When exporting an image, using artboard, with a single artboard, don't change filename.
If save an image using "Export As" , and I select the "use artboards" (because I want the image to be of that size, and I only want to export one specific artboard of my file, It would be better if it didn't add to the file name (ie: the filename-01.png would be filename.png). This is because I find myself exporting each layer of the same artboard with a specific name (ex: characterarm.png, characterleg.png, etc) and I have to remove the "01"s manually.
I understand that this feature is really useful when exporting all the artboards at the same time, but sometimes I need to individually export layers of a specific artboard. That's why I'm saying, that this would apply if I am exporting a single artboard. (or have an option for this).
Thank you

The latest version of Illustrator now allows you to manually control the behavior with the 'Suffix' option in the Export As dialog. Please check if it it works for you and comment back if it does not.
Nazanin, it is now possible (in the latest versions) to control this behavior directly in the Export dialog, with the Suffix option. If you disable it, Ai won’t add numbering to the exported artboard (but will add them if you export several artboards still, to avoid rewriting files).
If it does not work as you expect it to — please comment back. -
Nazanin commented
I have the same issue and was looking for answers for a week now. please let us know if there is a solution to this problem
Regine Villacorta commented
Hi admin! Has this been fixed in the latest update? Not just in prerelease?
Angel, it is expected to go public in this December
Angel commented
When will version 27.1.0 be released? because I work in a TV channel and those seconds when exporting are very important to me.
Greg Schoenbaechler commented
I also don't see the suffix checkbox. Using Illustrator Beta 27.1 on PC.
Justin-Leon commented
Not seeing the Suffix checkbox? Am I missing it somewhere? Using Illustrator Beta 27.1. Thank you!
Francis Lamoste commented
I'm a Graphic Designer, doing many arboards in a file.. Better to have the same way in Exporting before as if you have many artboard.. coz when exporting on the selected arboards it will directly put on what arboard it will be.. and no need to rename the filename.. as this will take time to rename each.. UNDO those changes get back to where it once before....
I tried Export As.. it gives filename but it only add what filename you have.. ex.. filenameEx it will just add filenameEx-filenameEx it just duplicate what filename you have.. better to put like this.. filenameEx-01, filenameEx-02..
Sergiy R commented
It STILL adds that **** artboard names to the end of the file on MAC OS. Can you finally fix that trash?
Jan Vork commented
The behavior of Ai to add -01 when exporting using Artboards should be more controllable. I have a lot of situations where there is only 1 artboard. I like to control how my exported file should be called. In the current version, when overwriting exports, I can end up with files called [filename]-01-01-01.png
Please add a checkbox to give us the possibility to skip the 'intelligence' and just manually type a name that will be respected and used exactly as we type it. -
KitM commented
For my two cents, I agree with Lise and many others. I would like to be able to select in the Export dialog whether the artboard suffix will be added or not when there's just one artboard, or when I'm exporting one of many.
Lise Bible commented
For me, it's more helpful for the artboard suffix NOT to be added (most of my files only have a single artboard), but if we could SELECT a default instead of it being chosen for us, that would be ideal!
Lars commented
I see two possible solutions:
1. Add an "Append Artboard Name" toggle to the "Export" dialog. The toggle should be auto-enabled and set to readonly whenever there's more than one artboard present and "All" or "Range" with a range >1 is selected.
2. If there's only one artboard present and the artboard was never renamed (name = default), never append the artboard name. In any other case, always append artboard names.
Hook Yang commented
This modification causes a file containing multiple artboards to export an artboard with a different filename than the previous export, because the previous export may have multiple artboards (eg: filename-01.filename-02...), but when When I export anyone artboard, the file name will become "file name", which seriously affects the convenience of file management. When I use Illustrator to output a large number of materials to Premiere Pro for use, as long as I need to modify it, it is like in ****. I really don't know why such a big update is so sloppy, I hope you guys revise it right now.
Michael Thomas commented
Thanks for ruining a big part of my workflow.
I create and name several artboards in most of my projects. When the artwork on one of those artboards changes, I need to re-export that artboard, but instead of replacing the file with the artboard of that name, it creates just a -01.jpg file.
And as soon as the artwork in another artboard changes and I export THAT artboard, it over-writes the -01.jpg file from the other artboard that was re-exported.
There's no reason this should have been changed, and if anything should have been a setting in the file handling preferences.
Art Works commented
This just made my workflow 10x longer. I create labels for client products, often doing anywhere between 5-100 labels per document and need to export them for client proofing. Having the product types (i.e. the artboard names) on them is critical and removing this feature has now increased my workload significantly. This is sad that we don't have the option to either turn this feature on or off.
Massive Kinetics commented
The problem is still exist on 26.5. It is a terrible bug.
Dee Funk commented
This is a terrible idea and destroyed my workflow..
why would you make it like this? Absurd!
Please undo asap! -
stef commented
This has destroyed mine and many other's workflows. Any workaround will add hours to my week.
Please either undo the change, make it an option, or giving us some more in depth export naming convention options.Exporting any artboard individually exports over any other artboard previously exported, sometimes, but not always, it's just a mess.
this is woeful.It would make much more sense if this change only applied to SINGLE artboard illustrator files.
Please change asap.
e -
James Hall commented
I feel like the the update missed the point. It seems like this should only be applicable when you only have a single artboard in your file.
Otherwise, when I have multiple artboards in a file, every time I export a different artboard it will overwrite the previous time I exported a single artboard from a multiple artboard AI file.
Maybe consider a checkbox where a user can click to say that they prefer not to use artboard suffixes.
But yes, this is disrupting my organization when exporting files.