Allow Aligning Stroke to Inside and Outside of Text
Currently strokes can only be aligned to the center of the edge of text (see red stroke in attached example), it would be very helpful to be able to set strokes to inside and especially outside (bottom/green example) of text while still being able to edit it. This is especially useful when you want to make text standout on a busy background. Thank you!

Dina Dembicki commented
I use the Appearance palette All. The. Time. :) It's much easier to see what exactly is going on with something.
I voted for this, and will go vote for the other one. Thanks for the heads up that it exists.
Alex Plesovskich commented
For those who don't know... this was a thing for many decades... the strokes on texts worked back then exactly how they do on shapes today. Still don't understand why they changed it and why it's still not fixed.
NicNamSam commented
It's unacceptable that this can't be done normally, because Illustrator is technologically capable of doing it: simply set a shape to have the stroke on the outside and SAVE IT AS A GRAPHIC STYLE. Then you can use that graphic style on text. It works fine. You can do the same for inside strokes, too. The only thing is that it will be stuck like that, so you'll have to clear appearance settings to change it.
InDesign’s solution to Outside of Text is just a trickery. Judging by a PDF output, what it secretly does it making the stroke twice as thick and puts it behind the characters... A trick that is possible only due to the rudimentary appearance system InDesign has.
Illustrator’s approach is both more powerful, but doesn’t support complex appearance for live characters — this includes inside (especially) and outside strokesThere is s separate, more global request for that:
Allow to set the stroke below the fill in appearance panel for text characters — it’s less popular, since users don’t really know Appearance (sadly) and the connection between the problems is hard to grasp.
Perhaps we should get these merged? What do you think? -
Lucas Daub commented
It has been years. Please fix this.
Harrison Friedes commented
Did you ever solve this? I'm having the same exact problem.
Mark Gould commented
I think this is pretty essential for most designers and since it’s thought that 3D and materials is being brought into Illustrator (still not sure about the performance of all that) looks forward to being able to put materials onto fill, strokes, etc.
Daniel Cavero commented
Extremely needed
Adam commented
I'm surprised this is still an issue. It was brought up back in 2017 and still nothing. Remember back in 2012 on CS6 this actually worked? How is that Adobe can have something 8 years old be more updated, and they were the ones who originally had the feature? I'm still baffled by what Adobe has prioritized as more important than fixing issues that are this old. I'm constantly finding issues through several different applications that have lasted multiple years without a fix. So many free options these days and it's getting worse not better.
m3tan commented
This is such BS. You can do it in InDesign, but you can't in Illustrator. This type of nonsense exists with so many Adobe "features". Effects like 3D bevel and inner glow also have many more options in InDesign than Illustrator. They need cross-compatibility with their own products as a minimum, otherwise, I never know if I can replicate a look to match a project I did in another app...
PS As a workaround, you can convert the text to an object (shift-ctrl-O), then add the outside stroke. You just can't ever edit the text again. This type of nonsense is totally unacceptable considering how much they charge for their bloatware...
Matt commented
I have written out some text and trying to align the stroke to the outside or inside and this isn't working, I have tried this on two different Windows computers.
Both computers are using Windows 10 Pro and Illustrator 24.0.1
I have attached a video so you can see the bug, I also show it on two fonts and a shape which works but the alignment of a stroke and stroke profile don't work on live text.
Mike Brice commented
Strokes around text is not a good design idea anytime. I get the live edit but once your text is the way you want, outline and offset path
ilovemodok commented
In the appearances panel, stroke is never allowed to go behind the type with click and drag.
I have to "trick" it by adding a stroke behind a shape, then making a style and then applying that on the type.
Would love for this bug to be smoothed out.
Cassandra commented
This is such a basic thing that needs to be able to be done with one click, not jumping through hoops or having a work-around. Illustrator lacks so many basic things. I need to keep type editable. Shows how little Adobe cares about improving Illustrator because they basically have a monopoly on drawing programs.
Anonymous commented
hahaha, yes, you did, LOL!! been a long week for me.
LNMB commented
... Yup. That's what I said. :)
Anonymous commented
LNMB and Mike W: Select the text box with the closed arrow, then in the appearance panel, click on new stroke, make it what you want (twice the width of course because half of it will be behind your type), and drag it below the characters, as you would if you were rejiggering layers in the layers panel. You can't do that if you highlight with the text tool. Bummer, I know, for those of us who are used to using InDe.
Below is a link to a youtube vid that shows how to do it. The version of Illustrator in the video is really old, but the concept is the same. It still ain't InDe though.
We do it this way all the time in packaging layout when type has to be outlined for visibility (think legally required in a particular place on a package, like net weight).
LNMB commented
Mike W. - You can't highlight the text to apply Michael's work around. This still doesn't work for an actual text stroke. However, you can do as he suggests by applying an additional fill and stroke to the selected box that contains the text in the appearance panel. Essentially, you'll end up with your type as a certain color fill, and then you'll have an additional fill and stroke on top of it for the selected text box (which means that you won't change your actual text color but rather your text box's appearance fill/stroke if you want to change colors for the text). Hopefully that makes sense.
Mike W. commented
Derek Cook: Sorry, it doesn't. At least, I can't get it to work.
Tushar commented
Please make this happen. It is literally a feature that even coreldraw had. The work around is annoying, and its even more frustrating that your other products like InDesign allow you to do it, but not illustrator. Why?! Where is the consistency?