Option to export to clipping mask boundaries
When exporting assets to raster formats, it would be a huge time saver if we had an option to use the boundaries of clipping masks as the edge of the exported artwork. I created three triangles and used a circle as a clipping mask in the attached image. You can see that the exported file has a lot of padding around the artwork because the outer edges of the triangles are used as the boundaries of the file.
If there was an additional option to use the clipping mask boundary as the edge of the exported raster file, it would mean that I wouldn’t have to open every exported file in Photoshop to then crop to the edges of the artwork and re-save the file.
Hi Everyone,
The fix has been rolled out and is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.
What’s new in 24.1: https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/whats-new.html
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback.
Von Glitschka (Vonster) commented
The whole concept of a clipping mask it prevent content from showing visually. That is why we masked it out. So why is your code saying "Eh, forget your mask we're going to include the stuff you can't see." Of course if they had real-world beta testing this bug would have been caught before they released another half-baked feature.
Every MAX they tout the power of Adobe Sensei and the so-called magical machine learning abilities. Look at how it can smart remove this stuff in a video at real-time. Yet none of that can solve this?
Nope. When I asked an engineer about this several months back in person they acted like it was really hard? Like I was requesting them to program a worm hole to a parallel universe kind of hard? Than again they can't figure out canvas rotate yet either, they've tried and failed three times. Something about not being able to get raster effects to rotate or something.
I remember when masked items screwed up alignment because it would consider the unseen masked content. They seemed to have solved that which seems like a similar problem to this?
Don't hold your breath though. They still have a basic fundamental snapping bug in Ai that they never fully fixed. How about this as an Ai Team strategy. Forego any new features until all major bugs are completely resolved and killed off. If that takes two years so be it. This includes stability too, Ai still crashes way too much.
Thomas commented
Adding a vote for this - it should absolutely be a non-issue. I work for a large architecture firm which has an Environmental Graphics department; we have many employees designing signage and wayfinding for airports in Illustrator, which we need to export images of by asset in batch form for use in other platforms (Revit). This issue creates a major kink in what SHOULD be a relatively seamless workflow. Our EG department is currently evaluating how they can better integrate their work with Revit moving forward, and unless this changes soon, the answer will most likely be to remove Illustrator from the equation and do the work in Revit. This is, of course, not popular with our Environmental Graphics staff, but it is absolutely going to happen if this workflow does not improve.
Von Glitschka (Vonster) commented
It's only been two years. Took them 4+ years to address the snapping bug and they still haven't fully fixed that one either because it still happens where even if smart guides is turned on it won't detect anchors or paths and act like nothing is there. Happens a lot of converted type to paths too. So in that respect the creative process has been held ******* now for 6 years because of sloppy development. So 2 years is nothing.
Tannie commented
I just can’t believe it’s been 2 years FML
Tannie commented
So ridiculous. Absolutely a bug. Not a feature request. Why would anyone want to export this way???
Anonymous commented
The only thing i can do is draw an pixel perfect artboard around the asset i need, then save for web, end up with a ton of artboards :/
keith-o commented
Sabine, I think you haven't quite understood the issue we are discussing in this thread.
Sabine commented
Make a new layer. Put a form the same size as the artboard on that layer. Define layer als clipping mask. Drag all your artwork in that layer. Create a new layer on top of the artboard layer. Drag clipping mask layer into the new layer. Export. Works for me
Anonymous commented
You are right dude! I jumped the gun...
When i checked the export there was some transparency bleeding off still, smaller but still there!
This really is a ball ache of a bug, copying masked items into photoshop is another problem.
You would think such a simple thing could be rectified already. Trying to get my design assets exported with the same widths/heights is such a long task when it could take 5 minutes.
keith-o commented
From my testing, Flatten Transparency doesn't do anything to effect the the mask export. Can you tell us how you achieved the desired results?
Anonymous commented
Guys... a work around is: Object/Flatten Transparency
But i do agree, this should be an export option!
keith-o commented
Its a huge oversight which I attribute to the design team not actually understanding how pro users are working and the types of assets they are typically creating in AI. As Lidoo said before me, NOBODY would ever want assets containing masks to be exported as they currently are.
I almost never use any export features due to the fact that I need to open them up in PS anyhow to crop properly. Might as well just c+p from AI to PS and then save the asset from there. -
Lidoo commented
We're not asking for a new feature. This is a bug. There is no practical purpose to exporting an asset this way.
Anonymous commented
adobe incompetence knows no bounds, if this was any other application it wouldn't be released with this glaring a bug, time for a new industry standard I think
s.gismondi@elica.com commented
Please fix it
Anonymous commented
Come on Adobe. Sort it out.
shahin parvez commented
Clipping path is the process of creating an outline around a center object while the rest of the image is being made transparent. All you need to know about <a href="https://www.clippingpathresource.com/">Clipping Path</a>.
Rob Hutchings commented
2019 and this is still an issue - please give us a checkbox to exclude content beyond any clipping mask!
If you can't fix it in your own way can't you enact it so that the checkbox 'fakes' the fix by running its own internal postprocessing to trim away any transparent pixels - very similar to Photoshop's Trim > to transparent pixels command??
Rozakkin Toll commented
I think this is a great idea/bugfix. A possible implementation would be to allow for us to add Slices to the Asset Export pane and export the artwork contained within the viewport of the Slice rectangle.
Ai Maro commented
Asset export of clipping object is exported as object size including non-display area, but please export with bounding box size only for display area.
Unnecessary margins are included even though they are written as part objects. When using that data, unnecessary margins must be cropped with Photoshop etc.
Omitting the cropping work will improve efficiency.(Translated to Japanese)
クリッピングオブジェクトのアセット書き出しは、表示されていないマスク領域の外のオブジェクトサイズで掻き出されるが、表示領域のみで書き出してほしい。 パーツオブジェクトとして書き出されているのに、無駄な余白が含まれてしまう。そのデータを使用するときに、不要な余白をPhotoshopなどでクロップしなければならない。 そのクロップする作業を省略すると、効率がよくなる。