Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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407 results found
16 votes
Editable text underline feature as available in Indesign
Illustrator is the industry standard application for the packaging design and artwork industry. I don't think that this was the original plan for Illutsrator but this is now just a fact of life and millions of users around the world in the packaging industry use this day in day out for very technical builds where printer specifications must be taken into account. There are hundreds of features that could be added to make our lives easier as we work the lack of certain features to get it to do what we need. But the most glaring ommision for many of…
16 votes -
Ability to search Glyphs by name
For Symbol/Icon fonts, it's impossible to find a specific icon you're looking for when there are thousands of unicode icons to sort through one by one. If I want to find headphones or something in the Glyphs panel, right now I can't just type "headphones". I have to search through every single icon and can easily pass by it multiple times.
16 votes -
Chinese text hyphenation alignment for punctuation marks in Illustrator text box
Punctuation marks justified alignment on textbox.
Need to automate the text alignment in the textbox for Chinese characters.
Because it is very time consuming to do manual kerning for each characters reiteratively, whenever there is amendment to the text in the box.15 votesAs per the comment within, this can be resolved like this:
1. In Preferences > Type > enable Show East Asian Options
2. In Paragraph panel choose Avoid Head and Tail, Strict
Please comment back if it works or not for you.
Copy the 'Indent to here' command from InDesign
'As it says on the tin'
So many times you start out creating a graphic and you're in two minds whether to use Illustrator for it's superior vector tools, or InDesign for its superior type control.
When I need to quickly add a couple of bullets it would be so much easier if I could fake the tab stop of the first line with an em dash and then an 'Indent to here' (Ctrl+) so that any wrapped text is quickly brought into line.
15 votes -
Snap textframe size to content (like double-click in InDesign)
A function appreciated by all in InDesign.. doubleclick the side of the boundingbox of a textframe and it snaps/scales immediately to the content.
I'm not talking about Type -> Area Type Options -> Auto-size
15 votes -
Allow users to change the default Area Type Options
I prefer to have 'x Height' as a First Baseline, instead of current default 'Ascent'.
I assume other users would like to change something else, like having 'Auto Size' always enabled from the beginning, or have a different vertical alignment (when will you rename it from the wrong 'Horizontal' to the correct 'Vertical'?! — vote here:
I tried different ways to make these parameters hold — updating Paragraph styles, changing document profiles... it always defaults to these.
14 votes -
Start editing text hotkey
Whenever I want to edit a text, I have to pick a Text tool an click it, or double-click it with a Selection tool. Why would I need to click a text which is already selected?
Please, make Ctrl+Enter start editing selected text, as PS does now. If several text objects are selected, use topmost, or closest to the screen's center or cursor or give people an option to choose.
14 votes -
Forced column break
Can we get some decent text handling features that mimic at least fundamental options such as column breaks and a table feature within Illustrator? It's been 30 years now can't you get this done for once and for all?
14 votes -
Customizable "MOJIKUMI (Typesetting)" as same as InDesign.
In the case of Japanese, arranging characters beautifully is directly related to the readability of the text, so typesetting is regarded as important.
Japanese typesetting is delicate and very difficult.
I would like an equivalent type engine for InDesign.
A common UI with InDesign is desirable.(Translated to Japanese)
InDesign並の組版エンジンがあればと思います。 共通UIが望ましい。14 votes -
Ability to switch how letters overlap
By default, when letters overlap, each following glyph is displayed above the previous one.
When using text effects or OpenType-SVG fonts, this can lead to disappointing results, like shadows on the wrong direction.
Would love to be able to toggle the order in which all glyphs of a specific text selection are rendered: above or below the previous one.
Could even use the extra space in the Character palette to include the feature button ;)
14 votes -
Vote for: Urdu Language Support...... will be a Great Help
Dear Great Adobe Team,
Please add Urdu Support in Adobe, Arabic, Persian is available in Adobe if you can ad Urdu language, this is just another instance Like Arabic and Persian Language, not a big difference but it will make a great Help.... Thanks13 votes -
tabs and text options
Tabulations should be embedded in the tex box and appear only when you press on the box and disappears when you click somewhere else. By default, it should also resize and follow the tex box on screen at all time without requiring you to click on the magnet to put it back where it belong.
Also, the text options of Illustrator are lacking some very useful options that only exist in InDesign. I understand that Indesign is THE BIG SOFTWARE FOR TEXT, but honestly for smaller text oriented documents, I often use Illustrator because it's faster to operate. So, some…
13 votes -
CID/GID (Character ID/Glyph ID) are displayed in Glyphs panel.
In the case of Japanese, there are many variations of Chinese character, so it is useful to know CID/GID.
Because it does not make a mistake when designing character. Also, I want CID/GID when using many old characters.
A common UI with InDesign is desirable.(Translated to Japanese)
作字の時などに間違いないようにしたり、また、旧字を多数使用のする時に CID/GID を表示してほしいです。 InDesign と UI を揃えて欲しいです。13 votes -
Stop installing foreign fonts I don't need
The font list is getting longer and longer, so it seems. Now we have (rather gimmicky if you ask me) Variable fonts.
I just want to get work done. I live in the Netherlands and I speak Dutch and English.
I don't speak Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew or Thai so I don't need to have these fonts available. These fonts just clutter my already long font list and make browsing and finding the font I actually need more difficult.
Solution: check the system in what language it is in and only install fonts which the user can actually use. Offer whatever…
13 votes -
Resizing Area Type using Transform or Properties panel should not transform text inside
When you try to set a size for an Area Type text in the Transform pane, it currently distorts the text along with changing the size of the area. This strikes me as inconsistent with resizing the area from the bounding box resize handles, and also undesirable (am I missing a use-case where you'd want the text to be distorted in this situation?)
I recently became aware there are width/height inputs in Type > Area Type Options but these are cumbersome.
I propose the Width / Height inputs in the Transform pane behave as in Area Type Options.
13 votes -
A point type frame should ignore spaces on the right, just like an area type.
Right spaces should be ignored by text align.
12 votes -
Allow to change the order of appearance attributes for TEXT and set the stroke below the fill in Appearance panel
When I try to move the "stroke" row in appearance panel to move below the "fill" row, the row returns to previous position on top.
This is happening to me since the - I think - 11 version of Illustrator.
Now I have version 27.1.1 and windows 11 pro. Nothing changed.12 votes -
Select Same Text Contents
Please make a way to select text object with the same contents.
Would be very useful for many practical cases.
Sure with have Find and Replace, but it won’t allow us to SELECT these text objects,, which we can use for styling, hiding, moving, rearranging, and more.12 votesThe latest Beta version (27.7) has the ability to filter contents of the Layers panel with an input field at the top of the panel. It does not directly select the objects that have the chosen value in their names (this includes the text contents), but allows to select them faster in the panel.
Does it help?
Arabic language management in non-Arabic versions of illustrator
It is necessary to be able to manage texts in Arabic also in the Italian version of illustrator. At the moment if I copy some Arabic text from Word and paste it on an illustrator text box, all features are lost and it is not possible to work. The solution is just to change the Illustrator language. The handling of Arabic texts should also be able to be used in other language versions.
12 votes
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