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515 results found

  1. Export revisions only

    When making minor updates to an existing presentation or pdf, option to "Export Revisions Only" to an existing file name or pdf - similar to Adobe Acrobat's new feature to detect changes between similar documents, this feature allows you export/update only the pages with revisions into an existing .pdf file. This saves a lot of export time when a client asks for several small revisions to a 10-20+ page presentation or document.

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  2. Add Color Mode "BITMAP" to TIFF Options in FILE->EXPORT->EXPORT AS

    Add Color Mode "BITMAP" to TIFF Options in FILE->EXPORT->EXPORT AS

    I regularly export high resolution ( 1440 dpi ) black and white tiff images from illustrator. Right now they must be exported as grayscale and then I have to open them in photoshop and convert them to 1 bit images and resave.

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  4. Export for Screen Preset system is a FIASCO

    As comments for this thread are closet, I start a new one.

    This Preset thing is a disaster. It doesn't fix any issues I have with Export For Screens.

    It doesn't save the Folder for the export. So I have to set it every time I open my document, as Illustrator set it to the same folder as where my AI document is. This was, and now still is, my major problem with Export for Screens.

    Also, I have to select the Preset every time I open my AI file. The least I was hoping was that the settings…

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  5. export non-printing layers so they are visible in a PDF

    I believe this used to not be a problem, but now when I have a layer set to not print, it is not visible in a PDF. I have to toggle the layer on in Acrobat in order to see it, but this does not work for my needs.

    I want to make non-printing layers automatically visible when saving as a PDF.

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  6. Need "Save a Copy" suffix checkbox option, like "Export As"

    Much like the recent fix to the "Export As" dialog box which added a filename 'Suffix' checkbox option when saving an image or images, would it be possible to also get a Suffix checkbox option added to the "Save a Copy" dialog box? When I need to generate a PDF using Save a Copy (my go-to method, less cumbersome than Print>PDF) which is several times per day, I don't want "copy" added to the filename and I have to remove it every single time before saving. Thanks.

    "Export As" filename suffix threads referenced:

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  7. Share for Review wish list

    This function is long overdue and I am loving it. However, as someone who uses it multiple times a day, every day, I think there are a couple of things I think could make it better.
    1. The ability to group files together in the same link.
    I'm not a fan of "writing over" an existing file so that I can click on "update content". That is ok for small changes, but when the client is asking for significant updates/changes, I prefer to save a new file named "rev 1" or something similar. This then requires me to get a…

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  8. Export 3D elements with ALL of the faces separated.

    Please give us the ability to export 3D elements created in Ai with ALL of the faces separately (bevels, extrusion, front/back), so that they can be colored or textured individually. It would be very valuable and save time to have this in one app, just as is/was in Ps. thank you!

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  9. The large print documents do not give the option of exporting the artwork to dxf or dwg format.

    Whenever I work on large print documents, I do not have the option to export it to dwg format. I have to re-size the artwork and the copy and paste it into a normal A4 size document and then export the artwork in dwg file. And after I open the file in cad, I have to re-size it again to actual scale.

    However when I export, I have an option to exporting the artwork in 1:100 or 1:500, but I don't have the habit of working with scales and it feels inconvenient.

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  10. Can you add the option to make a multipage pdf from the variable dataset export? Needed for compatibility with printing software

    Currently when exporting vardatasets, you get a single page pdf per dataset.
    When making stickers some printing software cannot apply printing and contour cutting on multiple images.
    I would be nice if the datasets can export a multipage pdf, or if an action can be made that creates artboards from datasets instead of exporting.

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  11. Share for Review extra functions


    I'm really thankful for this review function but there are a couple of things I would like to see in the future. Hopefully, some are already in progress!

    1. Ability to select which artboards to share

    2. Show the size of the artboard (I prepare 6 artboards at a go, clients do not know what size are they looking at)

    3. Have a pretty URL that does not look like...

    4. A caption area for each artboard so that I can put down some notes directly on the Illustrator app.

    Thank you!

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  12. Allow us to export PNGs with Transparent and White Background at same time with Export for Screens

    I often need to export PNG versions of the same asset with White Background and with Transparent Background.

    The way the Export for Screens work, doesn't allow this. You can set multiple export scales, but they all will use the same PNG settings.

    It should be able to select Different settings for all scales. Or at least different Backfgrounds ( white/tranparent)

    But individual settings for all scales would be better, as then we could have much more control.

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  13. Save the Export Path to with Export for Screens Presets

    Please, SAVE the "Export To:" path with the Export Preset.

    I don't want to set my Export Path in Export for Screen every f*ing time I restart Illustrator.

    I was hoping that Export Presets would have fixed this annoyance, but it didn't help at all.

    It amazes me how impossible it seems for Adobe to get these simple things work like they should.

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  14. It would be great to have more control of the .jpg compression settings in "Export for Screens"

    It would be great is more granular control of the .jpg compression settings. Right now we can only export at 100, 80, 50 and 20. We find that 60% compression is often the sweet spot between size and quality. Having a user adjustable slider or more presets would be great. It is another reason why we are still using the legacy export.

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  15. 3Dオブジェクトの座標や回転を維持した書き出し


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  16. Menu bar item “Duplicate with New Document”

    The History panel menu has a highly useful feature called “New Document.” As it is versatile, it should be added as a menu item on the menu bar.

    Menu bar “File > Duplicate with New Document”




    メニューバー「ファイル > 新規ドキュメントで複製」

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  17. Add option in Preferences > File Handing to remove or “do not append” the word “copy” in the filename when saving a copy

    Please add an option in Preferences > File Handing to remove or “do not append” the word “copy” in the filename when saving a copy. This feature is not an option in Illustrator but it is a feature in Photoshop that saves a lot of time compared to manually removing it every time.

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  18. Embed SBSAR 3D Material Into .AI File

    The ability to embed a 3D SBSAR material into an illustrator file so that other designers can open and use the same .ai file. Currently, the material is lost and greyed out.

    Especially if they are custom SBSAR materials made in Adobe Substance Sampler.

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  19. Give the ability to export extra Spot colors in .PSD files (also implement the Mixed Inks feature)

    I think it's for Adobe to implement the ability to export files in .PSD and have those extra colors in separate channels (maybe in CMYK mode plus the extra spot colors translated to extra color channels).

    If it works well with PDF files why not with Photoshop files?

    It's a real pain to get a 5 colors file (CMYK + Pantone color) exported to Photoshop. PSD files have all the colors flattened for the exported mode option (RGB, CMYK).

    Also, it's time to think very serious about implement the Mixed Inks from Indesign into Illustrator and in the end the…

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  20. Export images with an option of including or excluding bleed

    It would be great to have the feature in an Export window (in one of the two attached).

    The only way to remove the bleed is to remove document bleed temporarily or remove it manually in Photoshop.

    We remove bleed before we add the artwork to our catalogues.

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