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543 results found

  1. Edit multiple selected paths with Pencil tool.

    This Illustrator feature has been lost since version CS5:

    1. Select multiple strokes
    2. Use Pencil tool to edit selected strokes.

    In CS5 Illustrator understood the difference between "User-selected strokes" and "Newly created strokes" allowing users to fine-tune multiple paths with the Pencil tool without losing the selection. This feature has been lost, in ALL subsequent versions of Illustrator. What a loss!!

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  2. Stroked Object Transform Bug Constrain Error Adobe Illustrator CC 2017-2018

    When using the transform panel to resize an object or multiple objects, it goes without saying if you select constrain, there should be confidence it will scale respectively. A circle remains a circle, a square a square, a 16:9 Graphic stays 16:9 etc. etc.

    Unfortunately I have noticed a very concerning bug where if one of the objects has a stroke, it will not transform constrained. I noticed because the object I grabbed had a perfect circle, that seems maybe 5% horizontally compressed afterward.

    I have done this screencast to show the bug does not occur on non-stroked objects- only…

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  3. Aligned "Dashed Line": PLEASE enable for "Rounded Rectangle".

    The "Dashed Line" has an optional button that "Aligns dashes to corners and path ends, adjusting lengths to fit." for the "Rectangle Tool" (and the Star Tool, and the Polygon tool), but it doesn't work on the "Rounded Rectangle"! Why?

    Please make the "Aligns dashes to corners and path ends, adjusting lengths to fit." work for Rounded Rectangles, PLEASE.

    Thank you!

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  4. Refining pressure sensitivity

    Just like pencil drawing refining.
    Using tablet, I would like to redefine stroke size with pressure sensitivity when using brushing tools on a selected line.
    After the first brushing, it only modifies shape not brush size.

    Please I'm waiting this for a long time and I'm so surprised it still does not exist.

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  5. Ability to change starting point for closed path

    Currently the only option is to cut and the path or redraw the path completely if the starting anchor is in the wrong place. For straight edges, such as a square or even a rectangle it's easy to work around, but when it's a curved edge it is difficult to replicate the same curve with the cut method. Could easily add this feature to stoke effect so that the starting point can be adjusted with a click on the anchor. Or have left and right arrows to move it to a different starting anchor (although that wouldn't work on things…

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  6. Measurment Switch Toggle Button

    You know what would be awesome? When you click on any of the marque tools (for the square, cirlce, rounded rectangle, or polygon) if you could switch the measurements that you type in.

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  7. 0 votes

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  8. Live preview of paths while editing

    I would expect that the shape or a path while transforming would be rendered in a way as it will look at the end of my editing. Now, when i move handles or points / transform the object, the original shape stays the same and changes shows only as a line in the color of the layer. I understand, that for precision-transformation it's beter to see just the thin line (smart guides, snapping etc.), but while reshaping curves it would be great to see the final shape in real time.

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  9. Editing curve workflow.

    Fix this idiotic editing curve workflow where you have to switch between 4 tools. For the Christ, Buddha, Mahomet or whoever Sake. FIX IT!!!!!!! Haven't you tried other software where such simple task are 10 times easier? !!!!!

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  10. Replace objects with an object

    I have created a circle with text in it, and grouped it all together, however I have a pattern of Circles, and only want some of the circles in the pattern to look like the one I have created and grouped, so I can click the ones I want to replace, and then with a tool, select the group I've created, and it will replace the ones I've selected. Not too sure if this feature exists, though it would be a beneficial tool to have.

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    The intended solution for this is to use Global Edit feature.

    Copy the object you want to replace with, then select one of many copies you want to replace and use Select > Start Global Edit command.

    Using Shift, unmark those copies you don’t want to affect.

    Isolate the targeted copy.

    Paste the copied object and position it correctly relatively the old object.

    Delete the old object.

    Exit the isolation and end Global Edit.

    It may sound convoluted at first, but once you master the method, you’d be able to easily replace almost anything.

    Global Edit has its limitations: it doesn’t work for images, text objects, clipped masks, linked objects, and third-party plugins.

    Read more about it here:

  11. Soft selection (Selection drop off)

    This already exists in many 3D applications (Maya, 3D Max, and C4d, for sure) and it's often treated, not as a separate tool, but as a setting in the regular selection tools. The idea is that you can set an gradient influence area where the points directly selected are affected 100% by transform changes, while everything else is affected by the changes but adjusted to the alpha percentage of the gradient at that point's initial location. I know that sounds like a mouthful, but it's very similar to how the mesh warp works (minus the having to convert anything and…

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  12. Width Tool Numeric Control

    When using the Width Tool to manipulate the width of a stroke, it would be helpful to have the option to alt+click and enter the desired width in a dialog box, in a similar fashion to the Rotate Tool.

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  13. In Tablet Mode, we need the use of modifier keys like Shift, Alt, and Control. Can't constrain proportions when resizing w/out keyboard!

    In Tablet Mode, we need the use of modifier keys like Shift, Alt, and Control. Right now, we can't constrain proportions when resizing w/out the Shift key on a keyboard. If we have a floating toolbar of modifier keys like Shift, that problem would be solved. Even better if a gesture could take the place of holding Shift.

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  14. Scale the space between objects

    The ability to move objects in uniform space, similar to how the bounding box works when you select multiple objects and then scale them larger or smaller, if there was way that when you scaled the bounding box bigger the objects maintained their current size but moved farther from each other.
    I notice there are times when I have objects on the page and I need to move them apart uniformly based on spacing or move them closer to each other.

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  15. character/puppet rigging

    To add the ability to puppet rig illustrations directly in Illustrator.

    This could not only be used to easily move parts of character illustrations while keeping it intact but also export illustrations ready for animating in After Effects.

    Main feature would be ability to pair objects together using anchor points.
    e.g pairing characters hand to forearm and forearm to bicep and bicep to torso. so when the hand is moved the rest of the linked objects will follow.

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  16. Change Selection tool back to the way it was.

    The selection tool on an object is now really annoying. I have to zoom in really close to a small object to move it otherwise I get too many options and it just ends up spinning or resizing the object. Please fix!!!

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  17. I need an option to disable path segment reshape tool

    Please! Let me disable path segment reshape tool, because the anchor tool is totally unusable because of it. It almost impossible to point on a vector, because every time the path segment reshaper gets in the way!

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  18. The ability trim or extend a line using another line. Like the one they have in Autocad

    The ability trim or extend a line using another line. Like the one they have in Autocad

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    Illustrator allows this today with Shape Builder tool.

    You need to hold Opt/Alt and either click or brush through the excessive portion of the path, and Ai will trim it to the next intersection or between intersections. Works with selected objects only.

    The precision of the tool is limited and bound to internal grid of the document. There is a bug report about this you might want to upvote.

  19. Bring back spacebar 'move' functionality when 'alt/option' is pressed (to access Anchor Point tool) while using Pen Tool

    I realize this is a very specific request for a small piece of functionality that was probably never very popular, but it's part of a workflow I got used to using for years, and since upgrading to CC, it no longer works.

    When creating a new path with the Pen tool, using the spacebar enables you to move the anchor point you've just created (before you release the click). Also, the Anchor Point tool allows you to do the same when you click on a point and drag the handles out.

    My issue is that the Anchor Point tool doesn't…

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  20. 2D Extrude

    I would like a 2D extrude feature. For example...

    1. Draw a box and add extra points to it.
    2. Select every other set of two points (i.e. segments) and pull them so they extrude out (instead of bend - or have the choice of bend OR extrude), perpendicular to the line they're on.

    Currently I have to duplicate and rotate and then merge... I'd rather like to be able to pull out extruded segments without having to do it manually.

    Boom! great idea, thanks for adding my name to the next release with this new tool. If you don't understand this…

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