Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
Ferry Fiers commented
This works for me. We always work in scale 1-10
Once every so often we needed to go smaller (1-100)
This no longer is needed.
So thanks -
Renan Barros commented
It now allows a much bigger canvas size but not infinite, right?
At the moment of document creation. Is there a place where you can change the canvas size or increase it during edit? Or the only way is to create another document and copy everything to it?
Yasir commented
I have been seeing this question come up many times, for those of you who are looking for information on how to expand your art board, Shift +O will activate handles on each of the 4 sides to expand up to 2,275 inches, but first you have to start with the maximum size of 2,275 inches when you create the document size.
I just don't understand what is the reason to go higher than that, about 190 feet, not sure which printing press will handle that size. -
Luis Encuentra commented
It can't be changed after document size is created, you need to create with big numbers at the beginning.
Aleksandr Bro commented
Good afternoon. For work (illustrations of large sizes) I need to remove restrictions for the art board. please tell me how to do it. Thank you
Phil commented
Can we improve on the current implementation, at the moment i have some documents that have a large amount of artboards (>200) these pdfs are created in a piece of barcode software but i need to be able to open in illustrator to add additional artwork (identical on each artboard) unfortunately when I try to open these PDF's the artboards start to tile themselves on a standard size canvas then throw up an error about not having enough space. Maybe include an option to open a pdf on a large or standard sized canvas ?
Clip Groups From Hell commented
This is a work-around at best. Knowing how big your artboard is going to be before creating a document is not a real-world scenario. What if the number of artboards increases mid-project, and you no longer have room for them? You have to split your document into two, which is a massive continuity headache.
The biggest signpost for how badly Adobe handles the canvas conceptually, is the paradoxical fact that Ai displays an un-useable area *outside* of the canvas. You can actually draw in this non-space, but you can't move or use anything created there.
And also: -
whstlblwr commented
I just used this feature for the first time, it works great as long as you know the size of the artboard you need when you first create the document, which I did. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Need the option to open a many-paged PDF into a large document, instead of the nonsense 5.6meter limited document.
Also, saving PDF's out of a large document results in a 10% scale PDF, which makes us all look stupid.
This software is GARBAGE.
Alastair Leith commented
I like to work in native size (mm) on large, custom design projects. Let me use it like a CAD, any size I want, it's all just numbers to the rendering engine, what's the hold up?
Anonymous commented
I agree with Bradley. This software package is segmented, and broken.
I installed it on my home PC which is far superior spec-wise to my work Mac, and it ran so bad I gave up.
Affinity software package V2 was released last week. Time to leave adobe.
Bradley Smith commented
AGAIN ... please stop feature updating till you have illustrator stable and working with multi threading and now linux / ubuntu. your loosing to competitors.
Ricardo commented
Hello. Thank you for adding the feature, but could you tell me how to use it?
I am processing a high-resolution histology image and do not wish to resize it. However, it is currently larger than the canvas, so I cannot create artboards over it's entirety.
My illustrator version is 27.0
Jason McMinn commented
For all you Figma and Sketch people that say "they have infinite canvas". They don't.
If you don't like Illustrator, then go use Figma (I use Figma too). Vote with your feet people.
Post your ill-informed comments on Nextdoor.
Bradley Smith commented
still limited - Why do you lie adobe! im on version 26.1.4
t commented
Moving on is easier said then done though isn't it? And Adobe know it. Despite how much I abhor Adobe's attitude to customers and software development, I do have to grudgingly admit that the Adobe ecosystem is useful. It's definitely on the cards for the team here, but I think for any team bigger then 5 people, transitioning is at least a 6 month process. However it seems worth our while moving on despite that: we have far too much downtime that is caused by dysfunctional Adobe software. Just need to schedule it in carefully and do our due diligence.
Anonymous commented
Jason, everything you listed are an adobe problem, not an adobe user problem.
If they can't keep up, we all need to move on.
Jason McMinn commented
David - there is no such thing as "unlimited canvas" in graphics apps without going to a completely different graphics rendering like vector tiles that you see in mapping apps. That is not Illustrator.
By the way, Figma has a maximum canvas size around a60k x 260k pixels. Figma has the advantage of being recently built (since 2014) in a 64 bit world versus 1990's like Illustrator.
Carry on!
Kathy K commented
I'm so happy that Adobe went to an annual user fee so they could supply users with regular updates and new features as they came out! It's so awesome... Instead of having a stable version of the software that I could use for years without upgrading if I didn't want to, we all get to pay-per-use for software that upgrades with glitches and issues and tools that use different pre-sets than the ones we have been using for the previous 20 years. Plus, request for fixes and upgrades are regularly overlooked and ignored. The minor patches and upgrades are hardly worth all the extra money everyone is now forced to pay. It's been a total cash grab for Adobe with not much benefits to users or incentive for Adobe to provide better features. Why should they? They get our money regardless. They don't have to provide updates or new features. Who cares if it takes 10 years to introduce a new feature? They still get the same amount of money from everyone. That's what happens when the bean-counters take over. Innovation and creativity gets squeezed out.
Bradley Smith commented
David - Great example of Quark.
I was on the phone with an adobe rep for illustrator and he did not seam to care about my complaints. He did not even know about user voice. I gave him a list of problems Him:"ill bring these complaints to my team". Me:"please let me know what you have". him"reading his list..." me"wow you skipped over 5 items that are the most important. please use user voice to take what is the most needed." him:"whats user voice" me facepalming. "the app adobe setup to take bugs and user requests". so my verdict of adobe is they no linger care. or hire people that do not do there jobs.