Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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175 results found
Auto back up does not work and it should. Everything is set correctly and I use Jing - however it's set as once an hour for a back up
File back up for crashes needs to work as per the settings. If it set to back up every 2 mins - then where are the files? They don't seem to exist - not like In Design where my last file is brought back.
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Make the GPU renderer realize when it is grinding to a halt and turn itself off automatically.
The GPU renderer is great. If you're on a machine with a hefty GPU. If you're not throwing a bunch of bitmaps and/or bitmap effects at it. If you're not working with a lot of overlaid transparency.
If one or more of these is false, it starts slowing down the preview rendering. And not by microseconds. I have files that render the preview a little sluggishly, but still usably, with the CPU renderer, and take minutes to update with the GPU renderer.
I myself have permanently turned off the GPU renderer, as I regularly fail all three of these ifs…
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また、テキストの一部文章を選択した際も選択範囲が強調され、選択部分のみのカラー変更をする際に変更がリアルタイムに確認できません。1 vote -
I want to edit the shape of the gaussian blur
I like to "paint" using gaussian blur, using it primarily for shadows and highlights. Sometimes it leaves some pixels in places I don't want them, and I cannot mask them away and I cannot erase them.
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Dear Team, Need AI can save files faster when we all are working homes, in a lower network speed.
Adobe AI getting more slower in the aspects of saving even small files, when we all are working from home till now, it should be save much faster our files and can save some backup files even.
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6 Plugin Photoshop thiet yeu cho nguoi moi dung
Photoshop thực sự quá hoàn hảo về tính năng nhưng lại khó tiếp cận có người mới, chính vì vậy những Plugin Photoshop xây dựng thương hiệu giúp giải quyết nhược điểm này, với những Plugin Photoshop cho người mới tiêu dùng sau đây sẽ là những dụng cụ chẳng thể thiếu cho cả các người mới cũng như những tay nhiếp ảnh nhiều năm kinh nghiệm hiện giờ.
Plugin Photoshop là các dụng cụ bổ trợ cho Photoshop, giúp quý khách thao tác 1 công tác tốc độ hơn và thỉnh thoảng là khiến hộ người dùng một đôi…1 vote -
arrows not working (left, up, right, down)
My navigation arrows aren't working for moving objects incrementally and using along with the shift key to make larger incremental movements of objects.
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Actually Fix Adobe Illustrator
It sucks how I'll be able to use Adobe Illustrator for a bit on my laptop (MacBook Air 13 inch Retina) then it crashes my entire laptop, it will freeze and my tabs would flicker really bad and at times part of my screen would go black while the other half is glitching, I downloaded the entire Creative Cloud to use for work not to sit around and get frustrated while trouble-shooting all of the problems with this application.
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Online collaboration please! Like google slides or google docs.
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Change of pixel dimension
When you want to change from resolution 800×480 to 1024×600, there is a slight difference in pixel dimension to retain circle shaped objects. So idea is that you are able to change pixel dimension and convert some files, instead of drawing new ones. For example-you have a circled object in some .ai file, where you have square pixels. If AI would allow to change pixel shape to rectangular, like 0,14 mm height and 0,15 mm width, or 0,148 mm,..., then it would fasten up things of making same graphic for different screen resolution with tool of pixel dimensions, instead of…
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Fix it so that it isn't so laggy and so that keyboard shortcuts work (on a Mac)
Fix Illustrator so that on a Mac the performance isn't so slow and laggy that I can count to 13 before menus drop down, and I end redoing so many things because the lag caused me to overclock. Keyboard shortcuts don't work either, 99% of the time. Used to be great software, but now it is almost unusable. It's lack of performance ate up at last 65% of my work time. It takes hours now because of lag time to do something that would have taken 30 minutes in vision 2018 and earlier. I have no lag or performance issues…
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Illustrator 2020 performance significantly slow/sluggish -
Sorry, can't recommend upgrade of 2020 to my colleagues. I work for a large Engineering firm and we have powerful computers. We have critical deadlines for Q4-2019 - Upgrading to 2020 will be a big mistake as it will cause delay to our projects and stress to the members .
Saving files takes too long, copying takes system long to process - pasting is fine. Adding text is ridiculously taking forever and it creates its own textbox size - It feels like going back to AI CS6.Suggest to review what you had for AI 2019- this was one of…
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transform again tool glitch
In Adobe Illustrator, I use the transform again tool a lot during my day to day and seemingly recently, it hasn’t been affecting live or outlined type* when it will affect any other regular object. Has anyone come across this on their own or know how to fix it? It will continue to transform the text if you scale up or down as well repeating moves but when scaling objects to certain sizes using the guides and then replicating the same growth on the text object doesn’t work.
I’ve tried ungrouping, releasing the compound path, tried intersecting the shapes, the…
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1 vote
Which problem? At the same time, if you were able to resolve it, why report. If it still bothers you — please tell more about it.
Suddenly Crashing and then Reopening with a Text Import Options pop up. Please fix. What is going on?
There are many instances mentioned on the web of illustrator file suddenly crashing and a text import options pop up appearing when you try to reopen. The file is then blank. It doesn't matter how many times you have saved it. There is nothing in layers. Please fix
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iCloud Compatibility
I was just at Apple the other day because my Macbook Pro (2018, running Mojave) kept crashing when I would open it from sleeping. They told me something in the Adobe App Suite was causing this to happen. So I uninstalled apps, then reinstalled them and it fixed the crashing upon waking issue.
However, when I tried to use Illustrator, it was very buggy, glitchy, would freeze up. I contacted support and they told me the only solution is to sign out of iCloud to use Illustrator. I don't even have any Adobe related files in my iCloud, but it…
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cannot be opened when mac is connected to the network
cannot be opened when mac is connected to the network
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We have around 30 iMac in college suite and Illustrator is running slow on all. Its not out network its a problem with Illustrator please fi
We have around 30 iMac in college suite and Illustrator is running slow on all. Its not out network its a problem with Illustrator please fix this issue urgently.
Kings Lynn College of West Anglia Media Department
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Help with bug fixes
I am having a ton glitches with Illustrator since going to 2019 CC. When I change the colors of simple shapes they turn transparent and disappear. Zooming and out sometimes makes them reappear but more often than not I have to quit Illustrator completely and reopen. Even then it typically does it again shortly after.
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programa concenaia pidor sozdal eio dont download her on your ******* computer please she will crash your computer
loh daun gey sozdal programku ebal vash rot
1 vote
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