AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator)
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2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment -
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Attachments misbehave lately
An error occurred while saving the comment Yep, I can confirm that.
Arrowheads, pattern brushes, are never scaled, no matter where you put the effect in the stack, and dashes (with the 'align dashes' option enabled) gets scaled weird.Also, there is another problem with scaling an artwork with the Scale tool. If the object you are scaling has several strokes applied to it, only the top or the selected stroke will get scaled with this 'scale everything but object' method.
Take a look at the file attached. The object on top is the original one, the one below is the 'manually scaled' one (only one stroke got affected), and the one on the right is with a live Transform.
39 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Interesting.
When I need to add a note, I use Note field in the Attributes panel (usually hidden, you have to enable it in the panel’s flyout menu).
This method requires a 'host' object, and it wont’ be visible on canvas in any way... But it is possible to add notes to guides, which are generally invisible. So it’s a more general way to have notes, and it’s even more potent. but lacks some functions PS provides, like a list of notes.
What do you think about this method?An error occurred while saving the comment Carmen, Illustrator Beta now allows to share various documents for reviewing, with a button in the top right corner. Once you share a document, other users can pin their notes to various objects in it, for a designer to review them.
Does it work for you or you meant something else entirely? If no, please explain what do you want specifically then and what for exactly?An error occurred while saving the comment You can. Open Attributes panel and tick 'Show Note' in fly-out menu to display an area for your notes. Remember that a group will loose its note when it is ungrouped.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Can’t confirm it.
The option is there in its usual place in my Beta. -
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Nice mockup :)
Still, you won't believe it, but Adobe действительно позиционирует эту панель как точку старта для новичков. Предполагается, что потом они будут пользоваться отдельными палитрами. Я был весьма расстроен, когда узнал это.
About the sketch though: the layout is pretty sane, but since novices can't be ignored, I'd add captions in-between blocks. Figma does it right. -
4 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
4 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
6 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Related to this feature request:
place individual PSD layers into ILLUSTRATOR as LINKED files like Indesign -
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Related to this bug report:
Show Import Options Not Working Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea · -
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, this is a tool that feels natural to have in Ai.
I know of two third-party tools with this functionality:
1. Smart Remove Brush tool by Astute Graphics —
2. Wrinkle Remover tool by Virtual Mirror — (this one is outdated, works on CS, but there is a solid chance to see it again live)
Both tools are paid, and their algorithms differ. I actually would like to have both available.AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea · -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Yeah, I often have this too! Always forget to report it. Getting it fixed by slamming keys: Alt, Escape, Alt+Tab, clicking and cursing. Not sure which combination helps. Should try to calm down next time (you look more clam than me in this moment).
Jokes aside, thanks for reporting this!AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea · -
3 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment But do you click the Fill / Stroke selector with the mouse at all?
If not — now, when you are aware of it, please try to catch the exact moment it pops up and see what causes it.
And to make it less painful — please just undock it and make floating maybe... or does it always return to this specific place you demoed?An error occurred while saving the comment Anna, the Color panel pops up each time you click the Fill / Stroke selector with the mouse, activating one of them, when another is active. This does happen although when Color hotkey ('<') is used, but not when the Swap command ('X') is.
Can you please confirm this? Is this the problem or is it something else? -
14 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Another case, please see the file and the GIF attached
An error occurred while saving the comment I see. So the problem is that the tolerance Ai uses to detect corners is large enough to treat a 'natural' rounded corner (which is not exactly rounded at all, but more tense) as a corner to be rounded.
Yep, I get it. The problem is that Ai does not differ corners as 'rounded' or 'not rounded' it just searches for specific arcs and assumes them as corners. This is a solution which is good for some cases, but results in problems like these. And I can’t see a way to easily fix this, honestly.
However, I can advise you to use Dynamic Corners from Astute Graphics instead. They use a different paradigm. The plugin is a paid one, but I find benefits worth it.
This is not *the* solution to the bug, of course, so yeah, please vote everybody.
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment Dan, can you reproduce the problem and share the test file?
You mean Tabs, correct?