Support 16 bit images / iOS 11 Screenshots distorted
Screenshots made in iOS 11 are distorted when open or used in AI. Distortion persists during export to pdf.
AI 21.1.0
macOS 10.12.6
MacBook Pro 2017
All other tested Image Softwares displayed the screenshot correctly (Photoshop CC, Preview, Chrome, Safari)

This particular issue of images from iOS screenshots getting distorted in Illustrator has been fixed now.
Constantine, James, does it work any better in the latest version of Illustrator on Macs? Please review it.
vanesa commented
Still no fix :( 2022..
Elena Koroleva commented
dlandw commented
Please fix this, it is really annoying.
Ezequiel Santos commented
I have been able to find a solution though the comments on this, but would still like Adobe to find a solution. It is very frustrating having to deal with this.
Solutions from Catharine Macintosh:
1) Open in preview
2) File - Export
3) Save channel to 8 bit from 16 and save
4) Good to go. Just time drain:( -
Afie commented
This is not fixed yet! Really unacceptable. Wasting people's time. Illustrator users have been asking for it for over 3 years.
Alessandra commented
Please fix it, keep having the same request! Adobe products usually save you time, in this case not supporting 16-bit png is the opposite...i need to use the screenshots for quick sketches and references to clients dragging them to Illustrator artboards....but instead have to open in other programs and screenshot them or save them differently.
Anonymous commented
When I take a screenshot from my iphone and try to open it in illustrator the colors are extremely distorted. My work around is to open the file in photoshop and save it as 8 bit. This is an extremely tedious process.
Cecilia commented
Try this: Open Iphone11 screen shot, file-export, switch 16 bit to 8 bit. It works on my Mac, hope this would be helpful!
Hallie Roberts commented
@Wolfgang Harland, I asked about the issue on Adobe Support--you can find a workaround there:
Wolfgang Harland commented
Having this issue as well. Does anyone have a work around, or is there a plugin? I regularly import screenshots from my iPhone to use in Illustrator. InDesign and XD seem to be handling the images just fine. What's up with this?
Anonymous commented
I found a work around, but only for screen shots.
As soon as you take the screen shot send it from the screen shot viewer rather than from the photos app. Its lower resolution though. -
Anonymous commented
Why isn't this fixed yet??? It has been over 2 years.
Hallie Roberts commented
Pretty ridiculous that an iPhone screenshot can't be uploaded to Illustrator.
Ruben commented
I was having the same problem when importing PNG's into illustrator. Instead of a .png i saved my file as a .tiff and that seemed to import fine.
Anonymous commented
Hi -- this problem wastes considerable time for me each day. Can you please fix?
Jacob Singleton commented
Any update on this? It's been two years...
Scott Saunders commented
This is a giant issue that should not exist in 2020!!!
Catharine Macintosh commented
omg SO frustrating. Yes Pls fix!!!! Thank you to other commenters for suggesting workarounds
1) Open in preview
2) export
3) save as - change channel to 8 bit from 16 and save
4) Good to go. (Just time drain:( -
Abby Girod commented
I also find this highly annoying. I'm often taking screenshots of things and need to pull those into my adobe files as references and have to go through and convert them all. Please fix this!