Folders in Symbols, Graphic Styles, Character/Paragraph Styles panels
Option to create and manage groups of multiple elements inside Symbol panel, Graphic Styles and Paragraph Styles panels, just like we already have in Swatches panel.
TT Kiker commented
I would like the ability to group symbols like you can sort swatches to better find them in a hurry.
I have people symbols, medical symbols, tech/IT swatches I used on a regular basis and I have to name them all in a funky way to get them to appear together. When others use the file, they don't remember how to name them. it would be easier to be able to drag them to a group. -
Rixn commented
I want to be able to group symbols into folders (collapsible).
Further improvement would be to add meta tags and and a filtering function. -
Margaret Trauth commented
Hi. I still could really really need this. Please?
I'm doing a comic right now that has sets of styles for two characters, plus an outfit variant for each of them, and a second outfit for one, plus an assortment of styles for the backgrounds, and my Styles palette is just stupidly gigantic. They make it super easy to draw a character quickly but scrolling through them takes an absurd amount of time and thought, I wanna be able to say "okay I am drawing Chloe in the dance costume so I need to open up the base folder and the dance outfit folder" and close everything else so I'm not trying to remember where everything is in this roughly sixty-inch-tall palette.
Just imagine that every blank style in my screenshot with a name like " CHARACTER NAME" is a folder, that has a disclosure triangle next to it so I can open it and close it. Being able to nest style folders would be super nice, I could just say "Okay time to draw Chloe" and have all her alternate outfits lurking under her base styles, then finish drawing her and hide them all away with one click. But if that's too complicated, just having folders at all would be a MAJOR boost.
And the ability to treat them as Symbol groups for tools which operates symbols.
Jérôme Agostini commented
It would be great to add folders to symbols window to better organize them when we have many.
Linh Nguyen commented
I just learned how to use symbols and it is very helpful with global edits for me. After learning how to use this feature. My next search was to find out if there was a way to create a library for different styles. A bit disappointed this feature is not available but hope to see it available at some point. Would help keep work organized.
Jayse Hansen commented
yes please!
Margaret Trauth commented
I draw comics, and use Graphic Styles to keep my characters consistent across panels and pages.
A simple character might involve a half dozen styles. A complicated character can involve a lot more - see the attached screenshot.
Add in a good chunk of Graphic Styles for recurring background elements and I'm constantly dealing with triple-digit number of entries in the Graphic Styles palette. Finding the set of styles I want to use becomes an increasingly tedious process as pages get more complicated.
I would like to be able to create folders of Graphic Styles, which I can open and close in a similar fashion to opening and closing layers.
Being able to nest them would be nice; in the attached screenshot I have styles for two variants of a character's vehicle, with their own subsets of styles for drawing them at different sizes. Being able to nest all of these into "KIRT MECH" would be great for when I'm working on a page involving three giant robots fighting.
I would also really really love it if these folders were preserved when pulling styles out of a style library, or when copying art to another file.
Basically I have been using a LOT OF Graphic Styles to make some pretty complicated artwork, and I am finding myself direly in need of a way to fold away the parts of the complexity I'm not thinking about at the moment.
Oz commented
I agree, this would be an excellent addition.
We use a large library of symbols so our Symbols window is a very long list. Many of these items are rarely used, or behind-the-scenes symbols that are called out via scripting and don't even need to be visible in our list. If symbols could be grouped like objects in the Layers window it would be a huge help in cleaning-up a very long list of Symbols. Groups could then be collapsed so they don't show the dozens of symbols inside.
This would help in organizing symbols by task, for example, and make it easier to separate the symbols we use every day versus the uncommon ones that might be used once a month.
Therese commented
There should be a way to organize all symbols (i often use more then 30 symbols per document), it gets very messy in the symbol window. It would be so much easier to organize and keep track of everything with the ability to create folders in the symbol window.