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176 results found

  1. Make Illustrator multi threaded on CPU

    Illustrator performance is awful, its slow and lumbering at all but the most basic operations. It is bound to only a single cpu thread which is ridiculous now in an age of multi core and multi thread CPU's and it has been this way for many years. It cannot handle background tasks and is completely out of parity in function and performance with other Adobe software such as photoshop and inDesign.

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    Adobe Illustrator's Multithreading Journey Begins!


    Dear Illustrator Community,

    I'm thrilled to announce that we've embarked on an exciting journey to bring multithreading capabilities to Adobe Illustrator. This significant undertaking will enhance performance and responsiveness across various aspects of the application.

    While this is a complex process that will take some time to fully implement, I wanted to share our progress so far.

    Our Approach

    We've strategically begun by focusing on the most computationally intensive operations—those that typically take more time and block the main thread, resulting in slower response times while you work. By moving these operations to separate threads, we aim to significantly improve your overall experience with Illustrator.

    It's important to note that you may see more noticeable impact in some areas than others initially. However, we want to assure you that this is just the beginning, and we will continue this journey to bring improvements across…

  2. Keyboard shortcuts for Align/Distribute commands and 'Align to' modes

    I miss having keyboard shortcuts for align/distribute from my CorelDraw days. I'm a pro designer in a fast turnaround environment, and keyboard shortcuts are essential to my workflow.

    As far as I know, the numeric keypad isn't being used in Illustrator. My proposal is: Pressing 0 toggles between absolute to the artboard or relative to last item selected. Pressing 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 will perform the align .2 = bottom, 4 = left, 5 = centre, 6 = right, 8 = top. Additionally 7 = distribute horizontal, 9 = distribute vertical.

    Also, please copy the CorelDraw keyboard shortcut Tab…

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    The most recent version finally has the Object > Distribute menu added.

    Now both Align and Distribute commands can be accessed via menu and have assigned keyboards shortcuts to them.

    The order of the commands though seemingly matches the one the panel has: horizontal first for Align and vertical first for Distribute. If you find this odd and want to change it — vote here:

    Also, Align To and Distribute Spacing commands are still missing in top menus, so please keep voting here to make them added too.

  3. Illustrator for Android

    I was not being offhand Adobe when I replied "That will have to do."
    re: the Illustrator version for Android that we were discussing, I am hoping that the Android version of Illustrator will be as fully versatile as the PC version with just as much ability.

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  4. AI 2020 slow

    I am working on a 2017 iMac pro with an 18 core Intel Xeon W processor, 128 GB of 2666 MHz DDR4 memory and a Radeon Pro Vega 64 GPU (16 GB memory). I just (November 5, 2019) updated to AI 2020 and everything is significantly slower than the last version of AI 2019 (yes, GPU enhancement settings are on). I purchased AI CS because it had the GPU enhancement and it was 64-bit allowing me to work with the rather large vector images produced during my data analysis from spacecraft. However, this slow down is like going back to…

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  5. An ability to resize all selected objects to a specific size

    If you have multiple objects selected that range in size, say .5" to .75". they ability to select them all, then size them ALL to 2" and not just the first object to hit 2".

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  6. Reduce memory used and improve whole application performance speed.

    Improvement of whole application performance speed.
    Reduce the amount of memory used. (But keep a nimble performance)
    User thinks that performance improvement is the most important, but please do not correct it so that it will improve by using a lot of memory.

    Reasons :
    Recently, memory management has improved, but application crashes due to illegal memory access still occur.
    If the operation speed is slow, I think that work efficiency will be the most degraded.
    Reduction in time to start up and performance greatly affect all work.
    Not all users are using the new and high spec machines.

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  7. Display Performance Quality like InDesign (an image proxy capability for large images)

    It would be cool to be able to adjust the Display Performance (even if only on placed bitmaps) like InDesign (Fast Display / Typical Display / High Quality Display) in order to gain a performance boost.

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  8. Performance of overprint preview mode and GPU preview mode

    Hi Team,

    Im form a print and packaging industry.

    1. we frequent work in overprint preview mode but when we switch to overprint preview mode we feel death slowness in the illustrator performance and also checking for the seperation preview is also very slow.

    it take minimum of 3 to 8 second to zoom in the artwork

    1. some time in GPU preview mode we see a red strip above the rulers

    Please have a look at the snap shot for our system specifications

    and I use Illustrator V23.0.1

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  9. Add trackpad support for Windows / Surface devices (zoom, scroll, etc.)

    Windows Surface Book trackpads have little to no gesture support. It's incredibly annoying. Please add pinch to zoom, two finger scrolling, etc.. The same functionality you would expect on a macbook would be great.

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  10. GPU performance is not working properly

    GPU performance should improve efficiency when drawing complex objects, but the behavior has been delayed since CC 2018 (version 22).

    The file created in CC 2015.3 (version 20) is test sample.
    If you select a created object and move it with the mouse, the result will be completely different.

    2015.3 / 2017: Drawing delay does not occur when GPU performance is ON
    2018 / 2019 / 2020: GPU performance ON causes drawing delay, OFF is faster

    The confirmed environment is Windows 10 1909 + Intel Core i7-6700HQ + GeForce GTX 950M.
    In addition, although it is another data, the delay…

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  11. Please add Control keys and f13 to f19 keys support to add shortkeys and actions on mac.

    Please add Support for control key and f13 to f19 keys to add as keyboard shortcut keys or actions on mac. It will really increase productivity and speed for power user instead of clicking or use already assigned function keys.

    Hope you will add this feature in coming update.

    Cheers :)

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  12. Better handling huge images in clipboard

    When I cut huge images, AI literally puts them in clipboard and it takes minutes to complete and sometimes crashes AI.

    But I usually do this only to immediately paste them in front/back of other objects, to make desired order.
    AI don't have commands in Layers palette like 'Move in front/back of selected objects', so this is almost the only way to achieve this.
    Dragging selected objects (including images) within Layers palette is very incovinient, because I don't know exactly where targeted object is located there (but I can clearly see it on page).
    I also can cut image from…

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  13. Custom templates / presets should not be stored in the application folder

    Custom templates, etc. should not have to be stored in the application folder... which means I'm throwing away user-generated documents when I upgrade the app.

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  14. An ability to disable Text to Vector Graphic feature and any other generative options

    I'd like to be able to turn off the new feature for "text to vector graphic (beta)" if possible.

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  15. Mark starting points and directions for paths

    We know nothing about where a closed path starts and which direction it has.
    We can cheat it and apply an arrowhead or a brush to see that, but perhaps you just should mark the first points of paths with something else than a square? Like a triangle?
    Come on, look at Corel Draw, look at Affinity Designer!

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  16. Background Export (not save)

    Ai now can save documents in background (partially, but still) — it saves a lot of time.
    InDesign, on the other hand, can export in background (well, some file types).

    What if exporting process go in background too, leaving Ai unlocked?

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  17. Please help ALL Adobe CC products load 2x sooner, run 2x faster, and use 0.5x the memory...

    It is clear, by running applications of other vendors on the same PC, that my PC is running fast and smooth. That is for all vendors, except Adobe. Although Adobe CC products are great in my eyes, they take a LONG time to load, have huge delays when switching tools or workflows, and use large amounts of memory on my Task Manager. If the overall speed of everything could be doubled, and the amount of memory used could be halved, then we would be in the right ball-park, performance wise.

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  18. Alt + Cancel Button will Reset to Default Settings

    Click Alt + Cancel button will Reset settings to their defaults - specifically in "Transform Each" command ,I use this Command on a regular Basis where it has many Fields to be set to their default every time.

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  19. Find color in artwork button in Recolor Artwork advanced dialog is useless when the object is too small

    There is a button in Recolor Artwork dialog to fade all other colors but a clicked one, the rightmost button with a magnifier below the Current Colors list.
    This fade does little help when the object with the chosen color is too small on the canvas, like in a complex illustration.
    Zooming to these can be a solution, but it won't help if there are many of these specs with the color, so perhaps these objects should be highlighted with a flash of edges or in some other dynamic way to help to locate them.

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  20. Illustrator Macos

    Currently Illustrator ues lots of system memory and .performance wise it's not optimized on mac, it doesn't use metal api. why in the world adobe not use metal api... now adobe need to optimize on mac to run faster and doesn't need lots of ram .

    I want metal api, run faster open faster ... still slow on imac pro

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