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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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41 results found

  1. Add a Text to Speech Feature for those with Dyslexia or other handicaps.

    Include in the Illustrator and other Adobe application features the accomodation of Text To Speech. That way when people who are dyslexic or have another handicap may be having a hard time, when you are able to have the computer read the directions of tutorials, etc to you.

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  2. Offline Tutorials

    Tutorials in the new version only work on-line. In older version we could use tutorials off-line as well.

    In prison classroom, student (inmate) computers do not have on-line access all the time so they cannot use tutorials. Starting with a tutorial is very helpful to break the ice and give them an overview of the program.

    Make tutorials accessible both in Photoshop and illustrator in off-line mode.
    We pay the subscription price so we should be able to use the tutorials as well.
    Thank you.,

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  3. Harmonizing Adobe Illustrator App with Website Icons and Selection Tools

    If Adobe Illustrator on the app matched the website, it'd be easier to get the hang of things. Take a cue from Affinity Designer—having a similar layout on the app as the website makes learning smoother. Imagine being on your iPad while the instructor's on the website, but it all looks and works the same way. That kind of consistency, including toggles and tool names, would be a real plus for the Illustrator app.

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  4. more purchase options

    I have an issue trying Adobe Illustrator. I would like to try the stencil features to find out if it will meet my needs. The problem is i am forced to add my credit card details just for using the 7 day free trial. I am not prepared to do that at this time due to the fact that Adobe may not work out for me. Then im stuck dealing with automatic payments.
    The other issue is the high monthly or yearly subscription costs. I would only use illustrator once in a while and cant justify the monthly cost.…

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  5. OFFICIAL ONLINE USER MANUAL that we can easily search by tool or command name

    We still need a forum for complex questions like ‘how to…’, but the current community is TERRIBLE at answering ‘what is’… You need to stop pushing this responsibility of explaining features to users and start making an OFFICIAL guide where we can easily search what each tool or action like 'expand appearance' actually mean and their nuances explained with pictures. Please make this ONLINE and always updated!!! Your old pdf manual actually does this quite well.

    I am sick of watching outdated tutorials or WAITING for a response from users who might be equally outdated or not knowing what they're…

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  6. Show 'Can’t join a path' message as a soft one

    Modal dialogs are very dated. They grab attention, they interrupt workflows, they yell at you. Most times we don’t need these as loud as they are — a whisper is nice.
    And Ai actually now has these, 'soft' messages, like the one we get when we modify a live shape — 'Shape expanded', at the top of the view, in a gray rectangle. Calm, non-intrusive, with auto-destruction timer. Nice!

    But there are other, legacy warnings and screams.
    The most annoying for me persoanlly is the one I get when I try to join a closed path (just in case, to…

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  7. Get rid of Tool Tips for known tools

    Please add a X to the big distracting Tool Tips. Clicking the X should hide the tip for that specific tool.

    This will keep the tips for less used tools, but gets rid of the annoying tips for tools that we are using for decades. It will personalize the help system.

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  8. Please make a user manual / user guide available online

    Why isn't there a functional and useful user manual or user guide available online?

    The lack of issuing any type of user guide is a huge missed opportunity. It seems this task has been Offloaded to the Adobe community. Adobe used to consider its customers/clients ones who deserved professional, well-organized, easy-to-use, comprehensive instructions and guides. Whatever happened to supporting those who put/keep you in business? I guess in the software business that's progress ...?

    In today's digital/virtual world, it would be exceptionally easy to produce, share and update useful and robust supporting content. The current offering of tutorials is…

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  9. Remove size limitation on playing tutorial videos in the Discovery window

    Illustrator allows playing tutorial videos in the Discover panel (Help > Tutorials). However, the size of the video is constrained by the width constraint on the Discovery window. There is no apparent way to enlarge the video big enough to see the detail in the video to follow along with the tutorial. Tutorial videos should be able to be enlarged up to full screen. Many videos only appear to be accessible now through the in-app tutorial.

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  10. Hint all Preferences options, even without (i) icon

    Some options in Preferences are mystery for new users, but the team believe only some (just 3!) should have a dedicated (i) icon to display a hover hint.


    ALL options should have a hover hint.

    How on Earth a user can guess what 'Show/Hide Rulers' does? It feels like it is the same as View > Rulers > Show / Hide Rulers, but no, it’s not! You have to search for it! (just rename this one already)

    Or what about enigmatic 'Enable Content Aware Defaults'? What are these? OK, pros know, Puppet Warp, Lorem Ipsum, Freeform Gradient control points.…

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  11. Display command assigned hotkeys in Discover panel’s search results

    When you search for a command in Discover panel, Illustrator gives you the results, but never actually tries to educate a user further with teaching him assigned keyboard shortcuts.
    Figma does it!

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  12. Make a more integrated way to report bugs

    Figma allows to report bugs directly from the web app.
    You go 'Help > Contact Us > Report a bug'. Then you fill out the form, directly in the app, provide steps, attach files... looks very similar to the approach Ai uses, but more streamlined, with no intermediate steps.
    Once it’s done, the dropdown is collapsed, and you are where you were at the moment.

    To report bugs in Illustrator you have to search for the way.
    First one should locate 'Help > Submit Bug/Feature Request'. This redirects you to the browser, to, which can redirect you (with…

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  13. AI Reference Guide - Downloadable

    I would love to see a return of a downloadable reference guide / user manual. I want the ability to read through it offline, occasionally print the page that's pertinent to my task, and have a book that is physically on my desk (not the desktop).. FYI, on this page (, under Learning Illustrator > Where can I find the manual, the answer is: "You can find web and PDF versions of the Illustrator manual on the Illustrator Help page." I'm still looking for that PDF...

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  14. Please print "User Guides" books again. You do not need to constantly update them:

    Physical "User Guide" books were far more quicker and easier to use to get answers to questions on how to use Adobe Illustrator. The book form could come out ever two years at most, including new updates, when it reaches a certain amount of pages, start a new volume. If you already have this online, or in a PDF format, please let me know where I can find it on your website and if you do have it online, does it have an "index" to look items up? Or just a search window? Thank you.

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. Accessibility of tutorial videos, for users with hearing impairment

    I am a new creative cloud user and need to use Illustrator as part of my university course so wanted to access the learn ‘how to’ tutorials, but found the video tutorials for Illustrator does not have ‘closed captions’ nor printable version of the text. I checked some of the other Adobe programs within creative cloud and they are the same, so I contacted Adobe online chat who sent me on to an online dedicated adviser. I was then told no accessibility options available for the tutorial videos.

    Please could you pass my feedback to Adobe….

    Accessibility on the learn…

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  17. Make the steps in the tutorial match the actual steps a person would take to achieve the finished product.

    The steps described in the tutorials do not match the actual steps taken in order to achieve the end product. My guess is this is to frustrate those who take advantage of the 7-day free trial into purchasing the monthly or yearly subscription. I think that stinks. How can a person judge whether or not they want to subscribe to the monthly or yearly plan if they can't even manage the tutorials? If your user menus have changed within the application, then the tutorials need to be updated to reflect this.

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  18. Opening menu customization workflow

    As an option for those starting out with Adobe Illustrator, I would like to see you develop a master menu setup process to help me find all the tools I may need for my project. It could begin by asking me/allowing me to select from a list all the things I will want to do with a new project or a newly-opened image file, Adobe or otherwise.
    Those tools and options selected would appear in a dock-able menu window.
    Then, based on known user workflows of different experience levels, Illustrator could recommend additional tools and even tutorials for the different…

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  19. tell me how to use-the screen+what you show me MAKE NO SENCE THIS IS MY LAST TRY TO UNDERSTAND=IM READY TO GIVE UP=WHEN I DO,DO NOT ADVERTIS

    I am giving up-You have so much data on my mac-on my iPad pro-files that I have no clue who put them on Lenovo, from yous! Its been about 15 years ,Ive tried-I am 60! I cant Take it-you have no help for people like me=I have learning Disability,I look at your software =I see almost nothing possible to do?
    I can use sketch book-procreate, but Adobe its just foregin ,you offer no means for me to understand and its very sad- I need to make clean crisp lines- I need control+ in Procreate it all looks good then BANG…

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  20. Illustrator CC 2018 download support

    Hello, I used to use Illustrator CC 2018 on my work computer. It was having trouble opening AI and PDF files. I uninstalled the program and now I can't even install it back on the computer due to the program no longer being supported for download. 2018 was only 2 years ago. This is a huge problem for your users. Maybe have some kind of warning or do the right thing and offer support for programs older than 2 years.

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