Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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176 results found
Make Global Edit work with parts of compound shapes
When you use Direct/Group Selection tool and select a part of compound shape, that you know exist on canvas, you expect Global Edit to see them too and allow you to edit these copies simultaneously — but no, Illustrator does not recognize them.
Please finish Global Edit, it is not complete.9 votes -
Select non-default eGPU for hardware acceleration
We use external GPUs as provided to us by Apple in the External Graphics Development Kit and want to use these eGPUs instead of default GPUs built into the MacBooks.
9 votesWe have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience. -
Illustrator 2020 (version 24.0.3) for MACOS
Now Illustrator 2020 (version 24.0.3) doesn't use Apple Metal API. they just use OPENGL that means gpu performance are slower. why aren't they use Metal API? it's not faster than open gl api? It's very shame that they aren't using a metal api.
smooth. it's smooth because they are not using a apple ui framework. if they use apple ui framework it will run smooth and faster.
8 votes -
Purge clipboard
It would be good to have "Purge clipboard" command in order to prevent lagging after copying/cutting large amounts of data. Currently the best way is to draw a simple shape and cut that to the clipboard, which feels very dumb but does the job.
Or just somehow solve the lagging when the user has data on the clipboard :)8 votes -
Zoom in Option doesnt work through touch pad
Hello Team,
I use microsoft surface book 2 for designing and to zoom in and out from touchpad, i need to hold Alt key and zoom in/out. Please let me know, of there is a option to get rid of alt key and directly use pinch option in touchpad to zoom in/out.
Harsha.S7 votes -
Option to have Anchor and/or Control Points always visible in Preview and/or Outline modes
Sometimes it would be nice to see the anchor points of other objects, when drawing a new object. It would be nice if you could add an option to the outline mode that would not only show all lines but also every anchor point, no matter if the a path is selected or not.
7 votes -
Copy and paste with drag and right click mouse like CorelDRAW
I hope to see in illustrator copy and paste with (drag and right click mouse) like CorelDRAW
6 votes -
Allow to disable or enable center points for all or specific objects types on creation
With Area Type, if I use the text tool to highlight a word (for example, if I want to embolden the word), if I catch the centre point of the text box in the wrong way, Illustrator will assume that I want to create a new text box, which I don't. I know I can manually disable the centre point via the Attributes panel, but I need to set the centre point to OFF by default, and to my knowledge there is no way of doing this.
6 votes -
Connect/weld/glue points to another point/path
It whould help a lot if we can weld three or more ponits on illustrator and if a path can be welded on the middle of another line
6 votes -
Enable Content Aware Defaults is an All or Nothing option: split it
Checking the Enable Content Aware Defaults option in Preferences controls 3 features: Crop Image, Puppet Warp and Freeform Gradient. It would be nice to be able to turn them on/off individually. Now it is all or nothing.
6 votes -
Less bugs, better perfomance, less bloat: bring back your a team on Illustrator!
On the general course of Adobe (and especially Illustrator and XD)
- I've been defending Illustrator as a viable alternative to Sketch for screen design for years now within my team. But I am about to give up. Bugs and slow performance make it border unusable and make me look bad!
- Please put your A-team back on Illustrator (and give it the XD engine) OR move faster with XD (probably the wiser option).
- On XD: fantastic vector engine, but you guys are getting your *** kicked by Invision Studio (state-to-state hifi prototyping) and Figma (collaboration).Step it…
6 votes -
Clean, uncluttered interface
How about designing a user-friendly, intuitive vector app with a clean, uncluttered interface? You know, like Freehand used to be!
6 votes -
Adobe Please Update Image Trace
Totally understand the business aspects of focusing on tools which have the most users. However Image Trace appears stuck in a time warp, and not moving forward. May be stretching but with the AI, ML tools Image Trace should be far more capable than the current form. The inability to distinguish lines in an image is of concern. You should be able to draw more interest to take raster drawings to the next level with Illustrator. Has been almost 24 years when this was released. Definitely time to take to the next level.
5 votes -
There should be a way to Unlock All items in opacity masks
Stock agencies reject artworks if they have locked items in their opacity masks.
It means that these agencies probably have automated solutions to check for issues like that... meanwhile, Illustrator, the leading software to create vector artwork, has none.
The workaround would be to check each potential object manually, or use scripts that still have no chance to fully check the problem because of certain limitations.Basically we need a strong Preflight tools. There are some (like Vector Inspector Pro), but a native one could be faster and more efficient, if done correctly.
5 votes -
Illustrator CC 2019 after updating software says it ran out of memory
New version of Illustrator CC 2019 installed, but the software keeps crashing and says not enough RAM to open file or work on the file. But my MAC has enough RAM. ??
How can this be fixed?5 votes -
Assets Export - Good but could be better
The assets exporter is a good idea but:
1 - As name it takes the top-layer/group name. I have everything sorted in groups and what I need is in the 3rd level, thats the name and the layers I want to export as an assets, but is imposible right now.2- Why it works only dragging from the canvas? It would be SO good if we could drag them from the Layer tab, more handy.
3- Why the asset preview hide if you hide the layer/group? Makes no sense and makes it more confusing.
Those are so common sense things,…
5 votes -
Presentation screen mode
Add presentation screen mode, similar to InDesign
5 votesIllustrator today offers dedicated View > Presentation Mode
Animated Zoom for Mouse wheel
Please add the Animated Zoom function for the mouse wheel, now this can only be done using the "Z" key and the mouse movement. It is very inconvenient to scroll using alt + mouse wheel when the percentage of increase jumps from 66% to 100% in one turn of the mouse wheel. The trackpad on the macbook zooms very well, but it is not convenient to use. Add a switch to the "General" settings next to the scroll wheel " Use Animated Zoom to scroll with the mouse.
4 votes -
Add hotkey (key command) option for panel flyout menus
There are a number of (small) requests for specific items in flyout menus — I’d like to consolidate that, here, into a GENERAL request in the hopes that it will get a larger response. You may not care if Cmd-J (Ctr-J for PC folks) will duplicate a layer as in Photoshop, but maybe you want to be able to create a new swatch with the key press of your choice.
Hotkey users of the world, unite!
4 votes -
Force GPU use. Disable auto GPU > CPU performance.
Force GPU use. We need to disable auto GPU > CPU performance.
It's impressive to have a RTX4090 slept waiting for Illustrator CPU performance...
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?