The hot key for Revert is WAY too similar to the hot key for Save As in Photoshop and I lost an entire day fo work saving after finishing a project. The fact that that can happen accidentally, even with the approval button is INFURIATING!

I made a separate request:
Make Revert operation into a History step we can undo upvote it, if you find it useful
Simon Bowland commented
No, Saurav. You did some investigation, and the majority of users said that they'd like to see either F12 not being the default for Revert, or else they'd want a way to undo an accidental Revert. 52 votes plus Slack discussions, and yet you're saying that your "investigations" say otherwise. That's not true. Please don't mislead the userbase like this.
Ton commented
I still don't understand the accidental use of Revert, but an Undo after Revert (like Photoshop) would be the best solution.
Doug Roberts commented
Photoshop's treatment of 'revert' is conceptually different (in a superior way). It reverts to the last saved state, but without closing/opening the file as Illustrator appears to, and the action is accessible from the History panel or undo. Comparatively, Illustrator's revert seems unnecessarily drastic.
Saurav, no.
1. F12 is NOT a default Revert hotkey across 'all the Adobe apps'.
Please check your facts.InDesign doesn’t have it.
After Effects does not have it.
Premiere does NOT have it.The only major app that does have it — Photoshop. And it has a reason to have it, read below.
2. Shielding this with a confirmation does NOT work.
Having confirmations is a bad UX solution, and it’s known now — it seems like only Adobe is not aware.
People don’t read these, and either learn to not notice these or to skip these.What apps should do instead is to allow a mistake, but then giving a chance to Undo it.
Like modern email clients now do — you can undo sending an email, because there is a hidden delay.Photoshop does NOT have a confirmation, but it allows us to UNDO the Revert, unlike other apps.
3. This is not the only change Adobe would force on us, but this time having it assigned to F12 causes more problems and l lead to data lost than it has benefits.
4. On the contrary, F12 can be changed back, if users would want it.
The statistics I was able to gather say only 1 of 5 users prefers using a hotkey (and some just don’t use it). Many others remove it to have F12 free for actions.New idea from comment
This comment was upgraded into a new idea: Make Revert operation into a History step we can undo -
Doug Roberts commented
I would be interested to hear from the users that do use this shortcut. If there are a lot of them, I would have expected them to comment at least one of the numerous occasions this is brought up.
ANONYMOSU commented
this is such a harmful stupid shortcut I lost a 4 hours work for such a simple mistake as pressing F 12 instead of delete. why the **** does this command still exist , and the fact that it's undoable makes this command 10000 times more stupid …. I just disabled it but I hope what happened to me wont happen to someone else
[Deleted User] commented
I have no idea WTF happened!! The revert is set to F12, I was about to save my project, and i'm almost certain i pressed ctrl+s for SAVE, and my project got reverted ...WTF ADOBE ??? I lost probably 2 hr of work, i don't see any other shortcut that reverts the project that's close to ctrll+s , F12 is literally 15cm away so i call this a program bug!! So sad I didn't realize what happened....I was raging like for 10mins and this for so much cash ... if i see the programmer that did this...
Anonymous commented
Why isn't there an option to undo this? That is the ridiculous part. At least this revert option should offer a pop up that allows you to save as copy before revert.
Fede commented
Just lost 4 hours of work, i have more than 20 years of experience with AI and never happened to me before. Why you have this revert feature ? does anybody use it in the history of Adobe ? Have you receive someone suggestion that states "revert is so USEFUL" for they pipeline ? I want his name and address!
We dont have shortcut for no break in InDesign, why to put a shortcut for revert in Illustrator. This is nuts.
Kimie commented
This is the worst UX I experienced in illustrator, as I lost a half of my day worth of work. I am glad to hear they are moving it somewhere else.
Anonymous commented
Sarah commented
This is a ridiculous feature. I just lost a whole day of work to this.
Rose O commented
How is this even a thing?! Also this same command is the "Toggle Last Action" hotkey in Photoshop, which only adds to the confusion for those of us who use both softwares frequently. Awful!!!
Olivia commented
WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS??? No way to undo it?? WHY WHY WHY WHY
Anonymous commented
Having a hot key similar to the undo is bad UI design.
Having the okay as the default choice for revert (destroy everything) is absolutely bad UI design!!!
shanee apelker commented
just Lost 5 Hours of Work because of this revert. my dead Line is today. i just can´t believe this. makes me Wanna run Back to Drawing in PROCREATE.
Jeffrey Gilbert commented
Extremely harmful and reckless. How can't this have 5 pages of impacted people on the adobe forums and still be an issue a full year and a half after this request was filed to remove the offending issue. This is unacceptable.
Anonymous commented
2019 and this just happened to me.
Anonymous commented