Make earlier versions available
I need to have other, earlier, versions available. I have machines that run on 32 bit and I need an earlier version of illustrator to run.
Please make earlier version available to those who need to keep our other machines running.

Bjorn Suß commented
today i am at work in need for using adobe illustrator , i took my a bit older mac to work with mac os 10.12.06 too work and wanted to download illustrator quick for use at work , i came to the constatation that there is none older download available :-( this is NOT DONE espessially this cost money and i can't use it... i think its mandatory to have a page with older versions for costumers like myself
Mark Nicoll commented
You're right. Do make sure you speak dirrectly to a customer support agent. I had an issue where the 'current' releases all featured a show-stopping bug with a critical feature, and needed access to an older version. They were able to help in that instance.
Renato Pontual commented
My Illustrator 2020 / 24.6 was crashing on startup, so i decided to delete and reinstall it.
Now i can't find on Creative Cloud the same version (2020/ 24.6) to download.
I've been informed by customer service that Adobe no longer provides previous versions of the apps. I never received any information that the company would no longer provide the older versions and now I can't reinstall the version I had on my computer. My OS doesn't support updates anymore so I can't install the latest versions of Illustrator. Customer service only provides base version 24.0 for offline installation and I can no longer update to version 24.6. An absurd, as I'm paying to have what I can have in the conditions of my equipment. EVEN SO THE VERSION OFFERED BY YOU HAS A BUG IN THE FIRST INTERFACE (start working page), AS YOU CAN VERIFY IN THE ATTACHED IMAGE.
I think this Adobe policy of not making old versions available will make customers like me migrate to pirated apps!!!! Great Adobe!! -
Matt commented
I actually found a way to do it. In the Adobe Admin Console-->Manage Enterprise. There is a bar across the top with different options. One of them is called "Packages." There you can create your own installation package using the Adobe Templates. Select your product, then "Customize" and change "App Versions" to include "Older Versions." Now I can pick any version back to 25.0 to package up. It is really a piece of cake and I don't know why nobody in Adobe support notified me about this during my three days of escalations trying to find the downloader for our version. Wake up Adobe Support. Know your products.
I have no idea how legal this is, but this site provides direct download links to older applications that keep working if you have a license
I agree — as long as you purchased the license you should be able to use older versions. This is my point of view, as always. Otherwise users go pirate. -
Matt commented
Please make version 25.2.1 available again for either direct download or in Creative Cloud. We use this specific version and were assured by Adobe that it would be available for at least another year. It is now disappeared from Creative Cloud and Experts tell me that it is not available for download. This version is essential to our business. Thank you.
You have to open Creative Cloud Desktop, locate Ai, click three dots, choose 'Other versions'
Anonymous commented
It has been automatically upgraded to 2021 version but some of the add on functions do not work. How do I downgrade to 2020 version?
Nikolas Karampelas commented
Yeah I could love as well to have access to even ancient versions, I have a frozen in time macbook 2009 that I want to keep in isolation without internet with OSX 10.6 but it only run the very first CC version that is no longer available.
Anonymous commented
Not sure where this belongs. I am disappointed Adobe does not make older software available for download. In production environments changing software yearly is not practical. Custom scripts are optimized for a specific version and "upgrading" software is usually of no value since we are not working with any of the "spiffy" new features anyway.
Another reason AI CC 2015 is important to our workflow is how it works with the Adobe EmojiOne font. This font renders ONLY in color on the latest versions of Illustrator. But in AI CC 2015 the font renders in black and white. Why Adobe has chosen to disable the black and white emojis is beyond me. There are MANY reasons it should remain available.
Doug Milllhoff commented
Support for older versions of Illustrator. I often need to open ancient files, and I have clients running Adobe CS and earlier.
This planned-obsolescence scheme is out of control.