New Customizable Toolbar need a way to Lock
Customizable toolbar absolutely needs to have a way of locking it!
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nono commented
Not fixed at all in 24.2.3. There's no lock in sight.
MarkR commented
Uh oh, I'm afraid to upgrade, now. AI used to be perfect. All that had to be done was introduce new features, while leaving everything else alone. But NOOOO, Adobe has to foul the whole app up, and pretend that "new" is better. Not.
Jan commented
PD commented
Ye, TL and Amy – me from Illustrator88 – a convert from Freehand. These days frequently disappointed with the development of this brand ...away from customer focus and the needs of the working designer/illustrator.
Amy Morelli commented
I'm with you TL.. These folks obvious don't use the software in a working producing environment.. I have also been here since 1.0. The change to the photoshop transform tool are just ridiculous!! It is disappointing.. Now that adobe is big and making money, they don't care about the people who have use this stuff all day everyday.. It was better in the 90s and early 2000s when things made more sense.. We should go back to having all the tool palettes and action keys be the same in ALL ADOBE PRODUCTS.
TL commented
I was so happy in my old 2017 Illustrator. It saved fast, I could resize things quickly, visually. Now I have a new MAC and have upgraded and I am in hell.
AI takes forever to save. AI: Scaling WHO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA to change the way you scale?
PSD: I can't use the rulers AND change my brightness AT THE SAME TIME BECAUSE------?
DW: I can't get it to work AT ALL. The code doesn't save in the View window. Doesn't matter how many times I save. I can paste into from a text editor and it still won't save.Adobe: Have you just given up? How is your company stock so high when basically I cannot get any thing to work? You double bill me , I don't even have time to deal with that issue because I am struggling with software to get my work done.
Do any of you even USE the software you design or do you just mess with things to justify your jobs? I wish I wasn't just a simple person and I could tell THE WORLD how messed up this is.
THINGS should get easier. Not harder. I have been with you since 1.0. Yes, I'm old. But I'm not stupid and I still work. At least I did until this upgrade. It's all just so sad.
When I had issues before, you said it was because my computer/OS was too old. You stopped supporting legacy software you said, until I threatened to call a lawyer. We straightened that out. Now I have the latest and the greatest in hardware, and all my Adobe programs are so seriously F L A W E D. The only ones that work correctly are Quark and SketchUP.
PLEASE TELL me if I can have some old software until you get these things straightened out. We pay toooooo much to be your guinea pigs.
RTNTOZERO commented
Wow, for such a complex program the solution to this madness must be a breeze.
Anonymous commented
How do you get adobe applications default to the "advanced" toolbar instead of the "basic"? Do I need to go to Window>toolbars>advanced every time I open a document... In every adobe product...?
Jan Patek commented
Please add a lock for the toolbar. ASAP
Md.shafiqul commented
In my illustrator cs6, I can use only one tool but can not use its sub tools.Example: My toolbar show rectangle tool, when mouse cursor s righe side click for other shape tool it does not work or show. like ,i need to use circle or elips tool but it doesn`t show.
Patrick Rooney commented
please let us lock the tools and palettes, that would help a ton. also increase the work area to unlimited size.
Bronwyn Carlisle commented
Anonymous, I am perfectly well aware of how to update Adobe programs. I do not have the option in Creative Cloud to update Illustrator further than 23.0.1. I do not know why this is, but it is. I HAVE now got onto the prerelease program, so am now on 23.0.4, hopefully this will fix the issue.
Justin commented
Its fixed. It is now at 23.0.3.
Here is how to update Adobe Cloud Programs:
Firstly, Make sure your computer is plugged in & and your internet is on.
Then follow the instructions here. -
Bronwyn commented
I have no option to update to 23.02 It is now the end of May, and this "fix" was posted in February.
karin commented
No please - the moving of tools is wasting my time!
Beckett commented
This was a very disruptive change. I cannot recover the time lost resetting this tool panel or chasing it all over my desktop as it moved to whatever it saw fit.
Once upon a time Adobe streamlined tool usage over multiple programs. You should adopt that again and get rid of the photoshop "proportional" tool that is different than the other programs, inDesign and Illustrator. Change for the sake of change does not deliver jobs at the end of the day. Disappointed.
Anonymous commented
Thank you, I have found the selection tool.
Now the selection tool will not function as a selection tool. Can you help with this? -
Martin Cross commented
To reiterate what others have said:
"Tool bar fix:
Go to bottom of toolbar menu and click on the dumb rectangle box icon with the three dots.
This opens the All tools menu. (grayed out)
Click the dumb little icon in upper right corner, and choose reset or advanced." -
Anonymous commented
Someone please help! My selection tool has completely disappeared. For some reason is keeps moving around and now it has simple disappeared - no where to be found. I'm dead in the water!!!
Anonymous commented
For the french version, there is no more than 23.0 (64 bit).
Your fixing announce was feb 12, we are mar 18.
So, what Adobe will do ?Thank you !