Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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514 results found
Save for Web is disabled
Open both files attached in any Ai version from 26.4.1 to 27, and try to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy) for both.
The command will be disabled for the 'bad' and enabled for 'good', although the only rectangle in both is the same.
There is something wrong in the file structure then, but what?Also, the ExportOptionsPNG24 does nothing if a script with it gets run.
12 votes -
Export for screens missing modern features in order to be useful for responsive images on the web in 2022
It's 2022 and responsive images on the web are well supported across all browsers.
Export for Screens is close to being a good tool for this, but missing out on a few smaller but critical needs for modern responsive web (by priority):
1. Customize ppi in combination with width / height / scale Formats exports
2. Support for moderne formats: webp, avif and near future jpegXLAnd not really a export only feature, but:
3. Be able to override antialiasing export settings per layer so text and artwork can be applied different antialiasing during exportNote: Typical answer to several…
4 votes -
Export for screens missing slice selection feature from Save for Web
Export for Screens seems to be missing a few things to be able to replace Save for Web (Legacy), which is a strong limitation since Export for screens have features Save for web doesn't: Support for exporting multiple scales / resolutions , which is a must in 2022 with responsive images on the web.
One area it is lacking in is support for slices (by priority):
1. Be able to export only a selected slice
2. Be able to split up export for screens based on slices1 vote -
Add compatibility of .rul files
Often for work I receive .dxf models with the related .rul developments, so I would need compatibility with .rul files to be able to work,
thanks1 vote -
Import SVG fails to load images correctly when linked via a use tag with the source provided in the defs
The import SVG feature does not correctly load images when using a use tag that links to an image in the defs list.
The issues with the import are the following:
1. The image is incorrectly placed in the clipping group, despite one not being present in the svg.
2. Two strange clipping path triangles are incorrectly added to the clipping group that completely hides the images.
3. The art board is also incorrect and not placed around the design.I created a small svg example that has an image that is linked twice within the design.
<svg version="1.1" xmlns=""…4 votes -
SVG scalable vector export option for use in Microsoft applications
Please include an .svg format without code or mobile device use that will hold clipping, gradients, etc. to use as scalable vector artwork to be placed in MSO applications. This was not an issue in previous versions of Illustrator.
I provide scalable vector artwork from my projects for my clients who work in Microsoft applications by placing "Picture from File" in a PowerPoint Catalog.
When exporting, I get an error message: "Clipping will be lost on roundtrip to Tiny" when opening them back up and the artwork is distorted.
I got better results with "Save a copy" however, I still…
2 votes -
.obj asset file multiple group/layer hierarchy
It’s very cool that you can export 3d models as obj - when I try to import the obj file Into blender, the group objects become scattered and lose there positioning that I have created - please make it so that when I import the file all of the objects are together / grouped as I intended and not scattered - great job on the new update 👍🏻
2 votes -
Exporting files - range settings resetting for different file types
Is it possible for the page 'range' to reset when exporting different file types? It's really frustrating when I've been exporting a few single pages to jpeg for example, and then when exporting a PDF of the document it retains the page range. It's a small issue, but is pretty annoying!
2 votes -
Can’t save SVG with <desc> tags
I've recently updated my Illustrator to Version 26.3.1 and when i save out svg data it is no longer able to save out <desc> tags. Extremely detrimental problem for my pipeline. Please look into this issue since 26.2.1 will only be available until 2023. I have attached a photo of the issue demonstrated in Notepad++
1 vote -
Make the 'Create PDF Compatible File' tickbox permanent or lockable.
Make the 'Create PDF Compatible File' tickbox permanent or lockable.
Without this being ticked, I can't see any thumbnails of my illustrator files, which is completely disruptive to work flow. I'd like to request that users be able to lock this tick box to ticked status.
Currently, it's 'sticky': whatever you did last time sticks. Unless you open a doc that was saved without it checked.
Working in a studio, I handle all kinds of files made by all kinds of people, and time is of a premium.
'Sticky' but with a fin-print-style 'but' that requires you to be vigilant…
2 votes -
Is there a way to change the state of the page information line when exporting from Illustrator to a PDF?
Is there a way to change the state of the page information line when exporting from Illustrator to a PDF.
We need it closer to the bleed box (or right on it) and much further to the left.
We need it closer to the bleed frame (or right on it) and much further to the left.
I can't find anything in Illustrator's settings (of course). This will probably be defined in some file. I would like to edit this file with an editor to adapt it to our needs. Or is that perhaps possible via a script?The background is…
1 vote -
Copy/paste vector: Figma → Illustrator
Can we be able to paste vectors from Figma, please?
In this other post you already made it possible to copy/paste from Illustrator to Figma, could we please have the whole workflow instead of only half of it?
2 votes -
Add Export JPG/PNG option to Package Feature
Please add an "Export As..." option the Package feature settings so we can export JPG or PNG files in the packaged file folder. This would be immensely helpful! Thanks
2 votes -
1 vote
Better SVG support
- Support CSS drop shadows
- the ability to convert lines to shapes on export
- Better CSS gradient support
- ability to fonts to shapes on export
- the ability to define CSS class selectors
- cleaner code on export
2 votes -
File Save Options - Recovery data location
I'm running the latest version of Illustrator (26.2.1 as I'm writing this) but my data recovery preferences are somehow stuck at the location for Illustrator 20 and the application warns me every time that it can't save recovery data for the current document. I can change this, I know, but that still just keeps it then stuck at the location for version 26, and will presumably break again when version 27 is released.
What I need is some way to restore the default behaviour which would (presumably) automatically update to the correct relative location for the current application version.2 votes -
Open DXF or DWG and maintain layers, including X-ref layers
The last version with this functionality was 25. It is critical to my team's workflow. Please bring it back.
3 votes -
可能でしたら、デフォルトの「テンプレート」フォルダから直接、読み書き(保存も含む)出来ると、やはり助かりますので、是非対応してくださいますよう、要望を出しておきます。3 votes -
Baked-in colors when exporting Obj's
I'm new to working with 3D objects in illustrator but I'd very much like to use Illustrator in my 3D workflow. Maybe I'm just out of the loop, but I was confused to see that the obj's I exported had no color. Is there a way to attach colors when exporting these?
2 votes -
Staggering Saves
I would like to be able to run multiple saves on a file without waiting for the first save to finish. For example while it is saving the .ai file I would like to also save a PDF immediately after. The software in the background wouldn't halt me interrupting my workflow but instead hold the second save in the background and run it once the first save finished. Prior to CC this was something I did a lot and competitors software as well as your own media encoder for Video apps have this function.
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?