Smart Guides limited to current artboard
An option to have Smart Guides only snap to things that are actually on the current artboard.
It's annoying to be working on an empty artboard and have everything snap to things far off the screen on some other artboards. That can be pretty annoying.
nicky commented
effectively pulling a guide on table 3 and then finding it also on table 1 where it is not needed and annoying is horrible. I understand that once there was only the possibility of having 1 table per document So even if the guides extended over the entire pasteboard there were no problems but now with the multi artboards it is very annoying
Works best with these two requests:
Disable smart guides to some specific object/layer for Smart guides to ignore objects outside isolation vote for all of them
Daniel G. Blázquez commented
Yes. Please. After using Adobe XD, smart Guides in Illustrator are horrible!
Hakan BALCI commented
Akıllı kılavuzlar, çalışma yüzeyleri dışındaki nesnelerden etkilenmemelidir. Nesneleri gereksiz nesnelerle hizalamaya çalışır.
Jan, this is a nice one! :) I’m joining you
Jan Vork commented
Don't snap Smart Guides to off-Artboard objects in Trim View
It's not effective.
Anonymous commented
Yes! This is exactly what I came to post. Snapping to objects on the other side of the document window is ridiculous. How about an option to constrain snapping to object on the artboard itself?
Could we also get preference options for smartguides that allow us to control what type of snapping we want to utilize? I.e., checkboxes for "Snap to Edges" and "Snap to Center Points"
Tony commented
This may be a bug fix, as well.
Tony commented
I really want more votes for this. The snapping drives me crazy. When I do get the correct snap, I always find myself zooming in to make sure that the snap was accurate. More often than not I have to adjust by portions of a point. I have triple checked my snapping settings to make sure it isn't user error. I waste so much time just lining things up.
Mike commented
I've said this countless times. I wish Adobe would focus on the basics within Illustrator. Take snapping for instance. I find snapping accuracy to be all-over-the-map. Most of the time it snaps to everything BUT what I want an object to snap to. I'll have a guide 2 pixels away and it'll snap to something 1500 px away - why? I would love to see CAD - like functionality within Illustrator. Ability to work with scales easily, advanced snapping functionality, measuring tools etc.
Tony commented
I hope this is the right location for this. It may be more of a feature request. When trying to utilize the smart guides to align two objects be dragging, often times the object I am dragging will snap to objects from other artboards. This forces me to select the objects that I want aligned, choose a key object, then go to align panel to make sure they are lined up properly. Snapping to the nearest object or something along those lines would make the most sense. Or maybe setting to allow this.