When exporting an image, using artboard, with a single artboard, don't change filename.
If save an image using "Export As" , and I select the "use artboards" (because I want the image to be of that size, and I only want to export one specific artboard of my file, It would be better if it didn't add to the file name (ie: the filename-01.png would be filename.png). This is because I find myself exporting each layer of the same artboard with a specific name (ex: characterarm.png, characterleg.png, etc) and I have to remove the "01"s manually.
I understand that this feature is really useful when exporting all the artboards at the same time, but sometimes I need to individually export layers of a specific artboard. That's why I'm saying, that this would apply if I am exporting a single artboard. (or have an option for this).
Thank you

The latest version of Illustrator now allows you to manually control the behavior with the 'Suffix' option in the Export As dialog. Please check if it it works for you and comment back if it does not.
Cleiton Bengua commented
Please! Undo this. I use to create several artboards while creating social media campaigns and name each one so that when I export them the files are organized and properly named. Now, if I make some adjustment to an specific artboard and export this one Illustrator replaces the wrong file.
Can't get the point of this.... -
Kathryn Awe commented
this was not a well-thought update. I name my artboards with "proof" or "final" or with a customer name with the intention that they export that way later and I don't have to do that work at that time. This is really costing me time. OP could have also done a batch rename in his finder to take out those unwanted characters. Very disappointed you did not implement this as an option instead of forcing users to adapt to a new workflow.
I see it's noted above that multiple artboards are supposed to keep the artboard name on export but they are NOT. this needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
KB Brown commented
Would really love to see this as a toggle option. My team has had to roll back to older versions of Illustrator because this decision really impacts our workflow. The workaround being to "type it yourself" is exactly the kind of small annoyance most people (including OP) are trying to cut out of their workflows. I'm guessing that a checkbox to turn this off/on would make everyone happy.
George commented
Adding artboard name to the filename is very important for my job and it is something I use all the time. It is strange how you decided to bring this change without taking into account all those users that use it everyday. Please bring it back as soon as possible.
Dima R. commented
This function is important for many designers (adding the name of the artboard to the file name) when exporting, which sign artboards specifically to preserve the file structure when presenting or sending to a client. please return this function, which has been in illustrator for many years! There are other ways to export for people who don't like it.
Thanks. -
1391Hollie commented
Please, return it to the way it exported with the artboard numbers in the file name. Please. And not take 5 years to reverse. This is really messing up my server.
SpikelSpikerton commented
This was not the best change to make for Adobe Illustrator's "Export As" function. There are 3 ways to export. If a user doesn't want to have the artboard names added at the end of their filenames, then they should be using the "Export for Screens" or "Save for Web (Legacy)" options, not "Export As".
The "Export As" function is (or I should now say 'was') helpful for naming each of your artboards with specific important labels to distinguish them apart from each other, and then have Illustrator automatically add those labels to the end of the file names. And sometimes you have to "Export As" 1 artboard at a time to set different export parameters, depending on the content in each artboard.
Now that this function has been removed from the "Export As" function, that means all 3 export options do not have this capability, which is adding more manual time and labor for everyone, to now have to manually type those artboard names into every exported file name? Not efficient.
Katie Hammes commented
This absolutely broke my workflow. Why have artboard names at all if you have to go in and rename the file anyway in Finder anytime you need to update one artboard in a set?? Rolled back to an earlier version because I was getting so frustrated.
There is a request now to be able to toggle it back:
Please vote if you think it broke your workflow. -
Kyrsten B. Chaplin commented
Boo. As a long-term AI user - I count on the ability to label my artboards and have the files exported with the artboard name. Such a disappointment you all changed this. PLEASE give us an option to turn it on or off. I've been using this feature since day one - in a single artboard file - ex: you name the artboard the newest update date to keep track and it exports with the date in the name. Don't take away useful workings when you simply should have created an option to turn it on or off.
Jasper commented
Is there a way to turn back on the file name appendix when exporting a single image based on a specific artboard? To us the artboard file name appendix is actually very usefull.
George commented
Hi there! I just updated Illustrator to version 26.4.1 and exporting specific artboard (with its number in the dialogue window) as psd, does not add the artboard's name at the end of the filename.
The problem appears even when only one artboard is present in the file.
Finally, I had to roll back to 26.3.1 (I didn't find more recent version before 26.4.1) in order to fix this problem because I use it hundreds of times every day.Please fix it soon!
Brian Correll commented
I tested the beta and it works perfectly. PLEASE just implement this into normal Illustrator.
Just wondering the thought process on why this is even a thing? Like who at Adobe said, "Ah yes lets add stuff to the end of the file name". Very frustrating.
Phillip commented
I depend on the file name being the same as entered into the file name field, because the application that uses the graphic expects this name. If the name is not the same, time spent building the data is wasted, and can cause missed dead lines, especially where there are many graphics and we are in a rush. Having to keep track of this detail is not very helpful when squeezed for time.
Lars commented
Fantastic, thank you!
Thanks for sharing your feedback. We are working on making this change. Better late than never :)
From the comments, it's clear that appending file name with numbers or artboard name doesn't make sense in one artboard scenario. We are planning to keep the filename as is in one artboard scenario. For multiple artboards, we continue to append the way it does today. Let me know if anyone sees any concern with this approach.
Avinash -
Greg Schoenbaechler commented
I agree that this is annoying and would be nice to have turned off, and there's a lot about their exporting that makes no sense, as is covered here, https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657-illustrator-desktop-feature-requests/suggestions/39497440-using-a-character-other-than-underscore-for-append.
As I mentioned in that request, if you don't name the artboard and export it it'll export it as File-01.jpg, but if you name the artboard then it'll be exported as File_artboard-name.jpg. I would understand if it used an underscore or hyphen in both cases, but it doesn't. It makes no sense that exporting it in the exact same way winds up with different characters following the name of the file. I want to see it changed to where you can choose the character you can use, or at least change it to where it's a hyphen/dash in both cases. The underscore isn't recognized as a non-word character, which is problematic in some instances, like search engine optimization. I need to replace all of the underscores with hyphens or dashes. It'd be even better if you can also choose for it to only export as the file name.
Greg Schoenbaechler commented
I agree that this is annoying and would be nice to have turned off, and there's a lot about their exporting that makes no sense, as is covered here, https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657-illustrator-desktop-feature-requests/suggestions/39497440-using-a-character-other-than-underscore-for-append.
As I mentioned in that request, if you don't name the artboard and export it it'll export it as File-01.jpg, but if you name the artboard then it'll be exported as File_artboard-name.jpg. I would understand if it used an underscore or hyphen in both cases, but it doesn't. It makes no sense that exporting it in the exact same way winds up with different characters following the name of the file. I want to see it changed to where you can choose the character you can use, or at least change it to where it's a hyphen/dash in both cases. It'd be even better if you can also choose for it to only export as the file name.
Mads commented
I agree!
Lars commented