Improve page selection when opening PDFs in Illustrator
Referring to the attached screenshot for opening PDFs in Illustrator:
I find that I am constantly browsing through the preview pages using (B), and hitting 'Open' when I see the previewed page I want -- completely forgetting to actually enter the page number in the Range (C), and thereby opening Page 1, swearing, and starting again. Casual survey suggests this is a common issue for others in my studio as well.
It would be great if changing the previewed page using B also updated the page number selected in C; or, if an additional radio button sitting with C and D could allow you to select and open 'Previewed Page'. This would make it more consistent with page selection for eg placing a PDF in InDesign using the 'Import Options' dialogue.

The solution is pushed into Global Availability build 28.6.
The Previewed Page is now the default option for the dialog.
Here is an updated Help article:
Congratulations, folks! Took us 5.5 years to get it!
Rene Andritsch commented
That sounds great!
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
- commented
Without a doubt, consistent clarity leads to better results!
Rene Andritsch commented
Opening a multi-page PDF still trips me up after more than two decades of using Illustrator because InDesign’s way is more intuitive. In InDesign the previewed page is by default the page that gets imported. This option does not exist in Illustrator but I think this is actually how you would expect the dialogue to work. WYSIWYG would be highly appreciated. See a comparison of the dialogues below. In this example InDesign imports page 6 out of 8 while Illustrator will obviously open page 1 despite previewing page 6 – not fully intuitive.
DS commented
+10000 please
Su Spirou commented
Completely true.
Here happens the same. When you are working fast, you do not read, you just go to the most clear window (white in this case), write the page you want to open and enter. Nobody here writes the page number in the right place (which is hidden in grey). -
Charles commented
This is one of the poorer things left unfixed. Very bad UI for a company that sells software to help develop UI/UX experiences. Live the dream! Don't be the nightmare.
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
Is it possible to vote twice for this?
micaela commented
posted in 2018 and still not fixed. this extra step stops me in my tracks so many times, absolutely one of the more frustrating issues in illustrator. "previewed page" is so obvious
Lance commented
this one x100000.
One of the most annoying things about illustrator
Gareth commented
When you import a pdf into illustrator there is a page preview and a page range. But when you change the preview page you then have to change the page range number to the same as the preview to open that page. The top preview option selected should open that page, no reason to then have to type in the page again into page range to open.
I stepped on these rakes sooo many times! :)
Basically 'Link the viewed page number to the Range value until I change the latter', right? -
wobblewoo commented
Hello. When importing a multipage PDF into Illustrator you get an option at the top to scroll through the pages. Why not import the page you are currently viewing, which is the one you want, rather than having to select a range below.
On the attached example, i'm viewing Page 6 but when I press OK i get Page 1
H de Jong commented
In older Illustrator versions, opening a PDF file was straightforward:
1. select a PDF file. The 'PDF import options' dialog opens.
2. In the dialog, use the Previous/Next page buttons or the page number field to go to the page you want.
3. Click OK. The selected page opens.In Illustrator 2020, this has changed, and it's tripping me up, and probably everybody who used to use older Illustrator versions.
1. select a PDF file. The 'PDF import options' dialog opens.
2. In the dialog, use the Previous/Next page buttons or the page number field to go to the page you want.
3. Click OK. Page 1 opens instead of the page you intended. You should have entered the page number in the Range field; the Previous/Next page buttons and the page number field no longer influence which page you open.This is broken: behavior that worked in CS5 now produces different results. After several months of using Illustrator 2020 I still make this mistake every time I open a PDF.
I understand that the interface had to change to accommodate the new feature where you can open multiple pages of a PDF. It's easy enough to fix this: synchronize the Range field with the Previous/Next page buttons and the page number field. This will restore behavior we've used for years, allowing us to keep using the muscle memory we have, while still enabling the new function. -
Claudio Fernandez commented
The issue is that now you can import multiple PDF pages into AI, but Adobe didn't update the import interface to allow for multi-page import by clicking on the thumbnails like it's possible with PS .. so right now we have a sort of "half-baked" solution that ultimately works but had a misleading and confusing interface.
I hope Adobe fixes the interface so it works like PS.
zydrius commented
Ok, maybe. For multiple pages. But then thumb view must be 2xbigger, as now Acrobat with same file must be open to view what's inside, actually.
While I understand your frustration (I too fell in this trap many times), this is harder than you think. The window now shows you only one page previewed, while you can load many. That’s why two fields: one for choosing a page to preview, and another for a range to load. But yes, this is not very convenient.
On the other hand, Photoshop can show all pages as miniatures and allow you to pick (and also I sometimes want to disable these previews, because it takes Ps too much time to render these; team, please take a note).
zydrius commented
Now it is needed to select page number in section below aswell. And it kinda frustrates, because You browse for wanted page, click OK and then boom: first page :( ********, back to Import, selecting needed page on both areas. One is enough!
Derek S. commented
+1. The user experience for this makes no sense. I unintentionally open page 1 every time.
Ryplay commented
And this is ridiculous to copy number of page from the box under the preview to the box "Range:"