer gradient when we use spot color to gradient?

    Look like the tone was mixed with desaturated tone at the middle part when we use pantone / spot colour we created.
    When we output to print, the desaturated tone is still visible.
    Attached the screenshot for your reference. Thank you!

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  8. Make gradient hard stops

    A gradient can be striped when you move 2 stops of the same color on top of each other. It would be easier if this were not needed as is the case in Cinema 4D. So Illustrator should have a setting that gradient stops break the gradient and make stripes.

    Posting this on request of a forum participant. Please see the post here:

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  9. A hotkey to switch gradient types, Linear/Radial/Freeform

    Shift + > and Shift + < are not taken.

    We’d assigned them ourselves, but guess what — you forgot to expose these in Keyboard Shortcuts. As 90% of all other commands and buttons we have in panels. But hey, we introduce new features... finish old ones already.

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  10. Make a way to call the Color Picker dialog for change color of a gradient stop

    The gradient tool is not very intuitive, and the color selection interface has a limited range, making it difficult to accurately pick the desired colors. Usually, I can only use color codes to specify them. I think there is a lot of room for improvements.

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  11. Gradient tool on desktop similar to the iPad version!

    Please make the Interactive Gradient Tool work as in the iPad version, where both end nodes behave similarly.
    On the desktop version, when one end is dragged, it moves the whole gradient around.
    On the iPad, both ends can be moved independently.
    It makes the tool counter intuitive!

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  12. LCH Gradients

    Add support for gradient interpolation spaces other than sRGB, such as LCH (Lightness, Chroma, Hue). When creating a gradient between non-analogous colors, the LCH color space preserves saturation throughout the gradient, whereas Illustrator's gradients have a muddy center.

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  13. Freeform gradient points copying with Alt+drag

    Ai does not apply the Alt+drag paradigm to color stops of freeform gradients. No duplication happens!
    We can workaround this, clicking the stop first, and then clicking in a free spot... But this is not OK, because this approach is not used anywhere else in Ai.
    You can have it kept, but add Alt+drag to copy stops.

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  14. I am wondering if anyone can help me as my gradient tool is not working. When I click it it switches between the mouse and gradient icon.

    I am wondering if anyone can help me as my gradient tool is not working. I can click it from the toolbar or press the G key on my keypad, but when I try to use it doesn't work. The gradient icon just switches between that and the mouse icon when I press it.

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  15. When Gradient Tool is active, make holding Alt switch to Eyedropper tool

    If we hold Alt when Gradient tool is active and there is a stop selected, we can click with Alt in Swatches to apply it to the stop (although no cursor feedback or hint signals it can be done). Besides this function, Alt+click is used for nothing...

    Use it to temporarily switch to the Eyedropper tool. This is a standard approach in many apps, it’s fast to learn, and just convenient.

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  16. Create a ISE file system for Gradient management (ASE for AI only)

    create the possibility to export gradients as lib !

    I understand why ASE does not work with gradients (while it could be the case if ASE would accept more than one value per swatch but whatever..)

    I'd be nice to create ISE fileformat for example (ASE for AI only) to be able to have an actual gradient lib file.


    The state of gradient management feels very much not polished from the adobe side of things, so please, work on that ...

    and have a look at Astute gradient forge
    If you actually care about Fixing your BASE…

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  17. "Select Same Fill/Opacity/Appearance/etc" in Freeform Gradients

    I work in printing, we just got 15 files in using freeform gradients where the majority of the gradient is 80% opacity and the edges of the shapes are 10% opacity. After printing samples, the customer has decided to change the 80% to 100%. Normally, this is very quickly executed with solid colors and within gradient meshes by selecting one object or point and choosing "select same opacity" from the menu. But this feature is not available in the freeform gradients. I now have the task of individually changing the opacity on over 1500 points across all of the files.…

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  18. Add more gradient varieties, including rainbow, purple gradients, blend of different color gradients

    Add more gradient varieties, including rainbow, purple gradients, blend of different color gradients

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  19. Why is there a limit to number of spot/global swatches you can use in a gradient?

    We use Illustrator for carpet design which includes complex grades using multiple colours.
    As we reference colour poms it is easier to create named colour swatches to keep track of the colours used however we can only apply 27 to a gradient - can this limit be increased?

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  20. Could you please allow to move the color control pop up menu, when adjusting the gradient point?

    Have the option to move the pop up menu to different location. Not right on top of the artwork you're trying to fix?

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