Custom presets for Asset Export / Export for Screens
When adding in your own custom sizes and suffixes into the Asset Export panel it would be nice to be able to save these out as a preset for later use.
For my job I have to export the same image into 20-30 different sizes with individual names (suffixes) that don't change. That's why I thought it would be good if you could set up all the file sizes and names once then save it out as preset for later use or to even share with a colleague.
It would speed up the workflow for many people if this was a feature.

Hi Everyone,
This feature has been shipped in Feb 2023 release (version 27.3)
You may read about this here:
Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback.
Rohit Jain
Illustrator Team
Andrew Baumgartner commented
@Someone75 That's why they had to buy their competition (Figma) for 1B :P Would have saved them some money to just add the feature!
Oh yes.
Please add a vote here for this:
It’s not a bug report, but a feature request, since it’s 'add an option in format settings'
Yes, I know, it can be treated as a bug, because 'screens can’t be CMYK'... but trust me, I am as infuriated with this as you are. Please, just vote :) -
Someone75 commented
So maybe you could add an option to convert JPGs to RGB, too, when they are CMYK. It makes no sense to change the documents color mode before exporting JPGs ...
Someone75 commented
Oh this was quite fast, it only took 6 years to add this option to a very limited basic feature ...
@Walter, this suggestion better to be put into a separate request. Since this particular request is completed, and the comments are mostly weightless, when they go sideways, it’s very easy to lost them. But when it’s a request on its own — it can be tracked, prioritized, linked to.
But when making one, do not forget to extrapolate it on all other export-with-replace cases, because the situation you describe happens for all of them, not only Asset / Screen exports. Try to generalize it, please.
Thanks for the idea!
Please share a link to it here in the comments when it’s done. -
Anonymous commented
@Egor - I've actually been using "Everything Search" for years now and it has been a life saver more times than one.
BTW, I have a suggestion on how to improve the "Export for Screen". I use the artboard export version, as I have around 50 logo versions each on an artboard. Sometimes I need to add some new boards or make changes. That is of course where the presets come in super handy.
When I re-export, it only gives me the option to "overwrite" existing files or to "quit". There is no option to just skip files already exported. Please also add a "skip" button. That way it will only export my newly added or populated artboards. No issue with 10 files, but when you are creating 500 files, it makes a difference.
Hope that makes sense.
Someone75 commented
And they never! changed it so far ( for 6 years, now) Adobe is such a great software company
Someone75 commented
Export quality might be o.k. (so it is mcuh worse then legacy export) but the generated file size is absolutely a horror... and there is no real option to change the setting!
Thanks for the tip, Walter!
Indeed, updating Betas drop every setting and each pref to the blank state (for some reason, perhaps for testing purposes?).
Make sure you always backup all settings and presets you have, including these!As for the Search in Windows... yeah. I can’t but recommend Everything search app: — it solved the majority of the issues finding stuff for me.
Can’t provide any timings about the release, except for 'quite soon' :)
Anonymous commented
I have been working quite extensively with the preset export in beta. I am very happy with it!! It saves me a lot of time. I am very glad it was added!
But it seems, that presets don't survive updates. I had around 10 presets, some of which had 25 scales. When I updated to the new beta version, all my presets where wiped out. So I had to start from scratch. Not a big deal, I guess that is part of being in a beta app.
Anyone enjowing this new feature: Make sure not only to save your presets, but ALSO EXPORT your presets into a safe location. I created a "Preset Export" folder on my desktop, so I remember where they are (searching anything in Windows is a bit of a challenge).
There is also a preset manager in CC apps, not sure if "Export Presets" will become part of that or not?! I'm curious to know when the preset export is going mainstream (in normal AI app)? Any rough time estimates?
Designer commented
This is a good start. But it doesn't allow one to save two different PDFs with two different settings. For example: A small one that can be emailed for client approval and another one that is camera ready for a printer. Each export of a pdf should include the PDF export settings in the preset.
Also, when I got a newer version of the beta, I lost the presets. I'm saving them now as a file, but they should transfer from one version to another.
Amybest222 commented
woo hoo !! thank you
Anonymous commented
Hi Rohit!
I tested the new update and It is working now as expected. Also PX scales are saved correctly. It even correctly displayed my presets that I saved with the previous beta version.
I am extremly happy and thankful this works now. This will be a huge timesaver for many of us going forward.
I really appreciate the hard work you put into this. Cudos to the whole dev team that worked on this new feature update, great job!
Anonymous commented
Awesome thanks. Will check it out!
The new build is available on Creative Cloud Desktop - Beta Section
We have made bug fixes, please give it a try and let us know your valuable feedback.Thanks,
Roy Leban commented
The 27.3 beta is now available and I tried it.
It is a nice start, but it is very limited, with deficiencies, problems, and bugs. It is better than nothing, but, quite frankly, it isn't actually good. In detail:
1) The ability to add additional sets of presets is great, but each file should remember the last settings used for its export! For the vast majority of my files, I want to export them the same way every time. This should just work. I have dozens of sets of export settings. I'm sure some people have hundreds. The idea that I have to give every one of them a name and then remember the name so I can manually set it before exporting is weird.
2) I can imagine somebody arguing that I don't have to give every export set a name — I can just export to a file in the same directory and then import it when I want it. Well, I still need unique names or I'll have problems (see below), there are bugs in import (see below), and I have to delete the imported set from the menu or it will get cluttered.
3) The Export does not include the file export settings! This is just wrong. For example, in file 1, I MUST have transparent PNG files; while in file 2, I CANNOT have transparent PNG files. It makes no sense that this is a global setting, and seriously blunts the value of what you've trying to fix here.
4) Export is sometimes disabled. It should never be disabled.
5) I like the fact that it is possible to edit the preset file outside Illustrator, but, after you edit a file, sometimes an import gets the old version. I don't even know how this is possible. Explicitly documenting the format of the file and the fields in it would be helpful (though it doesn't look that complicated).
6) When you import a preset set you've imported before (or another with the same name), it adds a second menu item rather than replacing the existing item.
Kimmo Hellstr commented
I have same problem as Roy Leban, the Beta version that CC downloads is 27.2, not 27.3.
Anonymous commented
Hi Rohit!
I have the issue that when I add "width" to scale as PX and then save as preset, and then reload the presets after I reopen "Export for Pixel", it turns all my pixel scales from "px" to "x", which is not helpful. For multiple bitmap logo exports, I need to be able to set and save pixel not x factor. This works when I set it manuall in regular Illustrator app, but it seems like the beta does not support saving pixel width scale?
Check video here:
How can I save pixel width scales?
The way the feature makes this unexpected change from "px" to "x" unfortunately does not work for me.
Roy Leban commented
I downloaded the beta, but it is 27.2, not 27.3.
Roy Leban commented
I *love* Illustrator, but I cannot believe this is still not fixed. Look at the attached export set. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to configure this, it is error prone, and I've had to do it more than once! Once I've done it once, I should be able to save it and reload it again in the future.
Another issue is that some exports require transparency, while others cannot have it. This is NOT a user option, it's a file option. I've had to re-export files, including reconfiguring all the sizes and file names, after forgetting to double check the transparency setting.
In addition to being able to save and load export settings, including format settings, each Illustrator file MUST remember all of the export options used in that file!