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AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator)

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    When I need to pick a color like you do, I disable edges — Ctrl+H.
    Still, what you propose is handy.

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Daniel, I am afraid this requires an investigation on your side. Please contact and request a session with a customer support staff. Feels like a driver problem...

  3. 32 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
  4. 6 votes

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    Make sure you use RGB black instead of Grayscale black in your gradients when making opacity mask in a RGB-based document to avoid shallow blacks and not fading to a complete zero.

    More on that in the comments.

    If you happen to have the same problem, please still add a vote to the request, to track statistics.

    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    I know exactly what are you talking about.
    You are in RGB color mode, right? And then you apply the standard 'White' Black' gradient from default swatches? and where it’s black on the end, the object you mask does not go completely transparent?

    Well, it’s because for an unknown reason the team included a wrong gradient in Web profile. It goes not to black that is RGB 0,0,0, but into K100 — which is grayscale black, which is (for the same kind of reason) is lighter then the absence of light that is RGB black, because it's a 100 of black paint. A black from a different color mode basically.

    If you select this black gradient stop, open Color panel and change Grayscale to RGB via panel menu, it fixes, and now the mask fades into zero opacity.

    But other than this bug (and I am moving this into Bugs branch) — Ai’s Transparency model is the same as Photoshop, and even more powerful, because you can put any complex layered artwork in a mask. It comes with an absence of drag'n'drop method, like in other apps, but that’s a different story and a different request:

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Please, tell more about your Preview mode, document color mode and 'Appearance of Black' preferences.
    Also try to juggle them and see if anything changes.

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    This can be workaround if you enable GPU mode.
    It still should be fixed, I agree.

    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
  6. 5 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    I’m afraid all modifiers are taken...
    Ctrl switches to Selection tool, Shift allows to add/subtract form selection, Alt switches to Group Selection tool (which is used by many).

  7. 8 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Well, clicking with the Pen in Illustrator starts the path. The CAD-like approach you offer is alien to the existing workflow and would clash with a lot of workflows. Even as a separate mode, with a modifier key held, it can be hard to do — all of them are taken, except Shift.

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    In recent version Illustrator made some changes to simplify this process. You can click Edit in Photoshop button (in Properties or Control panel) to quickly edit a linked image.

    You can force Illustrator to use a different program associated in your OS with the format of a placed image, if you toggle the Use System Defaults for 'Edit Original' in Preferences > File Handling.

    Finally, if you want to edit an embedded image, there is an external solution, Rasterino, from AstuteGraphics plugins pack. The workaround would be to de-embed the image first (using the dedicated button), that is save the image to disk, and use the first button to edit it.

    As for the general idea of having a raster specific tools inside of vector editing software — hell no :) Illustrator should stay what it is — a vector program. Keep raster things to raster apps, but streamline the integration process — hell yes.

  9. 34 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    This one about motion blur should be upvoted too:

    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    This concept could be broaden to 'Allow separate transparency masks for each appearance item'. This will give what you request and more, without breaking existing paradigm.

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    This one about background blur should be upvoted too:

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  11. 4 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    You can cycle through blend modes with a mouse wheel.
    However, there is no preview for that yet.

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Is this still a case for you?

  13. 12 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    There is a script you can use to di this:

    Also, there is a script-less solution, mentioned in comments on the page above:
    1. Unhide every layer including empty layers
    2. Ctrl+A to select all
    3. Ctrl+X to cut it out
    4. Flatten Artwork in the Layers panel’s menu
    5. Check Paste Remembers Layers in this menu
    6. Ctrl+F to paste as it was before, but without empty layers
    This can be a heavy operation, so be careful.

    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
  14. 12 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Turning option off is not a solution, but workaround.
    Well, if it is intended though, I can understand the logic about it, but I can't imagine the purpose of it, so I think it's still a bug.

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Hm, strange, the Send to Current Layer routine works for me, the command is enabled. Anders, are you sure it does not? Can you record it, with the Layers in view and the menu?

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
  17. 5 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    I don’t remember since when it is a part of Appearance, but it was not always like this.
    And I know about this strange behaviour you demonstrate in the video below.

    Here is the thing (and I suppose it should be changed): you can drag the fill only when when the swatch in the item is in focus... in 'double' focus — and this is stupid. See, when you click an appearance item, it gets highlighted with blue, and the swatch (or rather a square that is filled with a color or pattern) gets
    enlarged. But these two events are not connected! Start dragging an item by its blue bar, as if you are going to change the the order, and as soon as the cursor crosses the border, the square gets un-enlarged... and stays like if you release the mouse. And while it’s stays 'half-selected' like this — you can’t drag and drop it over an object on the canvas... So every time you start dragging an appearance item by the bar, it gets unselected. The only way you can drag it out to drop is to grab by the square... and only when it’s enlarged, so you have to click it again if it’s not before dragging... ridiculous, I know. And you can’t change an order of items by dragging a square (or an arrow on the left).

    Why the team decided to distinguish between 'order' and 'apply' operations, giving them different areas for grabbing — I have no idea. They don’t intersect, and totally would be easier to perform if it didn’t matter where to click.

    Then, there is a trick. While dragging a fill you can hold Shift before dropping and apply a color you drag as a stroke instead of a fill... but the hint displayed if you wait says about 'alternate UI', which is actually about Shift-clicking on a a square to bring Color pseudo-panel instead of Swatches (and actually thay should have said exactly this and not 'alternate UI').

    Finally, as you mentioned, there is no way to add a dropped fill/stroke as a new item. You can held Alt, but it changes nothing. The 'operation slot' exist, but they just don’t use it.

    It all should be addressed.

    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
  18. 79 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    For anyone who wants this right now, please try AG Block Shadow tool from AstuteGraphics plugins pack. It feels and works exactly how we need it.

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    I would better like this as a live effect. The most preferable way — is a tool that creates live effect, which ten can be edited.

  19. 12 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Sometimes it works alright, but sometimes — don’t. I have no idea what is the difference!

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) shared this idea  · 

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