Workspace, toolbars, hotkeys settings, and preferences should be able to synchronize via Cloud
Sync and update workspaces in Creative Cloud so I don't have to create new workspaces when I'm switching between a laptop and desktop.

Claire commented
Save every adobe apps preference setting in adobe drive automatically so every time we reinstall apps, they'll came back as old settings.
No need to setup the preference, keyboard, work space, actions, brushes, swatches... in every app every time. No need to find what the kind of the preference files are they, where are them, backup somewhere, remember which file is for which app, find the path, put it back. you see, it's taking forever to do that now..... -
_ Asturias commented
Please implement a feature that automatically saves or syncs the user-configured workspace interface in Adobe Creative Cloud. This would make it easier for users as they wouldn't have to rearrange the workspace or layout of the tools they typically use.
Currently, the issue is that I sometimes need to rearrange the workspace or tools when installing on another computer.
Mark Nicoll commented
[Edit - oh man, now that this has been merged I can see how many times I've replied to all the different versions of this thread all in the same place! ha ha ah ehh :~]
Hmmm. I broadly agree with this, but this particular instance of this request (which the others have been merged into) needs clarification;
- Workspaces and 'toolbars' are the same thing; yes, Workspaces should be synced.
- 'hotkey settings' are Keyboard Shortcuts; yep!
- Preferences - absolutely.In addition to these, all the other user-configurable preset content should be synced to the cloud as well, including;
- Scripts
- Graphic styles
- Textures
- Symbols
- Brushes
- Actions
- Tools
- save settings (including Save for Web settings, PDF, etc.)
- TemplatesI get that syncing plugins could be more problematic, eg. with potential licensing and storage issues, but how hard could it be to integrate support for that? Astute probably wouldn't need it given that they've got their own stand-alone 'Astute Manager', but for other plugins linking to a ZXP to re-install would be both very useful and trivial to implement.
(Edited by admin) -
Dreamweaver is a great example of how an Adobe app can and should manage this:
Keeps settings as XML files.
Has a dedicated section in Preferences.
Offers to pick data to be synced.
Supports automated and manual modes.
Manages sync conflicts.
Not ideal — but it cares. -
Andrew commented
is this seriously something we still have to request? what is the point of having "the cloud" if it's used for nothing other than Adobe upsells? this is like a basic cloud software thing...and has been for years...
Tony Ward commented
I use AI at home and work, and would love to be able to share and sync my workspace. I know I can copy the config from my User library, but having this option via the cloud—especially when a restoration becomes necessary— would be awesome. Thanks.
Justin Roy commented
A nice feature that would be great is once you install a script or plugin to your account it would transfer to all of your accounts wherever you would login too. Similar to how adobe fonts that you activate applies to all the accounts your are logged into.
Simon Bowland commented
We can back-up preferences and settings via Edit > My Settings > Export Settings. We can back-up Actions via "Save Actions". But currently we cannot back-up our customised toolbars. It would be very useful if that option could be added to "Export Settings".
It would also be very useful if all settings could be backed-up to the cloud, similar to Photoshop's new "Sync Presets" option.
Savannah Mcanally commented
100000000000000% in support of this.
Anonymous commented
I would be specifically wanting this within Illustrator. Workspace settings between say a laptop & a desktop (when signed in with my CC account) seem an obvious thing that should be available!
T commented
I recently had to reinstall all of my Adobe software, and was very annoyed to learn that, despite Adobe forcing me to use cloud-based software and continuously telling me to "save files to the cloud", the cloud does NOT store and retain ANY of my custom settings for the workspace. I've now had to spend at least 20 minutes in each program resetting the "Settings" features as well as repopulating the sidebars with my desired panels. Every time, I have saved these workspaces because that is what I like. But NEVER has Adobe been able to sync these to my account so that I could easily change my workspace when I've had to re-install the software. You can sync fonts to my account, so why are you incapable of saving a Workspace to my account?
Sahar commented
This would be SO helpful. I hate having to copy backend files to try to get this to work.
BlackChrome commented
Yes, how's that going Adobe? I see the original comment is 3 years old and workspaces are still a joke.
cris black commented
It would be great if the workspace, preferences and open fonts (currently available in Illustrator) that are setup and I'm using on my work computer could be the same when working on my laptop at home.
I am such a creature of habit that I find myself wasting time looking around for a panel, tool, etc. that I'm used to having in a certain location; and when scrolling through my fonts, having the same list open and available between computers. That would be heaven!
Manuel Garcia commented
This option was apparently available in the past: just makes sense to make it work again if Adobe CC pretends to be a real Cloud-based platform
Please implement it again.
Edu Couchez commented
Decades working on multiple language, new computers, Mac/Win, dual monitor configurations, plugin custom palettes, etc, etc, etc... and I've still to loose hours looking for hidden system folders, each one in different files.
After taken almost a day configuring Illustrator, everything is lost when there is any OS update, AI update, or simply because I'm human and can't manage such nightmare of files, folders, hidden menus, config options and whatever the evil remains from Illustrator jurassic architecture.
VincentvE commented
Agree, this is a perfect use case for cloud storage. And like Mark said below, don't stop at keyboard shortcuts, put all user preferences up there too.
alex eben meyer commented
ability to sync all or some preferences/workspaces/actions/shortcuts/etc across different computers using same account.
alex eben meyer commented
no idea why this still does not exist. or it did (poorly), then it got removed?
ichi903 commented
It would be nice if I could save my keyboard settings and workspace settings in a cloud file or on an external hard drive so I don't have to re-input something when I am on a computer that is not my own. Would also be great for Photoshop