Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
trackhorse commented
Check it out… -
Anonymous commented
Is there any kind of free trial or anything? I'd be interested in trying it out.
trackhorse commented
I have ordered an app called Affinity. It is supposed to be better than both Illustrator and InDesign, and it is a **one-time purchase** (though I imagine they will charge for upgrades). Stay tuned.
MarkT commented
Why canvas scale cannot be specified slightly less bounded, I do not understand.
Being that vector illustrations are infinitely scalable with no resource impact – what's the difference in a virtual canvas size is that is 200 inches or 200 feet? I do both grand format graphic work as well as architectural work, and this is a difficult constraint. As is obvious here by the comments, the ratio:scaling workaround is barely adequate, and cause for extra work and a big wide open door for mistakes.
Anonymous commented
I am sure old versions of Illustrator had no artboard limit...way before CC and before multi-page function was added. Scaling artwork because of artboard limits is a real nuisance and it would help to have a 'virtual scale' but it can lead to mistakes at the production stage. For instance I have used architectural cad files - usually as pdf - and I have to manually scale the file in Illustrator - sometimes twice because the file could be 1:10 but it doesn't fit on the artboard so then I have to do another conversion. Then create the artwork (wallpapers, signage etc).
Anonymous commented
I agree. We design large building murals. It is easier to print actual size when making templates. We are making one that is 112 in x 240 in which breaks the size for illustrator. I think this is difficult for adobe because of the limitations having to be backwards compatible with 32 bit systems. They will probably issue a fix in a few years. I am surprised that they do not have versioning for 64 bit systems.
Anonymous commented
Matthew Gafford commented
Jesus Harold please please PLEASE get on this one. I've been wanting this for years. How many times are you going to ask for my workflow?
Ivan Sablaev (Sahba) commented
Used AI since version 88
What exactly is the need to know how and what for a user is using the software for to make a change in the maximum size of the artboard? I doubt anyone is requesting a realistic UNLIMITED size because such thing is of no use, alas, a reasonable "Unlimited" size for 21 century could be around 20 - 50 meters (800-2000 inches).
Also I would personally like to know where did the standard of 5.7404 meters or 226 inches came from for a binary software? Please, with sugar on top... -
Anonymous commented
I would like to formally thank Adobe for this problem still being a problem. What company likes profit anyway?!? It's always a good idea to make artists do math, right? Our guys just fracked up another job due to having to bring out a slide rule and scale a job that should generally be quite simple! Please stop sitting around on your hands!
Jon Pope commented
I'm really confused how there is still a canvas size limit. Of course we can design at 1:10 size, but why should we have to? Us daily users have been wanting this for years.
Example, I'm currently working on project where I'm designing signage for an event space. There are 12 different sign sizes and of course one of them is 267in wide. I'll have to now give extra instructions to the printer and design just one at 1:10 size.
Why could there not just be an option in the preferences to allow larger artboards if we need?
Anonymous commented
+1, need larger artboard to make our client's life easier. one wouldn't comprehend how many folks out there who gets this 1:10 scale confused. It's not our job to critique the intelligence of our clients.
Justin Raymond commented
Funny. No I dont work there. I use their products and have only spent approx $380 for about 4 years of use (and still counting.) There is plenty of value in the Plugin for my professional use and I only use about 10% of the functions.
People spend $600/year for Adobe products and they barely do more the remove a few pimples in photos and draw a few shapes with text. Even better case; if you used most of the function in one program you are only a small percent of what you could use in the creative cloud. Yet, people still find value in this software when they could use something else.
I use CADTools functions every day. It sets me apart from the competition and ability to work faster with its time-saving functions. It pays for itself after the first month of use.
If you only see software as a dollar figure and not for the value it brings then you will never be on top. $380 now can bring in exponentially more later.
Anonymous commented
hmm... you think Justin works for Hot Door???
We would buy it if we could purchase only the dimension tools but unfortunately the only useful plugin CADTools sells is ONLY bundled with other not needed and bloated plugins.. They don't offer the basic dimensioning tool.. its too bad...they would have 12 more sales if they did.
while good.. the full bundle is not worth it for most of us. They have other basic plugins but not what most os us need.. its an all or nothing. $380 for plugins and then another $230 when they decide an upgraded Illustrator version warrants them getting more money. Nope... -
Justin Raymond commented
This is no excuse for Adobe not having the unlimited artboards but...Get CADTools plugin for AI. It adds a virtual scale to Illustrator. It's like working in 1:1, you won't even notice you aren't. Also, its the perfect companion add-on for any architect, engineer, or industrial designer as it has tons of VERY useful functions beyond a virtual scale. Even if Adobe added infinite artboards, I would call you crazy for not using it for the work you do...
Sean Riddolls commented
The 1:10 scaling is what most of us *already* do to overcome this programmatic shortcoming.
For example, I do condominium floorplans in Illustrator. The average floorplan far exceeds 226 inches in width. So I note that 1 inch in Illustrator = 10 inches in reality. When I create a detailed illustration of a bathtub that measures 60" x 32" – in illustrator I have to scale it down to 6" x 3.2".
However, being able to work in the actual units would be a welcome improvement. (It will also avoid confusion with the architects, builders, contractors, and particularly end-clients as to why their bathtub is designated at only 6 inches long).
Why, the canvas scale cannot be specified programmatically, I do not understand.
Vector illustrations can be scaled infinitely with no resource impact – It shouldn't matter if the virtual canvas size is 226 inches or 226 kilometers.
Mike commented
I can't even remember how many times that I've worked with people that confused 1:10 scale to 1:12 scale (1 foot = 1 inch) or vice versa to the tune of thousands in misprinted materials.
There are other annoyances with canvas limitations that I don't see mentioned, like copy pasting with a guide line that extends the length of the canvas "Can't paste because some of the artwork falls off the canvas" error ><
trackhorse commented
15.43 million miles is not enough! And hurry up!
Jason commented
Mic drop!
"Jeremy spoke in. . . spoke in . . . Jeremy spoke in class today . . . . "
Excellent description Jeremy. Pin it!
sam commented
All hail King Jeremy