Improve page selection when opening PDFs in Illustrator
Referring to the attached screenshot for opening PDFs in Illustrator:
I find that I am constantly browsing through the preview pages using (B), and hitting 'Open' when I see the previewed page I want -- completely forgetting to actually enter the page number in the Range (C), and thereby opening Page 1, swearing, and starting again. Casual survey suggests this is a common issue for others in my studio as well.
It would be great if changing the previewed page using B also updated the page number selected in C; or, if an additional radio button sitting with C and D could allow you to select and open 'Previewed Page'. This would make it more consistent with page selection for eg placing a PDF in InDesign using the 'Import Options' dialogue.

The solution is pushed into Global Availability build 28.6.
The Previewed Page is now the default option for the dialog.
Here is an updated Help article:
Congratulations, folks! Took us 5.5 years to get it!
Stewart Bailey commented
Here's a couple of screenshots that show the problem - for single page import from a multi-page file, the preview doesn't necessarily reflect what will be imported. It used to.
James commented
I know Adobe explained how this works, and marked "Opening multi page PDF into Illustrator" as 'Resolved' in April 2019, but it isn't resolved.
You flip through the pages, and stop on the one one you want to open; that is the page that should open. If you want to add in a range, thank you for giving us the option, but the text field should change to match the current page selected in the preview.
The current setup is counter intuitive for new people, and works contrary to years of previous interface for the experienced.
Thank you.
David Cuesta commented
There is another thread for this already only has one vote. We import PDF's 3-4 times a day and so annoying.
David Cuesta commented
Yes so annoying please implement.
Lourens commented
When importing a PDF into Illustrator, the window used to import the page previewed.
Please bring that function back.
Derrick Riley commented
Glad someone has addressed this already. It's a small thing, but it's so dumb that I have to flip through page by page to see which one I want and then type that number in below.
Michael Pinciotto commented
Thank you anonymous! When you arrow to the page you want, it still opens page 1; but if you type the page # in the range, it will open the correct page.
Wayne Heywood commented
This is soooooooo annoying and is only a recent change. I know AI devs want you to have the ability to open all pages or a range but this is REALLY poor usability. I've basically spent the last 10 years doing it a certain way which worked fine. And now you want me to unlearn muscle memory. It's so frustrating.
Should just be the active preview is the page you want to open so the page number (C) updates as you flick through.
Steve Edwards commented
Adobe claim to have resolved the issue but it really doesn't work. You should be able to preview a page and it update the actual page it's going to open. I'm forever having to open the file twice because I keep forgetting that a feature that used to work is now (in my opinion) broken!
Brian Schmidt commented
Same here. Tried to open page 9 of a 10-page PDF just now. "Fast-forwarded" through the page previews to the page I wanted and then hit OK and it opened page 1 instead. I was like, ummm, what? There appears to be no "current page" option anymore. You can preview, but then you have to manually enter the page number in the page range box... why?
Colin Short commented
Previous versions didn't have the "range" option, it just had the navigation window where you went to the page you need then clicked OK.
It is a good idea to add the ability to select a Range but why there isn't a "current page" option is beyond me.
Having to leave the mouse to type in on the keyboard is not good UI design. -
Patrick Mathews commented
It was this way a couple of updates ago. Now this preview, page range selection is just annoying.
Jan commented
I have same problem, it's very annoing. Please change it, this is not helpfull!
Anonymous commented
I am pretty sure Illustrator used to do this, so not sure why this functionality has been removed
Anonymous commented
Illustrator used to do this, so not sure why this functionality has been removed
Derek Robinson commented
When opening a multi page pdf instead of having to select the range, why can't it open the page you see in the window? In other words, why not make the window page and range the column. I am always selecting the page in the window and forget to change range and always end up opening page 1. Thanks
Anonymous commented
I use multipage PDF's and AI files often and I can now open more than one page at once. Nice! But yes, the dialog is ****** especially since it looks the same but does something different.
Tecnos commented
When import a PDF the panel show a preview with selected page (default 1) but if you change page the importing option in "interval" remain with page 1 instead of set previewed page.
The correct way should be like in InDesign where you have a third option that if you change page automatically set it as to import. -
Mr. Ponce commented
The status says "Resolved", but I'm unsure of if the resolution actually alleviates one of the original frustrations. To reiterate, when we page through the thumbnails, the range should automatically update to list the number depicted by the current thumbnail ... i.e. no further user input should be necessary. This should be the default behavior. If the user wants a particular sequence of pages or a range, then the user proceeds to input that information into the range field.
Hence the current resolution posted by "Ashutosh Chaturvedi" only addresses the second issue but leaves the first primary issue unresolved.
Steve Edwards commented
I find this really annoying. Opening a PDF and choosing the page you want in the preview doesn't change the page range like it used to. You then click to open what you think is the right page and it only opens the first page as that's what's in the page range. It would be really useful to have the page range default to the page that you're currently viewing in the preview unless you specifically type in a page in the range box.