Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4553 results found
When entering colour values Illustrator searches your currently open swatch book for the same values.
So for example if you are doing a CMYK colour, once you've put in the values it comes up with a "suggested swatch" option that has the same values or even suggests swatches with similar/close values.
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Export for Screens: Option to include file- and artboard-name automatically.
Ok the "Export for Screen" option is kind of nice, however it takes far too long to set everything up....
- The areas to type in are far too small.
- Automation is week a. where can define that all images will get the file name of the original *.AI file. b. why does it keep the old folder location? Set an option to export is where the original *.AI-file is located. c. Where are some presets? Wouldn't it be awesome to have some user-defined presets? It would be.
- The images are to small
- There are to many clicks, like when I…
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Text moves when adjusting an applied Text Effect...
When you apply Arc (or any other text effect) to text, then adjust the percentage of Arc, the text moves up. You have to reposition the text to where it was... Inconvenient when you're trying to warp the text around an existing object. Would be ideal if the text would stay in place when the effect is adjusted.
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Allow dragging multiple selected layers from one file to another
Allow dragging multiple selected layers from one Illustrator file to another (as in Photoshop) w/o exporting them or needing to depend on Paste Remember Layers, but let the drag behavior drop the layered artwork into the other file with a Paste in Place feature.
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Don't snap to where I'm dragging from.
Even when I turn on snapping, if I drag an object away from it's location, I want the object to not end up in it's old location. Otherwise I would not have started dragging it.
Therefore, stop making the original location available a snap target. As a movement / cardinal direction target, sure. Not as a "return to where you're from" target, this makes no sense.
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Double-click of text should not select trailing space on macOS
On macOS, When using double-click to select a word in a text object, Illustrator is also selecting any trailing space. That is a common Windows behavior, but shouldn't be that way on macOS. Double-click should just select a the word (no surrounding whitespace).
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Fix synch with Google Drive
Fix the software to be able to save files to Google Drive. Currently if I save over an existing file hosted on Google Drive the new version does not save (if I quit the software, then try and open the file, only the original save/creation file loads, not the most recent version, which results in the loss of work).
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Shut the blue survey pop up!
We paid so much for monthly subscription, and this is what we get? I searched all over the web, and there's no way to shut this thing off? Are you kidding me? The adobe softwares are getting more ******. What are the engineers doing anyway? CS6 works a hundred times better than this.
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Creative Cloud Documents - File Management
I think one of the most important facilities for making good use of Cloud Docs will be document management. I have been extremely frustrated by the total lack of such features in the recent Document Open interface, which just lists some very small number of recent docs, without any consideration of folders, projects, clients, or other important organizational features. The OS provides us with hierarchical folders that can do a fairly good job of organizing the dozens (sometimes hundreds) of files on a project or for a client, but without some facilities for that purpose, I can see the proliferation…
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"Use preview bounds" option in stroke panel
Please add the "use preview bounds" option not only available in the presets, but also in the stroke panel (e.g. with a checkmark) to make it easier to switch it on / off. That would make icon design much faster.
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Set artboard rearrange for document so when artboards are duplicated they automatically go to the next line versus getting the error.
Set artboard rearrange for document so when artboards are duplicated they automatically go to the next line versus getting the error "Cannot create Artboard outside of the canvas. Please rearrange and try again. How about that feature automatically rearranges the next artboard to follow your preferences (direct down for example).
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Relink all images, using the 2nd page of the pdf to be replaced.
Hello everyone! I'm having a problem that takes me a lot of time. I need to make relinks of several (many) images. Usually these images are .pdf and have 2 pages. Is it possible to be able to relink all images simultaneously, using the second page of the .pdf?
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Save as multiple files in AI format
Only me who wants to save multiple files, in AI-format, from one document full of many pages? As it is today one can only check "Use pages" and choose page numbers if format EPS, PDF and SVG is picked. I find AI better to import into After Effects than EPS. That's why I want to save multiple files in AI format. Haven't tried SVG though... does SVG work in After Effects?
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Export screenshot of artboard to clipboard
A common part of my workflow is to take a screenshot of my work, which saves the screenshot to the clipboard, and then I paste it in an email or chat window for others to comment on. It's faster than exporting the document. However, it still takes a second to click and drag the screenshot area.
I would like a feature (with a keyboard shortcut) to make a low-res PNG of the artboard (about as big as the view on my screen, i.e a screenshot) and save it to the clipboard for easy sharing.
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Add the ability to see recently inserted glyphs.
Please add a way to see recently used glyphs in the glyphs panel. Something similar to the bottom row of Microsoft Office's "insert symbol" panel. It would be nice if there was a toggle to switch between those glyphs most recently inserted with the Illustrator app regardless of which .ai file they were inserted into and all of the glyphs that have been inserted into the current .ai file (ideally regardless of who inserted them to enable better collaboration).
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recorte de Imagen - mejorar funcionalidad
Crop Image Function
Sería interesante contar con controles flotantes cuando se hace uso de la herramienta de Crop Image porque uno hace uso de la misma con los márgenes activos de corte pero luego debe confirmar el recorte haciendo clic en boton ubicado en la barra de las propiedades de la la herramienta, generando así una distracción en su uso y pérdida de tiempo.
Además la herramienta de corte todavía no es inteligente al sugerir cortes y todo el tiempo se debe volver a ajustar el recorte.
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3D software of Adobe !!!??
As Adobe has no 3D Software, How many years after Adobe will Produce a Extremely Powerful 3D software more than MAYA, CINEMA 4D ???
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Ignore Groups and Clipping Masks
I lost about a Year of My Life double-clicking on objects within a group, inside of clipping masks. A less repetitive and MUCH faster way would be an option to "Ignore Groups and Clipping Masks" (i.e holding some key while clicking).
The option would temporarily (select-wise) treat grouped and clipped objects as normal objects, allowing direct click on an object through a clipping mask and ignoring groups. An "If you can see it, you can click on it!" approach for instant color and other adjustments.
This alone would speed up the workflow and, combined with wireframe view, it would be…
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CorelDRAW-like node behavior: intuitive select/deselect, maintain shape when deleting a node, two-sided handles.
Years ago, the most painful switch from CorelDRAW (10) to Illustrator (5.5, then CC) was the bezier drawing behavior. I have no experience with newer versions of CorelDRAW, but I'm assuming they behave similarly to v10.
1. CorelDRAW required fewer clicks to select, manipulate and deselect nodes and the lines they live on. Also, the switch between the normal and direct selection tools (white and black arrows in AI) could be done without returning to the tools menu.
2. When a node was deleted in CorelDRAW, the software "did the math" and maintained the overall shape (when possible). That's very…3 votes -
Allow to snap to middles of straight and curved segments in paths
So, I created a square, changed the line brush with something else, and then cut the 4 corners with scissor tool. Then, if I select the add anchor point tool, and click in the EXACT MIDDLE of the newly created line (which I cut from the square), it will not allow me to do so. It's just saying you only can add anchor point on the path line.
please help me adobe...
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?