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Illustrator (Desktop) Beta Bugs

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  1. Manual Dimensions don’t stick to the objects they are intended to be linked to

    Starting form Ai Beta, dimension objects are sticky (linked) to the objects we click with the Dimension tool — so that when we move or transform the objects, their linked dimensions move with them.

    For some reason this applies only to 'Aligned dimensions' (those that are made with the click-drag-release method).

    When we use click-click-click method, Illustrator creates 'Manual dimensions', which look the same way as the aligned ones, but for some peculiar reasons that makes no sense to us, are not sticky.

    This means that we can’t apply live and linked dimensions to objects that are anything more…

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    The latest Beta allows manual dimensions to stick to arbitrary points and recalculate correctly when objects are repositioned or transformed — just as we expected it to. This includes gaps also.

    Please try it and see if it works for all the cases you have and comment back.

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  3. Issue with Selection Tool

    While working on a project, the selection tool will switch to the hand tool and won't change for a few minutes. Sometimes longer.

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  4. Illustrator Beta has a bug when using Mockup

    When Mockup is selected in the Adobe Illustrator (Beta), there is an error message:
    The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error. [PARM]

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  5. bring back old trace dropdown menu

    Illustrator's trace menu now shows giant hot air balloon icons instead of a compact list, and also trace menu panel is buggy and does not work

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  6. 6 votes

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  7. Eyedropper Tool picks a wrong color from white canvas

    Eye dropper tool, filling the different color from the canvas.
    whenever I used Eye Dropper tool, for example taking the color of canvas from white, to the shape . it just show me brown color instead of white.

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  8. 4 votes

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  9. Using Pencil tool with Live Feedback enabled throws a UNXP error message

    It reported an error to me several times. I attach a screenshot

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  10. Wireframes went wild

    hello all. this is what I have encountered as a problem with wireframes expansion. Complex shape ended up with bunch of paths, its the outline mode btw, no stroke there what so ever

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  11. Dimension tool, unable to choose a Spot color. v 28.1

    So updated to Illustrator v 28.1. And with it came the blessing of the Dimension tool, however I've notices some irregularities with the settings.
    Not sure if intended or not.

    Regarding the selection of color, depending if you open the Dimension tool settings by double-clicking on the tool or via the "cogwheel" you get different functions.

    1. Double-click you can select a spot color as the ink/color used for the measurements, for example using an custom color "measurement".

    2. If you instead go to the settings through the "cogwheel" of the tool the option for selecting a spot color (färgrutor) is grayed…

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  12. 3 votes

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  13. illustrator 27.4.1 crash when click CTRL+SPACE BAR or ZOOm HAND Tools

    illustrator 27.4.1 crash when click CTRL+SPACE BAR or ZOOm HAND Tools


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  14. Keep Real size when applying Substance to a Shape

    Could it be possible to keep the physcal scale of a substance (when given as metadata) In some case it's mandatory to in industrial/fashion design to use the actual size of a material to be alligned to the shape's geometry.

    Many Thanks

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  15. In Illustrator, the options panel...

    In Illustrator, the options panels are not there or unavailable: as in the properties of material or lighting options.

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  16. SVG export under "export for screens" is super buggy...

    SVG export under export for screens is super buggy...

    Only exports the svg with 50% accuracy...

    Often colors are missing, or items are miss positioned...

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  17. Star (triangle) rounded edges Bug in v 28.7

    Every time I try to round the edges of a 3 points star (triangle) the notification bellow shows up on my Adobe Illustrator (Beta) 28.7 version and as a consequence I can't round it. By the way, I'm using it on Windows 10 Pro 64 bits and I had this same problem in diffente files.

    "Debug Assert failed!
    expression: "false"
    hash: "1d994fd0-34d9-6b24-7dfc-05670000003a"
    lastError: "1814"
    message: "Finish not working"
    sourceFile: "C:\J\ws\ilstmainbeta\PlugInDev\ShapeCoreUI\Source\LiveCornerWidget.cpp"
    sourceFunction: "LiveCornerWidget::EndChange"
    sourceLine: "460"
    threadID: "12948"
    threadName: "main"
    timestamp: "2024-07-11T15:25:51.0Z"

    -------------- StackTrace --------------
    dvaui::ui::UINode::UIDispatchCapturedMouseEvent ( @ 0) (ShapeCoreUI.aip+0x0000000000038717)
    dvaui::controls::UIInteractiveControlView::FinishInteractiveChange ( @ 0) (dvaui.dll+0x00000000000E9207)

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  18. Can’t generate prompt due to connection issues Error

    Trying out the new AI and when I enter something in the subject field, It tells me it is having connection issues and to check your internet. My internet is working fine.

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  19. Request to Unflag "Hemp" in Generative Feature

    The word "hemp" is currently flagged in the generative feature, hindering my design workflow. Hemp is widely used in various legal industries, and I kindly request you to reconsider unflagging this term to support legitimate hemp businesses like mine.

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  20. Text to Vector Graphic (Beta) Fails

    Every time I try to generate an icon using the "Text to Vector Graphic (Beta)" feature in Illustrator (vs 28.0), it fails. I verified I was not using the BETA version of the application, checked to see if updates were needed, and restarted the application multiple times.

    This feature seems amazing and useful but still needs updates.

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