Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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513 results found
Export As should remember the last chosen format across sessions, after the app the relaunched
Currently Export As remembers the chosen file format only until the app is relaunched.
This choice should be sticky. That is, if we export as PDF, this should stay chosen next time Illustrator is launched.
Currently it gets defaulted to PNG, and choosing a required format each time feels tedious and unnecessary.5 votes -
Make 'Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities' option be always disabled for PDFs made with Export As but always enabled for Save As
We now got a way to Export a PDF, rather than Save a Copy, thanks to this request:
However, these methods don’t really differ from each other, and 'Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities' is still a thing for these exported PDF, bloating the size twice and leaving a way for these to be editable.
I want this option to be disabled and unchecked for Export as PDF — announced loudly and clearly.
And if Save As method is chosen — this 'Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities' option should be locked as enabled.
4 votes -
Bleed 5 mm
Buenas tardes, mi sugerencia es que por default al guardar un pdf el illustrator y el indesign, venga con 5 mm de sangrado en lugar de 0 (cero). Trabajo en preimpresión y el error mas común de los clientes es que envian los pdfs sin sangrado lo cual implica tener que volver a editar el archivo cuando se podria evitar si por default el bleed vendria activado en 5 mm
2 votes -
Make Revert operation into a History step we can undo
Shielding Revert this with a confirmation does NOT work.
Having confirmations is a bad UX solution, and it’s known now — it seems like only Adobe is not aware.
People don’t read these, and either learn to not notice these or to skip these.What apps should do instead is to allow a mistake, but then giving a chance to Undo it.
Like modern email clients now do — you can undo sending an email, because there is a hidden delay.Photoshop does NOT have a confirmation, but it allows us to UNDO the Revert, unlike other apps.
Make Revert…
12 votes -
File > Adobe PDF Presets menu, to have even faster PDF export options
Starting with build 28.6, we can now Export As PDF (thanks to this request:
This works alongside with a pervious lesser known method: Save a Copy, as PDF.
However, exporting a PDF copy to make a quick 'snapshot' still feels slow — we get a dialog and have to choose a preset we want to use.
Meanwhile InDesign offers a handy configurable menu that allows to skip format options and go with a chosen preset, like the attached screenshot shows.
Please make a similar menu.
37 votes -
Ai形式でクイック書き出し が機能しない。
Ai形式でクイック書き出し ボタンを押しても先に進めず、無反応。
1 vote -
3D from Illustrator to CC library via obj format (to after effects)
Hey there. Don't know if anyone here also follows After Effects news, but they just added something pretty cool :
Support for OBJ import from Libraries
Now import OBJ 3D model files from your Libraries into your compositions
In addition to GLB and GLTF, the capability to add 3D model files from your Libraries into your composition is now extended to OBJ 3D model file format. You can add OBJ 3D models to your Creative Cloud Libraries from Adobe Stock, your local system, or your After Effects projects.
Learn more about importing 3D models from Creative Cloud Libraries to your…6 votes -
Allow to set up Viewing options for PDF exported, like InDesign does
Do you think we could have Viewing options added as implemented in InDesign?
4 votes -
復活しない限り、ヴァージョンアップは出来ません。2 votes -
Fix on Crop Mark Position in Save as PDF
If I select the color bar and page information in Marks and Bleeds, the position of the crop mark will be shifted slightly above the center of the page, so it would be helpful if you could position it at the center of the page.
Because the distance of the misalignment is so small, it is often overlooked, and when ordering prints online, it is inconvenient because you have to manually adjust the position or remove the color bar and page information before saving the file.2 votes -
Embed as attachment a DXF version of the illustration in the Export as PDF option
Most often when designing files for logo or marquing tools we need to export a viewable PDF version and e CAD file as DXF.
In order to keep them synced, it's convenient to attach the DXF as an attachment in the PDF.Could it be possible to impement this workflow in Illustrator? either in the "Export PDF" option or via a script/action command?
Many Thanks
3 votes -
Update packaged contents
To be able to PACKAGE a file and it's contents/fonts is obviously essential, however - this should not be a end to a means. Once you package you file, and then have to make changes to the file you had open (this happens a lot), the PACKAGED contents is now out of date. Could be just the .ai, or .ai and links and fonts.
Once you've PACKAGED once, there should be an UPDATE PACKAGE function. This should also be implemented in InDesign and Photoshop.
2 votes -
Tool to identify the size of each asset that is added to a document
sometimes I save a project file and it is HUGE... because some asset I added is also HUGE, but I didn't realize it...
I would like to see a feature where I could open a panel (maybe integrated into a LINKS panel?) and it shows each asset added and the size...that way I can make the decision to manually edit that asset to a smaller size so that my files aren't so huge
3 votes -
Allow to export empty TGA and TIFF
- Windows 10.
- Version 28.0.
- Exporting an empty file to TGA format.
- Illustrator should proceed to "Targa Options" but instead gives a message "Could not write the file because the plug-in made an invalid request of the Photoshop Adapter."
- No attachment needed, just open a new document and try to save it as TGA without adding any contents.
This is an edge case - there are not many cases where you'd want an empty file of a specific resolution, although there are some, and of course in this case you can just make an empty TGA through Photoshop (which I have…
2 votes -
DXF format support
Can u add DXF format support, to directly open in Illustrator. Now i open DXF in Corel and save to PDF and then open in Illustrator for working. I am into apparel/fashion field. Garment patterns are important to be opened in actual size so we add prints and other embellishments to actual and see.
2 votes -
Illustrator 28 no longer retains editable text fields used in Acrobat.
The company I work for often sends files that need to be filled out in Acrobat, but the art is edited in Illustrator. In Illustrator 27 there was no issue. I would edit the contents in Illustrator and then open in Acrobat to finish filling out the form. But as the subject line indicates, Illustrator 28 somehow removes these editable text fields set in Acrobat, making the file unusable for our customers.
This work flow is not our choice, it's a requirement from some of our customers.
1 vote -
Allow Download & Print feature for Share to Review
Allow Download & Print feature for Share to Review. Also including comments and titles.
4 votes -
Option to add cover page or a default message in comments for Share for Review
Option to add cover page or a default message in comments for Share for Review. This could be used to add instruction or terms and conditions etc.
2 votes -
Placing "Show Import Options" - Import Photoshop Artboards Individually into Illustrator
Give placing options (similar to the PDF import options) when placing a Photoshop file (.PSD and .PSB) into Illustrator; if the "Show Import Options" box is checked, give the user the options to import Photoshop Artboards Individually (Similar to .Ai and PDF Artboards) or as the whole image file.
The "Show Import Options" box must be checked to get these options, however if not checked, the whole image file will be imported into Illustrator regardless of artboards present.
3 votes -
Export elements / assets in more formats than default ones, maybe ALL. Plugin or option needed
Any way or plugin to export elements / assets in other formats than default ones by Illustrator? Especially DXF files. It's killing the workflow to jump to the dropdown every single time...
2 votes
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